2020 Style Awards Fashion Word of Mouth List: Handu Yishe, the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand of the year.

  The theme of the 2020 Style Awards is "Digitalization, Sustainability, Chinese Style and New Beauty", and you are invited to pay close attention to the attack and development of the fashion industry. As an authoritative and comprehensive fashion portal, Sina Fashion not only gathers superior resources in the industry, but also never stops exploring the "style iteration". This year, Sina Fashion seriously selected and commended the brands, events and figures with the most style and scientific spirit in the China market, and contributed professional consumption guidance.

  2020 Style Awards Fashion Word of Mouth List: Handu Yishe, the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand of the year.

  Description of the selection of fashion word-of-mouth list for 2020 Style Awards: All the awards are combined with popular netizens’ voting and Weibo big data (number of fans, number of keyword readings, number of mentions, number of searches, comments and praises, etc.) to select the annual word-of-mouth list in the fashion field.

  Handu Yishe, founded in 2008, focuses on young and fashionable women’s clothing brands, and has led the whole network in sales for 7 consecutive years; In 2020, Handu Yishe is the brand with the largest number of fans in Tmall women’s wear category, winning the favor of over 50 million young women.

Handu Yishe has been leading the sales for 7 consecutive years, winning the attention of over 50 million young consumers.

  Handu Yishe is not only sought after and loved by young fashion people, but also loved by Chinese and Korean stars. More this year, IU, the first female in Korea, joined Handu Fashion Director. This is the first time that IU has cooperated with China clothing brands since she became the first Gucci brand ambassador in Korea.

  In the same year, Gianna Jun, a top Korean actress, endorsed Handu Yishe for the second time, and personally participated in the design with IU to bring the "double-faced workplace" series. What deserves crazy Call is that this is the only China women’s clothing brand endorsed by Gianna Jun. The cooperation between two TOP Asian stars has given the brand more connotation and imagination.

  As a brand focusing on young fashion women’s wear, Handu Yishe has landed in Milan, Paris, new york and other internationally renowned fashion weeks many times; At the same time, we have jointly launched a number of design co-names, such as GUCCI designer Agustina, Hermes designer elahi Ma, and Korean pioneer designer PARK.

  This year, Handu Yishe established the first young fashion design institute in Asia, and specially invited seven mentor groups, including Hong Enzhu, president of Korea Fashion Designers Association, and Choi Beom Suck, the "fashion king" of Korea, to link the high-quality resources of Chinese and Korean designers, so as to develop more creative and cutting-edge designs and lead the fashion trend.

  The focus on design and the precise control of young fashion have made Handu Yishe sought after and loved by young fashion people. If you want to know the new trends of young fashion and see what new items Handu Yishe released in the season, you can get it in one second!

  The latest double-sided workplace series jointly launched by Gianna Jun X Handu Yishe X IU is entirely a masterpiece. Among them, the series designed by IU, the fashion director of Handu, is mainly based on the future retro style, which combines the unique retro style of the Millennium with the romantic and sweet elements of the avant-garde women in the future workplace to create a brand-new "trend play". Gianna Jun’s co-branded series mixes the elements of modern street fashion, presenting the exquisite sense of metropolis and trend in a brand-new way, and creating a unique imprint of "double-faced women in the workplace" for future commuters. See IU and Gianna Jun demonstration, not enough? Then it’s better to capture some fashion details!

  Shirts with wooden ears are overlapped with turtlenecks, and then matched with plaid tweed. This classic wearing method not only increases the level of modeling, but also reduces the age of wearing, while at the same time being playful.

  Handu Yishe, which was released by authoritative trend agency WGSN in 2020 and focused on the trend, also keenly captured the trend of fashion colors in this series. Printed sweaters with purple as the main color are a must-buy item for fashion experts.

  How can the little fairy’s wardrobe be short of bubble sleeves? The top of bubble sleeves is responsible for creating a palace texture, while the contrasting plaid pleated skirt is cool. Dressed in a mix-and-match style, the "Handu Girls" hold on to the trends.

  Combining caring elements with metallic materials, injecting more brilliant feminine charm into cool and handsome motorcycle jackets through gloss and mirror effect, which may be the secret of Gianna Jun’s cool style that never lacks femininity.

  The woolen coat is decorated with a detachable and practical metal chain, which instantly makes your coat item a story-telling "explosion".

  The mastery of various popular elements and the insistence on design innovation have made Handu Yishe always at the forefront of the trend since its establishment. These hard-core strengths not only make Handu Yishe the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand in this year’s fashion word-of-mouth list, but also enable him to contract your wardrobe ~

Teach you how to run correctly!

In recent years, there are more and more urban running parties, and too many people want to release their work pressure and lose weight through running.

Of course, if you want to lose weight by running, you must control your diet at the same time. As the saying goes, you can effectively lose weight by keeping your mouth shut and taking your legs apart.

It can be said that running can not only help you gain a healthy and ideal weight, but also help you find channels to release stress and control emotions ~

Then let’s talk about the matters needing attention in running and the need to stretch and relax after running.

Let me share my running method with you!

The first is the four rules of running-

1. Make full warm-up preparations before running;

Before running, we should fully adjust the potential heat energy of the body to the preparation state, so that every joint of our body can adapt, stimulate hormones in the body, promote nerve cells in the learning area of the brain, and improve memory to a certain extent, so the preparation before jogging must be done!

Warm-up exercises can refer to:

1. Running with leg lifts in place, as a preparatory activity before running, this series of actions can make the whole body enter a state of motion. With the increase of the frequency and range of leg lifts, the whole leg and arm muscles can enter a state of motion.

2. Shoulder around the ring, the upper body is upright, and the arms are drooping, so that the shoulders are spread back and the shoulder joint is the center.

3. Neck around the ring, this action is similar to the previous shoulder around the ring, helping you find the correct position of your neck. Nowadays, people face computers and mobile phones for a long time. It will bring incorrect neck displacement when facing computers and mobile phones to running, which will make the health of cervical spine worse and worse. Friends who have cervical spondylosis must be gentle when doing this action. It is best to consult a doctor before.

(4) Hip encircling, which means opening your feet shoulder width, taking the central axis of your body as the axis, and encircling your hip joint. This action can help you ensure the flexibility of your hip joint.

⑤ Stand on one leg, with the calf folded to the root of thigh, and lean forward appropriately. This action mainly stretches the quadriceps femoris in front of the thigh, and can also prevent thigh cramps during running. This action can also be done after running, which also has certain preventive and relieving effects on lactic acid accumulation after exercise.

6. The knee joint is around the ring. Many running friends are suffering from abnormal noise of the knee joint, mainly due to insufficient warm-up and lubrication of the knee joint before running. The main points of this action are to put your legs together, squat half-way, hold your knees, and make a circle around the center line.

⑦. Stretch the calf muscles, with one leg in front and the other leg behind. The toe of the former triggers the latter to bend slightly, bending down and touching the toe of the former with one hand. This action can prevent calf cramps during running.

⑧. The ankle joint and wrist are looped, standing on one leg, and the other leg is on the ground with the toes as the center. At the same time, hands are crossed to hold the loop with the wrists as the center.

2. The key to healthy weight loss depends on the time and speed of running;

If you want to lose weight by running, it is best to control the running time at 30-60 minutes each time. If the running time is too short, the effect of burning fat will not be achieved. If the running time is too long, it will cause muscle fatigue, which is not good for health, just 3-5 times a week. People with large base weight should avoid running every day. After exercise, we should give our knees a full rest to avoid excessive friction and water accumulation, which is even more worthwhile. Moreover, the speed of running should not be too fast (of course, it should not be too slow), and the speed of about 6-7km/ h is the most reasonable. This pace can fully combine fat with oxygen to burn ~

3. Correct running posture;

1. Hold your head high, lean forward slightly, and keep your upper body straight. Don’t hold your chest, and don’t hold your chest out. The stable posture of the upper body has a great influence on breathing and rhythm.

2. Don’t touch the ground with your heel or forefoot. When landing, try to make the soles of your feet contact the ground as much as possible, and the forefoot or sole will touch the ground. The main thing is not to deliberately press the ankle.

3. Don’t pedal, pedal desperately when jogging, do you want to use your feet as rocket launchers? Have you thought about the knee and ankle feeling?

4. Swing your arms naturally back and forth, relax and open your shoulders backwards, don’t shrug your shoulders, and bend your elbows by about 90. Relax your hands and don’t make a fist, because making a fist is a tense posture, which will make you unable to swing your arm easily and naturally. Pay attention to the front and rear swing arms. Never swing your arms horizontally, because then your body will shake and your center of gravity will be unstable.

4. Stretch after running;

After jogging, fully stretching and stretching can fully burn the excess fat in the body, exercise most parts of the body and shape muscle lines. Of course, this is also the secret of not thickening legs after running, and stretching after running can also ease the tachycardia.

1. Leg stretching after running: Just keep your arms straight against a certain wall, with your legs standing back and forth, your front legs slightly bent, and your back legs straight. Press your body forward. Keep the heel of the back foot off the ground and change legs for 30 seconds.

2. Ligament stretching after running: open your feet to shoulder width, bend over and keep your knees straight, try to let your hands touch the ground and stick your upper body to your legs as much as possible.

3. Stretching the inner thigh after running: in the side bow position, the upper body leans forward and leans to the ground, and both hands support the ground below; Stretch the leg to the side and press it down. Keep the thighs and calves in a straight line and change legs for 30 seconds.

④ Stretching the front side of thigh after running: The body is standing on one leg, and the calf is folded to the root of thigh. You can lean forward appropriately and change legs for 30 seconds.

⑤. Butterfly stretching after running: Sit on the ground smoothly, bend your knees together, put the soles of your feet in front of your stomach, do your most comfortable posture, put your feet close to your groin, and press your upper body down for 30 seconds.

Nowadays, city workers can only find time to exercise in the morning or after work. So shall we run in the morning or fun run?

Fun run and morning running have their own benefits and advantages. You can adjust the distribution according to your own time. The most important thing is to stick to it! As the saying goes, as long as the kung fu is deep and the iron pestle is ground into a needle!

First of all, let’s talk about the advantages of morning running:

1. Running in the morning can change a person’s daily life, form a good habit of living and rest, don’t stay up late at night, and go to bed early automatically.

2. Running in the morning can breathe the freshest air in nature. As the saying goes, the plan for a good day lies in the morning.

3. When others are still asleep, I always feel that I have earned time when I get up early and run.

Persisting in running in the morning will also make you form the habit of eating breakfast every day, which will make you healthier.

While having advantages, we should also pay attention to the precautions for morning running:

1. Don’t run on an empty stomach. Although it has a certain fat-reducing effect, it will also lead to hypoglycemia/thrombosis, which will cause great harm to the body.

2. It is not advisable to run too early in the morning. It is better to run after 6 o’clock, and it is best to run from 9 to 11 o’clock. 30-60 minutes each time.

3. Although morning running can activate the body, the exercise effect is not as good as the legend.

4. The pace and distance of our morning run should be appropriate, not too strong.

Advantages of fun run:

Fun run is more convenient for most runners because they have more time after work.

2. fun run can make people more relaxed, relieve the pressure caused by a busy day, and you don’t have to think about some messy things when running;

3. fun run’s weight loss effect is more significant, because the night is the most vigorous time of human metabolism, which helps to burn fat;

④ At night, the number of platelets in people’s blood is relatively small, so that thrombosis can be well avoided;

⑤. fun run can also help to improve the quality of sleep. When you come back from running, take a rest and take a bath, you will fall asleep faster and sleep better.

Matters needing attention in fun run:

(1) In recent years, there have been many incidents reported on the Internet in fun run, so you should choose the location of fun run carefully. Safety is the first priority. Don’t go to fun run, a remote and sparsely populated place.

② fun run should have a light dinner, and don’t go out for a run immediately after dinner. It’s best to rest for about an hour and a half after dinner and start in fun run.

(3) fun run should try to finish before 9: 00 pm, just sweat a little, and leave some time for yourself to have a full rest, so as to avoid being too excited to fall asleep and affecting the state of going to work the next day.

Finally, the diet during running to lose weight;

Many people find that their legs will be thick after running for a period of time, or they can’t find the scales after running for a period of time. In view of whether the legs will become thick after running, if you have sufficient pre-running exercise and post-running stretching and correct running posture, you won’t get thick legs. As for why you haven’t lost the scales after running, diet is very important. Many people will feel very hungry after running, especially want to eat, but their appetite has improved and their food intake has increased. At this time, it is a test of our diet. The most important thing is what to eat. Remember not to overeat, otherwise they will become fatter instead of losing weight. Under normal circumstances, I will eat coarse grains or high-protein food after running for 1 hour, so that I can replenish the energy consumed after running in time and protein will not have to worry about getting fat, but the speed of dropping the scale will be a little slower, because it takes about 300 calories to run for 40 minutes. It is also recommended to give priority to coarse grains and vegetables and fruits when eating at ordinary times.

In conclusion, what I want to say is that no matter whether you are running or doing anything, it will not be immediate, but you should persevere. Some people run to lose weight, others run to be healthy. As long as you are willing to persist, you can actually see everyone’s changes and mental outlook ~ Let’s cheer together! Ollie, here! ! !
