In the second issue of "China Star Jump", the three goddesses 10-meter platform shocked the audience.

  Killer, the actress’s first jump in the 10m —— As the first contestant, Killer, a natural female voice, made her competitors fidgety when she started to jump. She directly stepped onto the 10m platform with her back to the pool, and the difficulty rose to another level. After almost flawless falling into the water, Killer became the first person in all diving programs.

Olympic stars are unwilling to be lonely and play in the entertainment circle after retirement.

  Sohu Olympic star retired, but not out of our sight. In recent years, it is not uncommon for Olympic stars to retire and switch to the entertainment industry. Before they get rid of the aura of Olympic champions, they have become "newcomers" in the entertainment industry with a special identity, and they have turned around in a gorgeous way, which is dizzying and they have attracted much attention. Just stepped off the sports scene and stepped on the stage, what about their development in the entertainment circle?

"Baby" in the eyes of advertisers

  Liu Xuan: Undoubtedly, he is a successful "crab eater".

  From a sports star to an entertainment star, Xuan Meiren is undoubtedly a successful "crab eater". At present, she is switching freely between the entertainment circle and the sports circle with a healthy and positive image, playing a single, playing a TV series, being a host, being a referee and making constant announcements.

  Liu Xuan, who won the gymnastics balance beam gold medal for China for the first time at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, also drew a full stop for her gymnastics career. Surprisingly, after retiring, she quickly made a "Golden Avenue" in the film and television circle. Over the past few years, she has taken over many film and television works, such as The Ultimate Goal, My Beautiful Homesickness, My Father and I, and successfully created a distinctive character with her love for acting and good acting skills. She is considered by the industry to be very talented in acting, and therefore she has become a "treasure" in the eyes of some film and television crews and advertisers. For a long time, many crews have sought her for filming, and many advertisers have sought her endorsement. In last year’s "Great Fame", the fresh combination of Liu Xuan and Pu Shu won the title in one fell swoop, which also showed us Liu Xuan’s specialty in singing.

  It is worth mentioning that, with the popularity and healthy and positive image gradually accumulated in recent years, Liu Xuan, who has successfully transformed into an entertainment star, is highly praised by the industry: "Liu Xuan, a sports and entertainment star who is both entertaining and not vulgar and not gossiping, is expected to open up a road for sports stars to be a film and television singer in addition to being a coach, an official and doing business, and become a talented female star."

"Shiny" Tian Liang enters entertainment.

  Tian Liang: It is no accident that Tian Liang and but with graces granted by heaven and not to be concealed entered entertainment.

  Tian Liang was born with a handsome appearance and star temperament, so it was no accident that he turned to entertainment. Although he has set foot in the entertainment circle, so far no film and television drama has come out. Even so, Tian Liang has earned many advertising opportunities for himself with his healthy image, and his high exposure will still make his figure appear in our sight.

  Tian Liang experienced the most in 2007. From an Olympic champion to an entertainment rookie, he not only did not fade out of our sight, but created a "Tian Liang effect". Since he announced his retirement, his every move has received attention, his post-retirement dynamics, his smooth development in the entertainment industry, his rumored girlfriend and so on, all of which have become topics of discussion. Even getting married can make the national media crazy and scramble to report.

  Recently, Tian Liang is filming his first TV series "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl", and plays the role of Cowherd. Under the arrangement of the crew, Tian Liang also listened to the teacher of Beijing Film Academy invited by the crew about performance. He listened to the teacher with an open mind and taught him how to perform, and sometimes imitated his lines. It seems that Tian Liang really put a lot of effort into playing the role of Cowherd.

Enter Phoenix TV as the host.

  Mo Huilan: The former Olympic champion is in charge today.

  Mo Huilan, who is cheerful and lively, has been called "21st century" by the International Sports Federation and named as "Mo-style somersault" on uneven bars.

  She retired in 1997 and was admitted to the journalism department of Renmin University of China in September 1998. In 1999, he served as a special correspondent for Tianjin TV Station for the 43rd World Gymnastics Championships. In 2000, he served as the special host of the 27th Olympic Games for Beijing TV Station, and since October 2001, he has served as the host of Phoenix TV’s China Olympic Tour Program. Successfully entering Phoenix TV is the best affirmation of her ability.

The sonorous rose is still beautiful after the storm.

  Sang Lan: After the storm, the rainbow starry sky presided over the continuation of the Olympic dream.

  Sang Lan once enjoyed the reputation of "vault champion" in China Gymnastics Team, and won many honors. However, she accidentally missed the vault in goodwill games, new york in 1998, and became paralyzed in a few seconds. However, she did not choose to be depressed, but accepted the challenge of fate calmly and always insisted on realizing her Olympic dream in her own way.

  With her hard work and strength, this sunny girl conquered countless people with a "Sang Lan smile". She once admitted: "Sports and entertainment are not separated." Sang Lan not only joined Star TV and became the host of Sang Lan 2008, but also opened her sports commentary column in many media. Nowadays, more and more people begin to recognize her performance.

A new star under the flash

  Sang Xue: A New Life of Music under the Flash.

  After retiring, Sang Xue immediately entered the entertainment circle. Because of his star appearance and good sound quality, Sang Xue released his first single "Wounded Snow" last year, and then recorded "Hi" and "Perfect Moment". At the same time, Sang Xue has been invited to participate in a series of large-scale parties as an Olympic champion for many times. At present, Sang Xue has also participated in a new round of fame of Hunan Satellite TV.

  The indissoluble bond between the diving industry and the entertainment industry in China is getting closer and closer. With the famous players such as Tian Liang and Guo Jingjing stepping into the entertainment industry one after another, many divers, including Sang Xue, seem to be planning their life after retirement. Perhaps, the flash is their next choice.

Editor: Xu Guimei