"Pay tribute to Xie Jin" —— The Centennial Series of Xie Jin was officially launched.

Original title: Pay tribute to the classic reminiscence pioneer "Pay tribute to Xie Jin" — — Xie Jin’s Centennial Series was officially launched.

October 18th, 2023 is the 100th birthday of China’s film directors. As the only film director among the 100 "pioneers of reform" in the Republic, Xie Jin paid attention to the fate of the nation and made a monument on the history of film in China.

In order to honor the film masters and boost the development of China’s film and television industry, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province will hold a "Tribute to Xie Jin" in conjunction with China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Film Association, committee of cpc zhejiang provincial committee Propaganda Department, Zhejiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Zhejiang Film Association — — Xie Jin’s Centennial Series Activities. On May 18th, 2023, a press conference of a series of activities was held in Beijing, attended by relevant leaders of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Film Association, Zhejiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shaoxing City of Zhejiang Province and Shangyu District of Shaoxing City, Xie Jin’s hometown.

Continuing culture to pay tribute to a generation of famous directors

Director Xie Jin’s hometown, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, is a famous historical and cultural city and the cultural capital of East Asia. It is known as "the land of beautiful scenery, the country of historical relics and the place where celebrities gather". The context here is far-reaching, giving birth to philosophical thinkers such as Wang Yangming, Wang Chong and Fan Wenlan, literary masters such as Lu You, Ji Kang and Lu Xun, calligraphy and painting masters such as Wang Xizhi, Xu Wei and Wang Mian, and four presidents of Peking University … … Shaoxing, which is full of talented people, was once called "Jianhu and Yuetai Celebrities Town" by Comrade Mao Zedong.

Shaoxing also has an indissoluble bond with China films. In 2012, "China Golden Rooster" crowed in Shaoxing; In 2022, China Opera Film Exhibition was established in Shaoxing. This year, Shaoxing will take the opportunity of commemorating the centenary of Xie Jin’s birth, and once again share the beauty with China films.


Yang Songzhou, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Shaoxing Municipal Committee and chairman of the Party Committee of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said at the press conference that in recent years, Shaoxing has made every effort to build a "hometown of celebrities" in the new era, and is increasingly becoming a place of brilliance and a city of dreams for all kinds of high-end talents and innovative subjects. "Pay tribute to Xie Jin" — — Xie Jin’s centennial series activities will stimulate the vitality of cultural tourism and promote the "cinema integration" with the charm of film art. By tracing back and fixing the origin and intersection of the ancient city Shaoxing and the centennial China movies, it will vividly show Shaoxing’s cultural heritage, Shaoxing people’s film complex, and the glorious course of a generation of filmmakers represented by Director Xie Jin’s unremitting pursuit and common prosperity.

It is reported that this "tribute to Xie Jin" — — The centennial series of activities of Xie Jin will include four theme activities, namely, the Youth Film Festival of Xie Jin, the centenary commemorative meeting of Xie Jin’s birth and the theme discussion of "Walking with the Times" film development, the retrospective exhibition of Xie Jin’s classic films, and the visit to Xie Jin’s hometown, as well as the launching ceremony of Xie Jin’s series of cultural books, the photo exhibition of Xie Jin’s film art, the inauguration ceremony of the Youth Film Square in tribute to Xie Jin and many other supporting activities. Ma Yejun, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Shaoxing Municipal Committee, said that the series of activities will run through the whole year, aiming at remembering a generation of famous directors and outstanding rural sages and paying tribute to director Xie Jin’s enterprising professionalism and people-centered artistic concept.


Support young filmmakers to inherit the pioneering spirit.

Director Xie Jin has always paid attention to reform and innovation, made great efforts to support the younger generation, and made outstanding contributions to China’s film industry. In "Pay tribute to Xie Jin" — — On the occasion of Xie Jin’s centennial series activities, Shaoxing will set up a "Special Fund for Xie Jin’s Youth Film Support" under the China Literature and Art Foundation in conjunction with the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Film Association to encourage and support the development and growth of the latest domestic youth-themed films and young directors, so as to further inherit and carry forward the pioneering spirit of director Xie Jin and encourage and cultivate new film and television people.

According to caojun, deputy secretary-general of the China Film Association, at the Xie Jin Youth Film Festival to be held on November 20th this year, the project supported by the Xie Jin Youth Film Fund will be officially launched, which will contribute to the sustainable development of China’s film industry by promoting outstanding young films and outstanding young directors.


Xie Jin once directed such classic films as China audiences’ household names. As one of the heavy contents of the series of activities, the centenary meeting of Xie Jin’s birth and the theme seminar on "Walking with the Times" will be held on November 21st. Friends of Xie Jin, film research experts, young directors and actors will gather in Shangyu, Shaoxing, to deeply review and recall Xie Jin’s life of light and shadow, and jointly discuss the development direction of China films. The retrospective exhibition of Xie Jin’s classic films will be held in mid-November, and the classic representative works of director Xie Jin will be exhibited in many places throughout the country to pay tribute to this most influential director artist in China in the second half of the 20th century. At that time, fans can walk into the film directed by Xie Jin again and feel Xie Jin’s childlike heart.


Excavate cultural treasures and promote sustainable development.

Looking back on the hundred-year journey of China’s films, Zhejiang filmmakers have never been absent. A large number of Zhejiang filmmakers, such as,,,, and Xie Jin, have made important contributions to the development of China films in various historical periods. Nowadays, a new generation of Zhejiang filmmakers are trying to explore the cultural treasures of their predecessors, while inheriting the fine traditions, do a good job in creative transformation and innovative development, and strive to form a vivid situation in which Zhejiang films are passed down from generation to generation and developed continuously.


According to Wu Chen, Secretary-General of Zhejiang Film Association, in recent years, the film industry and industry in Zhejiang have flourished, with an average of over 100 films filed annually, and the box office revenue, the number of film and television enterprises and the scale of film and television bases rank among the top in China. In 2022, Zhejiang’s movie box office ranked third in the country, and among the seven movies with a box office of over 1 billion in the whole year, Zhejiang-made movies accounted for two. 2023 Youth Film Week (Zhejiang) is in full swing. At present, Zhejiang is focusing on studying, propagating and implementing the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "August 8th Strategy", the Hangzhou Asian Games and other major nodes, speeding up the creation of a number of excellent works that are written for the people and sing for the times, and have the recognition of Zhejiang, and striving to tell the "Zhejiang Story" well.


谢晋是中国电影人的骄傲,更是家乡绍兴上虞的骄傲,家乡是他最牵挂的地方。上虞区委常委、宣传部部长周晓国在发布会上表示,上虞将谢晋出生的村庄改名晋生村,通过与上海电影博物馆合作,改造老粮站,建成集谢晋电影艺术馆、谢晋片场、1923摄影棚、电影研学馆等于一体的“晋生·星片场”,让观众沉浸式寻访谢晋足迹,追忆一代名导风采,如今这个小村落已成为乡村振兴、文旅融合和影视文化培育的特色村。活动期间,当地还将举行谢晋电影广场落成仪式,同步揭幕由谢导生前好友韩美林大师亲自创作的谢晋铜像,让一代名导谢晋永久屹立在家乡大地上。(光明网记者:邱晓琴 李伯玺 王宏泽)

Lantern Festival is at home, what are you thinking?

Special feature of 1905 film network Although this Lantern Festival is not noisy, it is extraordinary. We believe that the persistence at present will definitely bring the best reunion when spring blossoms.

At that time, what will everyone want to do most?

It is better to jump out of all kinds of troubles in reality for a short time with Xiao Dianjun, and with this beautiful vision, follow the movie to imagine.

At that time, I wanted to eat … 

Hot pot, hot pot, or hot pot! Remember the movie "Old Classmate Dongzi Hotpot"? Chen Kun, Qin Hao and Yu Entai jointly opened a hot pot restaurant in the film, which is impressive.

Sitting around and reuniting with old friends, rinsing beef and mutton and drinking beer in front of steaming hot pot, recalling the lush years and saying goodbye to each other’s parents will surely be a food choice for many people after returning to normal life.

The original "ecstasy meal" created by Master Xing in the movie has become a screen classic. Emperor fried rice, splendid multiflavor fish, dried Kun roasted goose and other Manchu-Chinese banquet dishes can’t match a bowl of barbecued pork rice, plus a poached egg, which seems plain, but it is the "life-saving meal" of the star in the film, which makes people feel warm.

"ecstasy meal"

Hong Kong-style cuisine also includes crispy fried beef river, crystal sweet and sour meat and other luxurious dishes in happy ever after, and a bowl of Wonton Noodles bought from a vendor in Maggie Cheung, which is authentic and delicious.

Wuhan duck neck and Regan Noodles, Xi ‘an mutton bread in soup, Nanjing duck blood vermicelli soup, Changsha chopped pepper fish head, Chengdu Dandan Noodles … The series "China on the tip of the tongue" comprehensively introduces the special snacks all over the country, and there is always one for you.

Food adds a sweet flavor to life, and Japanese food always looks so exquisite and healing, especially Japanese food in movies. Hirokazu KoreedaOur movie is an exquisite "food guide". Hot coke cakes in the kitchen;Curry rice and cold noodles cooked by Sister Li herself;Corn tempura fried by old mother and delicious stew 3. ….

The Coke Cake in The Thieves’ Family

These foods are accompanied by the taste of family, and they are tasted together after the epidemic and enjoy the beauty that is gently intertwined with life. The single mother in Dandelion gathers gourmets and friends to make delicious pork Lamian Noodles.

The bronze gongs and gongs cooked by the old lady in the restaurant have brought a mediocre store of bronze gongs and gongs and gongs back to life … Food is not only made and enjoyed, but you may also gain a friendship and friendship like them in the process.

 Western cuisine is also a good choice. You can drive a car to a bar and restaurant like Chinese, John Travolta and uma thurman, and order a royal cheeseburger, which is heavy and full.

How long has it been since you enjoyed a fancy French dinner? Baked lobster with cream, mutton with onion sauce, boiled eggs with water, beef stew with red wine, flounder fried in yellow oil, crispy tomato bread …… Look at Julie and Julia, in which 524 French dishes are unforgettable.

During the Spring Festival holiday, people stayed at home for too long, and many people gained a lot of meat. Whether it’s the hell-like special training in "Slimming Men and Women" or the fat boy in "Ex-girlfriend" who insists on running, everyone’s fitness training plan can be arranged!

At that time, I wanted to travel. 

Travel plans can also be arranged in advance, and perhaps you can find the ideal destination in the movie. Gongwangfu in the park, Jiuzhaigou in the park, Wulong in Chongqing in the park and Anji Dazhuhai Scenic Resort in the park … can follow the footsteps of these classic domestic films to explore scenic spots all over the country.

"Hero" Jiuzhaigou

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Anji Zhuhai looks overseas. The classic trilogy of "Love in" has unfolded a beautiful picture of European scenery for us. Maybe you can also have an unexpected encounter on the train and spend a romantic night with him/her in Vienna.

The film is set in New Zealand, but the scenery here is not like the Hobbit, but concentrated in a less popular town: Clyde.

Look for the love footprints of the protagonists Huang Xuan and Yang Caiyu here. You can also go to Cook Mountain, the highest peak in New Zealand, like them, wait for the Antarctic light and make a good wish.

 The Spring Festival movies are broadcast free of charge on the Internet, which also allows more people to bet on the winter scenery in Russia. The K3 train from Beijing to Moscow takes 6 days and 6 nights across Eurasia, and you can enjoy the forests of Siberia, the snow scenery of grassland in Ulaanbaatar and the lake water of Lake Baikal along the way. …

The destination Moscow has Red Square, Kremlin, St. Vassili Cathedral and other must-see attractions. Slow is the rhythm of this trip, witnessing all kinds of changes in the scenery along the way.


When the cherry blossoms bloom in March, don’t forget the cherry blossoms in full bloom in Wuhan University. I hope that by then, Wuhan has completely got rid of the virus, and we can walk under the cherry trees of Wuhan University, see the sunshine and smell the flowers and fragrance.

At that time, I wanted to see you 

"All encounters in the world are reunions after a long separation." 

This romantic remark in the movie can be reminiscent of the classic reunion pictures in many movies: Li Xiaojun and Li Qiao in the movie, and second time around, the first lover in the movie.


After a short separation, after the couple meet again, they will definitely hold hands to date and wander in the street again, relying on each other closely and accompanying each other closely. 

In the movie, Matsu Takako plays the Hokkaido girl who comes to Tokyo alone. She held an umbrella in the spring rain and bravely confessed to her favorite boy. When the epidemic is over, will you run to the person you like and say that you like you loudly like her?

And if you didn’t go home for the Spring Festival this year, you should also want to hurry back to your warm home at that time. Like the old father in the village, the family will certainly set up a table full of meals, waiting for your return.

Someone said, "On that day, I hope that thousands of couples, couples and their families will take to the streets together to kiss, hug and cheer, and no more suspicion and quarrel." 

Some people also said, "I will cherish every day now and live a safe and healthy life." 

Whatever you want to do, that day can come true.

Pay tribute to every worker who is still in his post during the Lantern Festival!