Nongfu Spring is not as good as tap water?

  On the one hand, China Resources Yibao encountered a PH test strip, and on the other hand, Nongfu Spring was accused of being "not as good as tap water". The "two bottles of water" with growing grievances finally broke out in a full-scale "water battle" at the turn of this spring and summer. Recently, the war of words and words between the two sides is not enough, and the next battle will be in court.

  Nongfu Spring is negative and frequent, blame Yibao

  In the past month, Nongfu Spring has been exposed to mildew in bottled natural water, black unknown objects, brown floating objects, garbage siege in the water source, and different colors of the same batch of products. On April 10, another "industry insider" broke the news that Nongfu Spring’s standard is not as good as tap water.

  This series of quality disturbances has raised questions about Nongfu Spring. On April 11, Nongfu Spring finally couldn’t help but jump out and issue a statement, directly accusing the series of reports against Nongfu Spring of being deliberately planned, hidden behind the scenes is the state-controlled drinking water company, China Resources Yibao. In fact, when the water source of Nongfu Spring was exposed to garbage siege, Nongfu Spring pointed out that "this matter was done by a competitor", but did not directly name the competitor at that time.

  Observing the series ** publicity actions ** Yibao in recent times, it seems that there is "suspicion". After March 15 this year, China Resources Yibao once cooperated with a large portal website to launch the special topic ** "The Sadness ** Drinking Water in China", and published the same content advertisement in elevators and other channels. It listed all the water pollution incidents in China in the past 10 years, and then pointed out that "Do you still dare to drink the water transported by nature?" The target pointed to the well-known Nongfu ****** advertising slogan – "Nature’s Porter". The relevant website has now removed the topic. Since then, in the process ** Nongfu ****** being exposed to the pollution problem ** the water source ** the Danjiangkou, the figure ** China Resources Yibao has also emerged. On April 9, Yibao held a press conference in *******, the main content ** which was the responsibility ** drinking water enterprises to protect water sources and the need for water sources to meet drinking water standards.

  In its statement, Nongfu Spring also listed "criminal evidence" of Yibao, as competitors in Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and other places have hired people to distribute leaflets attacking Nongfu Spring to retail stores and consumers door-to-door.

  More interestingly, there was a speculation circulating in the industry that Nongfu Spring’s recent troubles were similar to the way it had attacked its competitors in the past. Coincidentally, one of Nongfu Spring’s executives had moved to China Resources Yibao…

  However, Li Kai, the marketing director of China Resources Yibao, told reporters that he denied all kinds of speculation from the outside world, saying that the company would not do anything that violates fair competition.

  Yibao retorted, and a scolding war broke out

  Nongfu Spring has set off the climax of this round of war of words since the 11th, and released 17 long Weibo in a row in just 6 days from the 11th to the 16th.

  Moreover, Nongfu Spring is not satisfied with the theory of "naming", but also poses a posture of death and destruction. The official Weibo of Nongfu Spring has publicly recruited no less than 5,000 people, "to go to Bunongfu Spring and China Resources Yibao, which uses tap water as its water source, to compare the quality of all water sources, factories and products."

  Citizen Mr. Liu told reporters that he had forwarded the above-mentioned Weibo and had received a private message invitation from the official Weibo of Nongfu Spring on the 16th.

  This move made China Resources Yibao furious. At 1 noon on April 12, the official Weibo of China Resources Yibao posted a message: "People are not sages, who can be wrong! If you can change it, you can’t be good. ‘This is the case in life, and even more so in business! Advise a certain enterprise to be responsible to consumers and have the courage to take responsibility. Instead of the disaster moving eastward and grabbing the disaster on others!" Weibo. Although this Weibo did not specify the target, it was unanimously regarded by the outside world as a call to Nongfu Spring.

  In fact, China Resources Yibao has been holding back its breath for a long time. On March 22 this year, "International Water Day", Nongfu Spring was witnessed to do a demonstration of the pH value of bottled water at several major subway entrances in Guangzhou, and the bottled water for consumers to compare was Yibao. In the consumer sourcing activity held by Nongfu Spring every year, Yibao was also present at the pH value test site of different brands to be demonstrated by the example sign.

  "Yibao has always been annoyed by the practice of testing Nongfu Spring Water, and it is not impossible to fight back for this matter," a person close to Yibao told reporters. Regarding the recent statement of Nongfu Spring, the relevant person in charge of China Resources Yibao said that this is the usual method of Nongfu Spring. Once there is negative news, it depends on competitors, and before Wahaha and Master Kang. However, the person did not respond positively to Nongfu Spring’s suggestion that consumers were invited to visit the Yibao factory.

  After being ridiculed by the official Weibo of China Resources Yibao, the official Weibo of Nongfu Spring quickly responded: "As a state-owned holding enterprise and a listed company, if China Resources Yibao dares to do it, it must dare to admit it, and maintain the moral bottom line of the enterprise in the hearts of the people. Don’t have the courage to do it, but don’t have the courage to admit it." And used a long Weibo to post a batch of online screenshots, leaflets and other pictures to prove that the series of incidents encountered by the company were carried out by China Resources Yibao.

  Since then, the public war between the two major bottled water giants in China has intensified.

  Yibao sued Nongfu Spring for reputation infringement

  On April 13, China Resources Yibao released an open letter to all China Resources Yibao people, in which it stated that for the deliberate attacks of certain companies, the company will retaliate or use legal weapons to protect itself when appropriate, and also ask employees not to go into muddy waters.

  On the same day, the media reporters received a "100,000 whys of Nongfu Spring" from the marketing director of Yibao: It is said that Qiandao Lake is the tap water source of Chun’an County, Danjiangkou is the tap water source of Danjiangkou citizens, and Wanlv Lake is the power source of Guangdong Xinfengjiang Hydropower Station. What kind of water source is Nongfu Spring? The water sources of Nongfu Spring are deep lake water, deep reservoir water, self-swimming spring, mountain spring water, groundwater… No matter what kind of water, it implements the local standard of natural water in Zhejiang Province. May I ask why? Yibao implements the national unified standard no matter where it is produced. May I ask Nongfu Spring, how can you feel?!

  In this regard, Nongfu Spring said it was "ridiculous", and the quality of Nongfu Spring was much higher than national standards, industry standards and local standards.

  Facts have proved that China Resources Yibao did what it said. On the afternoon of the 16th, China Resources Yibao confirmed in a notice to reporters that the company had filed a lawsuit against Nongfu Spring with the People’s Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, which was officially accepted by the court on April 15, 2013.

  The report said that recently, through its official Weibo, Nongfu Spring has claimed that the relevant reports of its own product quality problems recently disclosed by the media are deliberately planned by China Resources Yibao, and that China Resources Yibao uses the public’s panic about food safety and environmental pollution as a marketing tool.

  "The above false statements have not only been widely reposted through social media, but have also been continuously reported by major mainstream media and portal websites across the country, causing serious damage to China Resources Yibao’s reputation, business reputation and commodity reputation." Yibao said that according to the provisions of the civil law, it believes that Nongfu Spring’s behavior has constituted an infringement of China Resources Yibao’s reputation rights and should bear the legal liability for infringement according to law.

  The notice said that it believes in the public and the law will give Yibao a "just result", adding that any company’s actions to infringe on the reputation of competitors will not be successful, and it is not allowed by law. The notice reiterated that the company has firmly opposed, is and will not use illegal means to participate in market competition.

  As of press time, Nongfu Spring’s spokesperson, Mr. Wu, had not responded to the company’s lawsuit against China Resources Yibao, or even did not answer the phone. The official Weibo of Nongfu Spring, which has issued frequent statements to the public in recent days, also said nothing about this.

  Nongfu Spring pinched his peers and pinched the media

  The reporter noticed that since China Resources Yibao issued an open letter to take up legal weapons, the focus ** public opinion on Nongfu ****** has begun to shift. Nongfu ******’s subsequent statements did not name names and China Resources Yibao, but focused on clarifying water quality standards. Instead, they were pinned on the ******* Times.

  The **ficial Weibo ** Nongfu ****** has published several water quality monitoring reports, and the ******* Times, which has repeatedly "named" and questioned its water safety, even released a harsh message on Weibo on the 15th: "You can’t run away, and don’t even think about running."

  In response, "******* Times **ficial Weibo" posted a response on the morning ** the 16th, "In front ** the standard, you can’t run away, and don’t even think about running away." Since the dispute over product standards appeared in the newspapers, Nongfu ****** first accused competitors ** smearing, and then cursed the media for ignorance, but refused to give a tenable reason on the standard issue. Instead, he avoided the reality and repeatedly emphasized that "product quality" is higher than the national standard.

  Subsequently, the **ficial Weibo ** Nongfu ****** issued a "four-fold" ******* Times "Weibo, and posted a" Fourth Statement ** Nongfu ****** "signed on April 16 in the form ** a long Weibo. The content said:" Nongfu ****** products are comprehensively better than GB5749-2006 national tap water standards, ** which 21 indicators are 12-1000 times better than the national standard. Nongfu ****** compared with a full set ** 106 test indicators and 31 internal control indicators, a total ** 137 test reports were fully released. We hope that after the ******* Times sees the test report, should it feel, is your journalistic moral conscience still there? " Nongfu ****** insists that the quality ** the product is higher than any existing drinking water standards in the country, and it is also better than the current tap water standards. The arsenic and cadmium levels in the product are below the detection limit, and the levels are too low to be detected. Mold and yeast are also not detected.

  The Beijing Times V17 published two blogs in a row: one is "to be more serious about water standards and pay attention to the right to health"; the other is "I don’t know why Nongfu Spring doesn’t cooperate with normal interviews?!" The Beijing Times pressed Nongfu Spring: Why did companies abandon higher national standards with universal significance and choose lower local standards?

  At the same time, it was disclosed that the reporter contacted Wu Chaochao, a staff member of the Media Department of Nongfu Spring, and sent an interview outline as required. After that, he repeatedly dialed his phone, but the other party did not answer and did not receive any response.

  Our reporter found that since April 16, Wu Chaochao, who is responsible for media communication, has not answered the reporters’ calls.

  Southern Daily reporters, Zhou Zhao and Zhao Binghui

  Reporter observation

  Don’t pretend to be an ostrich in case of trouble in Nongfu Spring

  Pretending to be an ostrich and burying your head in the sand can only deceive yourself. However, it is impossible for you not to look up, open your eyes, or face the objective world for the rest of your life. The problem has to be solved. When everyone pays attention to you, they all prick up their ears and wait to hear your explanation. You don’t want a good opportunity to clarify. When you wait for your spirit to practice your lines and plan to give a speech, I am afraid that there will be no interested audience.

  Nongfu Spring released five test data on total arsenic, cadmium, selenium, nitrate and bromate in bottled water produced by multiple factories on the 14th. However, from the response, Nongfu Spring only said in general that "third-party testing agencies provide testing data." As for who the "third party" is, Nongfu Spring has not made it public. According to media reports, Nongfu Spring has commissioned the Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision and Testing Institute to test its products, but the test data is significantly different from the data released by Nongfu Spring on the 14th. Such an important test, but not telling which agency tested it, will inevitably weaken the persuasiveness of its data. You sell drinking water, not train tickets, and you can’t say "believe it or not, I believe it" to consumers across the country and send people away.

  A responsible enterprise should strictly implement national, local, and relevant industry standards, even the most stringent one, and at the same time mark the product packaging as required. Since Nongfu Spring’s products are of high quality, leaving behind the national standard eight streets, why not mark the national standard on the product packaging generously? There is no need to choose a place with the lowest requirements and post the standard everywhere to attract people’s dislike.

  Enterprises can’t just talk about being responsible to consumers. In action, they must first take consumers seriously and answer every question of "God" seriously and sincerely.

  Zhou Zhao

(Source: Southern Daily)

Sales have plummeted by nearly 40%, and NIO’s hope of turning around is already slim?

On May 1, NIO announced its sales for April. The domestic leading new force only delivered 6,658 new cars in April, a decrease of nearly 40% compared to March. In contrast, 25,681 new cars were sold at the same average price above 330,000, and 8,101 new cars were sold at JK. That is to say, NIO is not only no longer the top seller of new forces, but even failed miserably in the battle at the same price.

In early April, Li Bin said in an interview that if this year’s work is not good, 24 years will become another 19 years, that is, NIO may have to "return" to the ICU again. Judging from the current situation, this time may be further advanced.

What was the problem with NIO? Why did the new power, which was still in full swing in the past two years, suddenly fall into crisis? Let Kung Fu Car take everyone to take a look.

(1) The more models are sold, the fewer cars are sold

NIO has never been a brand that takes volume. As early as 2014, when the NIO brand was established, the slogan shouted was to represent domestic high-end electric vehicles to participate in global competition. But if there is no volume at all, the brand will be difficult to survive.

In December 2017, ES8 was launched, ES6 was launched in December 2018, and EC6 was launched in July 2020. NIO has completed the preliminary product layout. The three cars together can contribute about 10,000 units of sales per month, which was very moist at that time.

What’s more impressive is that NIO has "almost" achieved its goal. As an independent brand, its average transaction price exceeds 400,000 yuan, which is comparable to Mercedes-Benz and BMW, and far exceeds Audi. This result is also very scary. You know, this is a brand that has only been born for a few years, and it can be said that the sky is its limit.

But NIO’s subsequent performance was a big surprise. Since 2021, NIO’s new speed has accelerated significantly. ET7, ES7, ET5, EC7 have been listed successively, and old models such as ES6 and ES8 have also been rejuvenated. As a new force, NIO has seven models on sale simultaneously, but the monthly sales are only poor more than 6,000, which is very disappointing. As a comparison, the ideal three cars sell more than 20,000 per month, and the Tengshi (Parameter Shu Picture) sells more than 10,000 a car, and the polar krypton single model sells more than 8,000.

In the case of such a fragile brand, the "car sea tactics" are enough to show that NIO is casual in product definition. I talked to a former NIO engineer before, and he said that NIO’s approach is that the supervisor swings his arm and has no brains to start.

There is no clear definition before the project starts, and then there are more and more problems, and finally it is a work in progress or marginalized product when it is delivered to the market.

This approach will work in the "early days of entrepreneurship" in the future. For example, when ES8 first came out, although many functions were not opened. But because there are not many decent competitors at the same price, it sells well. But at this moment, in today’s highly invaded market, it is undoubtedly a great waste of resources to push new ones at will.

ET7, as a flagship sedan, is a front-drive platform, and ET5, as an entry-level model, is a rear-drive platform. The non-flagship ES7 entered the second-generation platform and lidar early, killing the "aging" ES8 in one fell swoop, but there is no market at all because of pricing issues. Such a slapstick operation is not uncommon here at NIO.

There is a saying that Li Bin and Qin Lihong are both liberal arts students, which makes them often do not make careful inferences and reviews when it comes to market layout, and are more willing to make emotional choices. On the one hand, this has created NIO’s unique humanistic temperament, but on the other hand, it has also caused the current chaos.

(2) The LeTV model is unsustainable. Is power exchange really the future?

Last year, NIO’s financial situation was already very bad. In 2022, NIO’s net loss for the whole year was 14.4371 billion yuan, of which 5.786 billion yuan was lost in the fourth quarter alone.

What is NIO’s response? At the same time as announcing the 2022 annual report, NIO said that 1,000 replacement stations will be built in 2023, and 500kW ultra-fast charging will be deployed "incidentally".

Why does NIO do this? In fact, it is to exchange services for the market. Compared to doing battery research and development, or building a battery production line. The return on investment ratio of power exchange services is immediate, at least the power station is actually increased. Tesla’s 4680 battery has cost a lot of money, and it has not been mass-produced for three years. If such investment is replaced by a power station, at least there is a real physical site. This is considered a major highlight of NIO. After all, for many users, power exchange is indeed very practical.

At the same time, NIO is "immune" to all price wars. No matter how Tesla and BYD are involved, NIO always insists on not reducing prices, which safeguards the interests of regular customers to the greatest extent.

But the crux of the problem is that today’s tram technology is becoming more and more mature, and the battery life is also constantly improving. When the actual battery life of high-end trams exceeds 500km, the added value brought by power replacement has become lower and lower.

At this time, consumers may pay more attention to the benefits. After all, the B-class ET5 sells more than 300,000, and the C-class Feifan F7 only sells 210,000, and the service seems to be less important.

In order to promote power exchange, NIO adopts the typical "LeTV model". The power exchange business is independent and placed outside the listed company, and then the power exchange business is continuously subsidized through the listed money. This seems "seamless", but as the NIO customer base continues to expand, the resources occupied by power exchange are also increasing, which will eventually feed back to the car price, that is, the price of NIO cannot be lowered.

That is to say, regardless of whether the battery is replaced or not, NIO’s users will eventually have to pay for this business. This is not a problem when sales increase, because doubled users can share these costs equally. But when NIO’s sales do not rise but fall, how can new car owners support the existing huge car owner base?

(3) To have faith, we must also look at the product

In the past few years, NIO could be said to be buying cars and giving away "Moments". There were NIO owners around Kung Fu Cars, and they were truly proud of their cars. They were very proud of NIO’s various activities and praised NIO’s various services.

But NIO should also realize that while this segment of consumers is important, they are far from the whole market. Most ordinary users still want high-quality and affordable models.

Not long ago, NIO launched the power station swap wish list function on the NIO App, where consumers participate in recommending the location of the power station. This may seem like a very "democratic" approach, but it may not be a good choice for the market. The location of the power station should be like opening a store, and "professional" choices should be made according to the local flow of people and the layout of the supplementary facilities, so as to ensure the interests of more car owners, not just the car owners to "vote".

The layout of products and technologies must be based on "professionalism", not emotion. Just like talking to the ideal engineer before about why the ideal doesn’t make cars, he replied that because the ideal customers at this stage are mainly family users, and the space of cars is difficult to meet, so he does not consider highlighting car products for the time being; when talking to the JK technicians about product definition, they said that it is not easy to break the game as a latecomer, and finally chose a relatively niche and the demand is not small.

To put it bluntly, if the market is already very crowded, as a latecomer to enter, there is a high probability that it will be cannon fodder. If there are still some gaps in the market, companies have a chance, provided that the price and positioning are appropriate in all aspects.

In a situation where all opponents are highly nervous, NIO’s careless market play, although it does seem to be a light weight, is inevitably gradually thrown away.

(4) Kung Fu shooting

In 2019, NIO was on the verge of bankruptcy because it could not raise money, and later Hefei City’s investment of 7 billion yuan saved it. I never thought that in this short two or three years, NIO would have to put himself in the "ICU" again, which has to be sighed.

Not long ago, Li Bin came out to reassure investors, saying that NIO was currently urgently saving itself, focusing on the four major fields of chips, mobile phones, sub-brands, and batteries. I don’t know if investors heard it or not. At least in Li Bin’s opinion, NIO’s product and technology layout is fine, so what kind of changes can be expected to be made.

Combined with the dilemma of Weimar, perhaps the entrepreneurial path of the first generation of new forces is about to be turned over.

2024 Beijing Auto Show: The Great Wall made great efforts to launch the cannon!

  [car home New Car Launches] At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, we saw the Great Wall Dalilun gun model at the booth. This model is composed of Shanhaipao+Shanhaiju+exclusive car stickers, and it is an exclusive model customized for online celebrity "Dalilun loves spinach".

Home of the car

Home of the car

  "Dalilun Gun" is customized and built based on the performance version of Shanhai Gun. As an innovative masterpiece of leisure products for the Great Wall Gun, Shanhai Gun Performance Edition is built on the tank platform, equipped with a 3.0T V6 engine and a Hi4-T plug-in hybrid system, with a vertical 9AT transmission, and comes standard with Borgwarner 4A+MLOCK intelligent four-wheel drive and front and rear axle electronically controlled differential locks.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  "Dalilun Gun" not only continues the existing product strength of the performance version of Shanhai Gun, but also adds equipment that young people like, such as Shanhaiju and exclusive car stickers. Among them, Shanhaiju, as a mobile campsite, can lift the roof tent with one button and quickly create an outdoor "two-bedroom".

Home of the car

  The layout style of the new car interior is more luxurious and advanced. It uses a 14.6-inch central control panel and a 12.3-inch LCD instrument. In addition, it also has steering wheel heating, front and rear wireless charging, electric side pedals and brand audio. Driving assistance also provides HWA high-speed pilot-assisted driving functions, including ACC adaptive cruise, automatic parking, DVR driving records before and after, 360 HD look around and so on. (Compile/car home yaoyu)

Fushun area Haval Xiaolong MAX hot promotion, the reserve price is 142,800! There are plenty of cars.

In the promotion channel of Fushun in car home, it is in progress, and this model has offered the highest discount of 17,000 in Fushun area. Now the minimum starting price for purchasing Haval Xiaolong MAX is 142,800. Want to know more preferential information, click "Check the car price" in the quotation form, and strive for a higher discount!

Haval Xiaolong MAX is a dynamic SUV with a modern design. The front face design of the car system adopts streamlined lines and bold shapes, showing a strong sense of strength. The air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, which not only increases the luxury of the vehicle, but also highlights the sense of movement of the vehicle. In terms of overall style, the design style of Haval Xiaolong MAX is very smooth, and the body lines are simple and bright, giving people a fashionable and dynamic feeling. In addition, the car is also equipped with a series of intelligent technologies, such as panoramic sunroof, intelligent voice control, adaptive cruise, etc., to bring more comfortable and convenient driving experience to drivers and passengers. Generally speaking, Haval Xiaolong MAX is a high-performance SUV model integrating fashion, sports and technology, which is worth looking forward to.

Haval Xiaolong MAX is a large SUV model, with a body length, width and height of 4758 * 1895 * 1725mm, a wheelbase of 2800mm, a front tread of 1626mm and a rear tread of 1630mm. The side lines of the car body are smooth, showing a dynamic and steady style. The tyre size is 235/55 R19, and the rim style is fashionable and atmospheric. Both front wheels and rear wheels adopt the same specifications, which makes the vehicle more stable when driving.

The interior design of Haval Xiaolong MAX is simple without losing the sense of luxury. The steering wheel is made of leather, which is comfortable and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for drivers to adjust the best driving posture. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can realize voice control of multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, skylight and other functions, providing drivers with a more convenient operating experience. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge and connect devices. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main driver’s seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the co-pilot’s seat supports front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seats are also equipped with heating function to provide a more comfortable driving experience. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down proportionally, providing more storage space. Generally speaking, the interior design of Haval Xiaolong MAX pays attention to practicality and comfort, providing drivers and passengers with a full range of comfortable experiences.

Haval Xiaolong MAX is equipped with a 1.5L 116 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 85kW and a maximum torque of 140 N m.. This engine uses a 2-speed DHT gearbox to provide a smooth driving experience. Its power performance is strong, which can meet the needs of daily driving and also has low fuel consumption. Whether on urban roads or highways, Haval Xiaolong MAX can provide stable power output and bring comfortable driving experience to drivers.

In our test, the driving experience of Haval Xiaolong MAX is excellent. Power surge, spacious space, domineering appearance, broad vision, comfortable sitting, excellent chassis training. At the same time, the interior design is exquisite, full of science and technology, and the car machine responds quickly. The owner drove the car directly to the mountain to camp on the first day of picking it up, and it felt very good. His first impression is that he has a large space, a good view and a great driving experience. He specifically mentioned the excellent performance of the four-wheel drive system on the uphill road, which made driving more stable and reliable. In general, the performance of Haval Xiaolong MAX has been highly praised by the owner @ Geng Yongsheng, and it is a highly recommended SUV model.

More than 8 models of Tiggo were exposed to brake failure, and the problem pointed to brake by wire!

If you are the owner and prospective owner of Tiggo 8 PRO or Tiggo 8 PLUS, please note that there is something wrong with Chery’s brake-by-wire technology.

Recently, Master Jiao learned from relevant channels that Chery’s brake-by-wire technology has brought troubles to many car owners. The specific performance is as follows: 1. There will be a buzzer when braking; 2. The brake pedal becomes hard; 3. Brake failure; 4. Brake jitter. At present, it is understood that some car owners have formed rights protection groups and shared fault cases in the groups.

Please step on the brakes when the vehicle starts, but the owner has been stepping on the brakes.

The corner master found that a car owner was driving at a low speed of 30 kilometers per hour, and suddenly the brake pedal rebounded, and then a fault code appeared in the dashboard. At this time, the brake pedal felt hard and the hard-vegetable pedal vehicle appeared jitter.

At present, the official has not responded to this problem, and the owner has locked the root of the problem in the brake-by-wire technology. Because some owners of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS do not have such problems, the problem owners are mainly concentrated in the vast version of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS pride+,so what is Chery’s brake-by-wire technology?

In March 2022, Chery Automobile announced a major innovation when it launched the Tiggo 8 PLUS version. The braking system of the car was upgraded and the integrated brake-by-wire system of Bethel WCBS was adopted. The core technology of this system is to integrate the vacuum booster pump, master cylinder, electronic vacuum pump, EPB and ESC. The following figure shows the comparison between the integrated brake-by-wire system module and the traditional vacuum booster pump. Its main purpose is to reduce costs and enhance the competitiveness of products. In addition to cost reduction, the official said that this system can also coordinate energy recovery system and high dynamic pressurization capacity. In other words, most of Chery’s new energy vehicles will adopt the brake-by-wire system in the future.

Integrated brake-by-wire system

Traditional vacuum booster pump

However, at present, it is obvious that the technology is not yet mature, and some car owners equipped with brake-by-wire technology have become "mice". Master Jiao then went to the domestic third-party vehicle quality complaint platform to investigate and found that there have been centralized complaints about the models equipped with brake-by-wire technology in the Tiggo 8 PRO plate, and the most complained car in the Tiggo 8 PLUS plate is Haoqing+,which is also equipped with brake-by-wire technology.

Up to now, Chery officials have not responded to the vehicles with problems in the by-wire control technology. Judging from the problem of concentrated outbreak, Master Jiao’s personal guess may be that there is a problem with a batch of vehicles equipped with wire control technology. The failure of the brake system is a major personal safety hazard, and the manufacturer must attach great importance to it, and it is necessary to complete the upgrade, optimization and even recall of the problem model in a short time.

A few days ago, Chery Automobile just released the sales data in July 2022, and the group’s sales volume was 131,533, a year-on-year increase of 57.7%. This figure successfully surpassed 122,633 vehicles of Geely Automobile and 101,920 vehicles of Great Wall Motor. In terms of splitting, Chery’s total sales volume was 131,533 vehicles, of which 50,614 vehicles were exported, up 90.1% year-on-year. The sales volume of new energy was 25,614 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 253%. It can be seen that the sales of new energy have surged, and in addition, the export volume has reached a new high. This is the happy side.

However, the safety hazard brought by the brake-by-wire technology hangs over Chery like a time bomb. However, if it is detonated, it will surely face the collapse of product quality reputation, and all efforts will be wasted.

[Ground Evaluation Line] Guisheng Online Comment: "Subject 3" goes out of the circle, and only by keeping the cultural roots can it move towards "long red"

Dynamic music is accompanied by waving hands, twisting waist and hips, and half-twisted feet … During this period, the magic dance named "Guangxi Kemusan" is "out of the circle". Now this "subject three", which originated in Guangxi, has been "renovated" and created by netizens all over the country, and it has even spread through short videos. The "fire" is overseas and there are many circles.

Tracing back to the source,"Guangxi subject three"This dance is closely related to the living habits of Guangxi people, with a heavy cultural base. Speaking of Guangxi, the national carnival of "singing folk songs on March 3" and the snail powder of "smelling and eating incense" will first come to mind. As we all know, Guangxi people are also good at dancing. In this regard, it is rumored that "Guangxi people will experience three exams in their lives, one subject is singing folk songs, the other subject is rice noodles, and the third subject is dancing". In this way, this magical dance from Guangxi folk is called "subject three" "Fire" of "Guangxi Subject III"? Accidental with necessity. "Be the truest self" and "Happiness first" … These ideas conveyed by dance are infinitely close to the hearts of netizens. Although in the eyes of some netizens, "dynamic music+magical action" is a bit "earthy" or even a bit "non-mainstream", in the eyes of most people, this online cultural phenomenon is very interesting and has a cultural atmosphere.

I have to admit that "local flavor" culture has a great market among young people. Different from the traditional dance, the "subject three" mixed with burlesque performances can spread all over the world, driving more and more young people to participate in it, and many new "online celebrity" have emerged. Judging from the amplification of this phenomenon, there are many examples of "local flavor" culture setting off a "fashion style" in the Internet scene, which brought us joy and left a clear memory. For example, this year’s "digging, digging and digging" will explode all over the network. From children to "big friends", as long as the rhythm is turned on, most people will hum a few words; Looking ahead, the divine comedy "I’m from Yunnan and Yunnan Nujiang" also accidentally went off, and so on.

Some nonsense and earthy ideas have suddenly become popular on the internet, which is not unrelated to the multicultural needs of the online world. In the spiritual world of the Internet, a hundred flowers should have blossomed. The popularity of "Guangxi Subject III" is rooted in the cultural soil that Guangxi people can sing and dance well. With the spread of the Internet and the promotion of various eating places, it has achieved "coming out of the layer" and "breaking the circle", injecting new elements and vitality into the diversity and richness of online culture. Looking deep through this phenomenon, it itself reflects the cultural confidence of Guangxi people.

Only with culture and connotation can the roots be deeply rooted and become "long red". Whether "Guangxi Subject III" can achieve "long red" after leaving the circle depends on whether it has cultural connotation, whether it can arouse people’s spiritual resonance and stir up greater emotional resonance at a deeper level. Undeniably, many of the innovative ideas spread on the Internet, which are "popular" and "phenomenal", are difficult to "last forever", and some are even "short-lived", moving from a meteor to silence. However, "Guangxi subject three" is different from those niche ideas that suddenly "fire". The expression form of "subject three" is deeply integrated with the local dance in Guangxi, with distinctive regional characteristics and national symbols. However, what needs to be paid attention to is that in today’s information explosion era, the spread of network culture often lacks effective supervision and regulation, which requires preventing some commercialization and excessive speculation, keeping its roots and innovation, so as to help it grow healthily and continue to attract more netizens’ attention and pursuit.

The most important thing is that culture can reach the soul directly. The popularity of "Guangxi Subject III" network is also an opportunity for Guangxi to publicize and promote regional culture, national culture and historical culture. The local area should also dig deep into the cultural connotation and value significance behind it, incorporate more memorable and resonant innovative ideas, better protect and develop this distinctive network cultural phenomenon, and open up more "new ideas" and expectations. (Zhou Jun)

The new M5 is officially opened for booking, and the car can be picked up first under the press conference on April 23rd.

  [Smart Car News] On April 17th, Weibo, the official Huawei terminal, announced that the new M5 officially opened the booking channel. If you book before 3 pm on April 23rd, you can enjoy the preferential policy of deducting 5,000 yuan from the deposit of 2,000 yuan, and you can also get the car first. Previously, at the Huawei HarmonyOS Ecological Spring Communication Meeting held on April 11th, Yu Chengdong, Huawei’s managing director and terminal BG CEO, personally confirmed that the new M5 series will be officially released in auto china on April 23rd.

  The new M5 in Wenjie fully caters to the aesthetic trend of young consumers in design language, and creates a strong dynamic atmosphere through a series of highly recognizable sports elements. The new car adopts a unique blackened logo and customized sports kit, which gives the body a sharper visual impact. What is particularly eye-catching is that it is equipped with blackened double five-frame sports wheels and bright and striking red brake calipers. This bold contrast color combination enhances the overall texture of the vehicle.

  The M5 series of Wenjie, which was launched last year, is the first model in the family to be equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system. Through continuous OTA software upgrade, this model has successfully realized the extensive application of advanced intelligent driving function in urban areas without relying on high-precision maps, covering the main roads, secondary roads and even complex intersections in major cities across the country, as well as multiple road conditions such as national roads, county roads and township roads, and the coverage rate of open road application scenarios is as high as 99%.

  With the approaching of Beijing Auto Show, expectations of the new M5 from all walks of life continue to heat up. This new energy vehicle, which combines cutting-edge technology and sports appearance, is expected to set off a new round of car buying craze at the auto show.

The price of Zhiji LS6 in Nantong has been greatly reduced! The special price is 219,900, and the quantity is limited.

In car home Nantong preferential promotion channel, preferential activities are being carried out. As a model that has attracted much attention, the starting price of Zhiji LS6 in Nantong area is 219,900, and the highest discount amount reaches 10,000. If you are interested in this model, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Zhiji LS6 is a dynamic SUV, and its front face design is very eye-catching. Its air intake grille adopts a unique mesh design, with streamlined body lines, showing a style full of strength and movement. The overall style of the vehicle highlights its sense of luxury and technology, and adopts a large number of chrome-plated decorations and LED light sources to make it more eye-catching when driving at night. In addition, Zhiji LS6 is also equipped with 20-inch aluminum alloy wheels to make its appearance more fashionable.

Zhiji LS6 is a medium and large SUV with a body size of 4904*1988*1669mm and a wheelbase of 2950mm, which has excellent design and spatial performance. The body lines are smooth, and the tall posture of SUV is adopted, which highlights the stability and strength of the vehicle. The front tread is 1698mm, the rear tread is 1707mm, the front tyre size is 235/50 R20, and the rear tyre size is 255/45 R20, which provides excellent handling and comfort. The side lines of Zhiji LS6 are simple and atmospheric, and the body height is high, showing a luxurious and atmospheric temperament. The overall design is fashionable and dynamic, full of strength, and it is an impressive SUV model.

The interior design of Zhiji LS6 is full of modernity and technology, and the 26.3-inch central control screen is its biggest highlight, which can realize voice recognition control of multimedia system, navigation, telephone and air conditioner. The steering wheel is made of leather, which supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, so that drivers can easily find the driving posture that suits them best. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C interfaces, which are convenient for users to charge and connect devices. The front row is also equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather and genuine leather. The main seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment (4-way), leg rest adjustment and lumbar support adjustment (4-way), while the auxiliary seat supports front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seat also has heating and ventilation functions and is equipped with electric seat memory function. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down proportionally, providing more space and comfort.

Zhiji LS6 is equipped with a powerful engine with a maximum power of 231 kW and a maximum torque of 450 N m.. The efficient performance of this engine can provide excellent acceleration and driving experience for drivers, so that drivers can easily control the vehicle and enjoy driving pleasure.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of car home car owners, he mentioned that the appearance of Zhiji LS6 is fashionable, a bit like the Porsche Cayenne, but it also has unique design elements, such as the hollow air hole in front and the headlights with red lips. In addition, the owner also mentioned that it can be changed to through taillights for free at present, which provides consumers with more choices. The addition of these design details not only improves the aesthetics of the vehicle, but also reflects the optimization of the airflow of Zhiji Automobile, bringing better driving experience to drivers. Generally speaking, the exterior design of Zhiji LS6 is impressive, which is believed to attract more consumers to choose this model.

Huawei’s P series is renewed as Pura: Inspire creativity with imagination and create a new benchmark for image aesthetics.

On April 18th, 2012, Huawei launched the first P-series product Ascend P1, which started Huawei’s unremitting pursuit of excellent image and technology aesthetics, won the love of hundreds of millions of consumers around the world, and also recorded and witnessed the wonderful moments of countless consumers’ lives. After 12 years of glory, Huawei P series was officially upgraded to Huawei Pura in 2024, and on the special day of April 18th, 2024, Huawei released a brand-new flagship mobile phone Pura 70 series, starting again with a brand-new attitude, inspiring extraordinary creativity with infinite imagination, leading the fashion trend with unique style, realizing a new leap from technology leading to brand leading, and starting a brand-new chapter in Huawei Pura series!

leadDevelopment history of moving images,promoteEvolution of science and technology aesthetics

In the past 12 years, the development history of Huawei P series is like a chronicle of the interweaving of mobile images and scientific aesthetics, which witnessed the complete stage of this field from budding to prosperity and development, and always played an important role as an innovation leader. Since the first generation of P series, Huawei has continuously tapped and released the potential of mobile photography and gradually set an industry benchmark. Every time a new product is released, it is accompanied by a major breakthrough in imaging technology. From the optimization of depth ranging of early pictures to the deep development of night scene mode, and then to the exquisite presentation of telephoto shooting, P series expands the boundaries of mobile photography all the time.

Looking back, Huawei P series took the lead in applying RGBW four-color sensor in the industry, subverting the traditional color capture method; The first black-and-white color dual camera is launched to realize the experience innovation of mobile phone photography; Self-developed RYYB super photosensitive sensor breaks the bottleneck of dark photography in one fell swoop; The first 5x periscope optical telephoto lens, 100x binocular hybrid zoom and the first super-concentrated night vision telephoto have led the trend of telephoto photography again and again. P series is like a walking color collimator, telescope and night vision instrument. Every iteration is an innovation and breakthrough in the industry, which sets a new milestone for moving images.

Huawei P series has never been a purely technical pile-up, but adheres to the concept of taking users as the core, helping users to cross the constraints of time and space, freeze the beautiful moments from far to near, from dark to bright, from macro to micro, comprehensively expand the possibility of photography, and make beauty everywhere and omnipresent. Whether it’s crossing the distance between time and space, bringing the unreachable moon closer to the palm of your hand, penetrating the darkness and finely capturing the light and shadow flow at night, or freezing the moment and going deep into the fantasy mystery of the microscopic world, P series helps users capture vivid details and beautiful moments in life in all-weather scenes with its excellent image performance.

It is particularly worth mentioning that P series has also opened up territory in the field of portrait photography, promoting the quality evolution of smartphone portrait photography, not only paying attention to the fine depiction of the subject, but also giving portrait photography a unique light and shadow texture and emotional depth through the accurate grasp of light and atmosphere, so that each portrait work can tell a unique story.

At the same time, Huawei P series has always adhered to the initial intention of recording truth and expressing emotions, accompanying users to grow up together and recording real life with images. With the continuous innovation of mobile video technology, P series encourages users to actively explore the unknown world, faithfully restore the original appearance of life, and make every picture present the true beauty of "what you see is what you get". The intelligent and humanized photography experience gives users strong confidence, so that they can record the pictures that touch their hearts at any time in their lives, connect the ups and downs of life with images, and deduce their own wonderful life plays.

Each generation of P-series mobile phones carries users’ unique memories and emotional sustenance. They are not cold technological products, but vivid expressions and powerful expressions of each user’s understanding of life and perception of the world.

Pursue your heart and forge ahead,brand-newStart again with a gesture

Nowadays, people’s aesthetic taste is constantly upgrading with the changes of time and cultural environment, and there are higher requirements for product design and function. This aesthetic upgrade is not only reflected in the pursuit of appearance, but also in the exploration of the essence and spirit of products.

Huawei P series has been evolving and upgrading in the past 12 years. It not only pursues the ultimate aesthetic feeling and design sense in appearance, but also revolutionizes its functions to meet the changing needs of users. The accumulation of this quantitative change eventually brought about the sublimation of qualitative change, which made Huawei Pura emerge at the historic moment and unique.

Facing the next 12 years, Huawei Pura series will set sail with a brand-new attitude, leading mobile images from discovering beauty to creating beauty, from device innovation to style expression, from recording life to artistic creation, perfectly integrating peak image technology, aesthetic design concept and original style expression, and starting a new exploration journey about image power and personality expression.

In the exploration of image technology, Huawei Pura series has gone beyond the limitation of simple software and hardware iteration, and turned to focus on the optimization and upgrading of the entire image system architecture. From single device efficiency improvement to full link technology innovation, Pura series has built an advanced whole machine imaging technology system, which has achieved a leap from hardware precision to excellent imaging effect. Adhering to the forward-looking vision, Pura series will strengthen the ability of moving images in all directions, and expand more professional and diverse moving image bases through the breakthrough of four dimensions, such as sensing subtle light and dark changes, seamlessly spanning vast spaces, accurately capturing rich colors and instantly freezing eternal memories, thus empowering users to fully express their personalized image styles.

In terms of user experience, Huawei Pura series is committed to transforming each user into a unique creator, connecting reality and imagination with images, and endowing ordinary life art with charm. It will continue to challenge the limits of mobile imaging technology, awaken users’ inner imagination and turn it into shocking creative expression by breaking through the excellent shooting experience brought by innovation. Whether it is the visual impact that broke out in an instant, the emotional appeal that is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, the endless imagination that dares to explore, or the unique expressive force of color application, Pura series will join hands with users to jointly cast the power of images and breed artistic masterpieces full of personal imprint and unique style.

It is not difficult to see from the relevant brand information released by Huawei that Huawei Pura is deeply concerned about the spiritual value and power transmission carried by the image itself. With the increasing demand for individual self-expression, Huawei Pura aims to provide users with a broad and free creative space with its advanced image technology and excellent image performance. Huawei Pura seems to not only pay attention to the subversive innovation of technology, but also devote itself to promoting the value sublimation and style expression of video art, so that everyone can become a creator and artist, thus satisfying modern people’s pursuit of beauty and desire for self-expression.

Huawei Pura encourages users to display endless imagination and turn creativity into reality, so that each photo is not only a representation of physical scene, but also an artistic carrier with profound connotation and spiritual value, conveying the powerful power and far-reaching influence behind the image and leading users into a new era of images full of infinite possibilities and profound cultural connotations.

On the key historical node of April 18th, Huawei’s P-series upgrade to Pura marked a new journey for Huawei in the field of mobile images. This upgrade announced that Huawei is leading the mobile image from discovering the beauty of life to creating the beauty of art, and advocating personalized expression and value transmission of photography style. At the same time, it also means that mobile phone photography has evolved from a simple life recording tool to an important platform for artistic creation, allowing users to capture and create more imaginative moments with their mobile phones. This upgrade of Huawei has undoubtedly pushed mobile images to a new height.

Facing the future, the brand-new Huawei Pura will inspire creativity with imagination, and lead a new round of fashion image trend with its unique and distinctive brand style. Explore the unseen beauty with bold imagination; Open a new horizon with a pioneering perspective; Leading the fashion trend with original style, bringing a wonderful experience beyond expectations to consumers all over the world.

Huawei Pura is not only a better flagship mobile phone, but also a warm expectation and brave exploration for a better life in the future. Huawei Pura 70 series, as the first flagship mobile phone product of Pura series, will surely show the original style of the brand, and bring consumers a brand-new experience with its pioneering aesthetic design, leap-forward leading imaging technology and powerful flagship performance. At the same time, we also expect Huawei Pura to pursue its true heart, forge ahead and continue to write its own legendary chapter in the years to come!

Xiaomi Automobile officially appeared on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, but everyone remained tight-lipped before Xiaomi Automobile Factory.

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  Xiaomi automobile finally unveiled the veil.

  On November 15, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the declared model information of Xiaomi Automobile. According to the public information, the trademark of Xiaomi automobile product is Xiaomi brand, which is a pure electric car, and the manufacturer isGroup off-road vehicle co., ltd.

  The picture published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the tail logo of Xiaomi car is "Beijing Xiaomi". In terms of overall dimensions, it is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide, 1455mm high and 3000mm wheelbase. In addition, Xiaomi automobile uses iron phosphate., the supplier isFoday under its banner; The engine comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. and is driven by.The peak power is 220kW.

  According to the configuration information, some models are provided with options.This also means that in terms of assisted driving, there will be differences according to different configurations, which are divided into two schemes: with and without.

  As for the issue of "production qualification" concerned by the industry, according to the information published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the name of the enterprise is "Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.", the registered address is No.1 Tongxin Road, Zhaofeng Industrial Base, Zhaoquanying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and the production address is No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which is the self-built factory of Xiaomi Automobile. An industry insider told Blue Whale Finance reporter that the use of Beiqi off-road vehicles for "production qualification" does not mean that Beiqi is OEM for BAIC Group. This statement is not accurate. According to the available information, the Xiaomi Automobile Factory announced this time is assembled by Xiaomi itself, but other processing and parts need to be analyzed after seeing the physical car.

  On the same day, Blue Whale Finance reporter visited Xiaomi Automobile Factory. At about 3 pm, two security guards were on duty at the main entrance of the park to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering. In addition, several people were looking inward sporadically at the door. According to the security guards at the door, these people were waiting for their own docking people to pick them up, and they were not allowed to enter casually. At about 4 pm, a man in a suit walked out of Xiaomi Automobile Factory. One of the men said that they were talking with Xiaomi about cooperation in engineering. However, when Blue Whale Finance reporter asked about the news related to Xiaomi Automobile, the man picked it up obviously and said that he didn’t know all the news about Xiaomi Automobile, so don’t ask him. Not only that, but even the construction workers who are not the staff of Xiaomi Automobile nearby are silent about Xiaomi Automobile.

  Since Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi had built a car, Xiaomi’s every move has been concerned by the outside world. Since October this year, the rumors about Xiaomi Automobile have been constant. The last time Xiaomi publicly responded to the news about Xiaomi Automobile was on October 25, when Xiaomi founder and CEO Lei Jun was in his personal life.The account said, "Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly at present, and it will be officially listed in the first half of next year, and will report to you when it is appropriate."

  Combing the time sequence, on March 30, 2021, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said in a public speech that in the next decade, Xiaomi will invest 10 billion US dollars to build cars, and Lei Jun will be personally responsible for the car-making business. In September 2021, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. was incorporated. On November 27th of the same year, the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone held a signing ceremony with Xiaomi Technology. With the signing of the Cooperation Agreement, Xiaomi Automobile was officially announced to settle in Beijing Economic Development Zone.

  According to reports, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, of which the first and second phases will have a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles respectively. It is expected that the first car will be off the assembly line in 2024 and mass production will be realized.

  "Realizing mass production in 2024" is a word that Xiaomi official and Lei Jun are talking about, which has also become the beginning of Xiaomi’s car making.

  By the end of 2022, Xiaomi Automobile had applied for more than 400 patents involving autonomous driving, intelligent cockpit, charging device and power system.

  Especially in terms of autonomous driving, Xiaomi has accumulated technology for many years and soon formed a very strong autonomous driving team.

  In Lei Jun’s annual speech in 2022, Lei Jun said: "All sectors of the automobile industry are very complicated, among which non-automatic driving is the most complicated. At the same time, automatic driving is also the key point for the decisive victory of smart electric vehicles. Xiaomi’s car-making automatic driving will adopt full-stack self-developed algorithm to fully develop automatic driving technology, and the goal of automatic driving is to enter the first camp of the industry in 2024."

  According to the data of Xiaomi’s financial report in the second quarter of 2023, in terms of R&D, Xiaomi’s R&D investment in the second quarter reached 4.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21%, and the compound annual growth rate of R&D investment in the past six years reached 38.4%. It is estimated that Xiaomi’s R&D investment will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2023. It is worth mentioning that nearly 30% of the 4.6 billion yuan invested in R&D in the second quarter was used for the smart electric vehicle business.

  Although Xiaomi has been extremely cautious about information disclosure since the official announcement of the car-making plan, the voices from all sides inside and outside Xiaomi can also roughly describe the progress of Xiaomi’s car-making.

  In the conference call after the release of Xiaomi’s second-quarter earnings report, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi, mentioned in an interview that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research and building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is even higher than the disclosed figures.

  "Xiaomi Automobile has just finished the summer test, and the progress has exceeded expectations, maintaining the mass production target in the first half of 2024 unchanged." Lu Weibing further stated.

  In October 2023, at the launch conference of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS and Xiaomi 14 series new products, Lei Jun announced that the group strategy was officially upgraded to "the whole ecology of people and cars". The key core of this new strategy is Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, which is people-centered and organically integrates "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes". The system is not only suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones, but also will be installed on Xiaomi cars. According to the PPT displayed at the press conference, Xiaomi will be equipped with a roof camera, through which people in the car can make video calls and other functions.

  The arrow is on the string and has to be sent. With the gradual unveiling of Xiaomi Automobile, it will take time to prove whether Lei Jun can lead Xiaomi to win this battle.