The Ministry of Communications explains how to define online car-hailing

  Online car-hailing, for the purpose of profit, passengers propose travel plans, mileage, time charges, and ride rides, not for profit. Mainly, drivers propose travel plans and share part of the travel costs. Graphic production/Dunning

  On July 28, the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" two taxi industry reform documents were released. On the implementation of local policies, the definition of online car-hailing and ride-hailing, and the fair competition of taxi online car-hailing, the relevant person of the Ministry of Transport once again made an interpretation yesterday. The relevant person in charge made it clear that the Ministry of Transport will guide local governments to formulate practical plans and set up a transition period for reform.

  On July 28, two taxi industry reform documents – "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were released, which attracted widespread attention. Yesterday, in the Voice of China special program "Today I am on duty", Zeng Jia, deputy director of the Taxi Management Department of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, explained the policy implementation, the definition of ride-sharing, and the development of taxi network ride-hailing competition.

  Hot 1

  How will local policies be implemented after the introduction of the New Deal?

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that the new regulations have a relatively clear positioning for the development of taxis and the standardized operation of online car-hailing, but the specific implementation details still need to be formulated and clarified by local governments. The interim measures are clear, and the new regulations will be implemented on November 1, 2016. Local governments can formulate specific implementation details according to these measures in light of local conditions.

  Zeng Jia, deputy director of the Taxi Management Department of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, said that there is a reason for delegating the specific details of taxi management to the local area. Taxi management belongs to local affairs. The reform adheres to the principle of territorial management, and the city government bears the main responsibility for management. The level of economic and social development of each city is different. The traffic structure, population size, public transportation level, and the number of existing taxis are all different. They can only be determined by the local people’s governments according to their own actual conditions. There is no problem of delegating the power of price setting and quantity control to the local area, because this itself is the power of the local city, and it is necessary for all localities to adapt to local conditions and implement policies according to the city.

  The Ministry of Transport has also made arrangements for the implementation of the policy. First, it held a video and telephone conference on the reform of the taxi industry in conjunction with relevant departments to mobilize and deploy the reform work. Second, it will hold a training course in the near future to publicize and implement the main content and spirit of the two documents to local management departments, clarify the operation methods of the relevant issues in the document, and coordinate with local governments to promote the reform of the taxi industry. Third, it will guide local governments to formulate practical plans and grasp the policy scale. Fourth, it will guide local governments to make a good transition plan for the reform transition period.

  Hot 2

  What is the difference between ride-hailing and ride-hailing?

  Zeng Jia believes that ride-hailing is similar to taxis, providing time and displacement services, which occupy road resources. But ride-hailing makes full use of road and vehicle resources without additional consumption of road resources, which is a typical way for urban transportation to reflect the sharing economy.

  What needs to be made clear is that, first of all, Hitch is generally released by the ride-sharing service provider in advance, or by people who have the same travel route after the passenger’s release, rather than responding according to the passenger’s travel needs. Secondly, Hitch reflects the goodwill and mutual assistance between people, which is obviously different from online ride-hailing operations. Finally, Hitch is not for profit, and part of the travel cost is limited to fuel costs and transportation costs, rather than charging fees through mileage and timing.

  In addition, this reform document makes clear the opinions to encourage support, but all localities should formulate detailed policies based on local actual conditions.

  Hot 3

  How can taxis and ride-hailing companies compete fairly?

  Zeng Jia believes that before the policy was introduced, there were many reasons for the conflict between new and old business models, and the lack of a fair competition market environment was a very important reason.

  There are big differences between online car-hailing and traditional taxis in terms of access standards, price mechanism, vehicle safety, scrap management, insurance system, tax payment, etc. In particular, in order to seize the market, online platform companies seize the market through continuous huge subsidies, which in fact causes unfair competition between the two.

  Therefore, the interim management measures issued clarify the licensing conditions for online car-hailing, and set licensing requirements for platforms, vehicles and personnel. At the same time, it is required that it must not hinder fair competition in the market, must not have unfair price behaviors that disrupt the normal market order at a price lower than the cost, harm the interests of the state or the legitimate rights and interests of other operators, and must not have price violations. These are all to form a level playing field.

  Zeng Jia pointed out that in the long run, to resolve the conflict and opposition between the two sides, it is still necessary to deepen the reform of traditional industries as soon as possible, standardize the development of online car-hailing, and achieve healthy competition and coordinated development between the two business models. First, accelerate the reform of traditional taxis, and eliminate the shortcomings of the system and mechanism by taking measures such as dynamic regulation of operation scale, restrictions on the period of taxi operation rights and free use, reform of the benefit distribution mechanism, and adjustment of the freight rate mechanism. Second, for new business models, by setting business boundaries, segmenting markets, and providing high-quality services, we can achieve differentiated management and gradually deepen integration and development.

  Beijing will formulate detailed rules based on actual conditions

  On July 28, the new regulations on taxi reform at the national level "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were officially issued. Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission said that Beijing will resolutely implement the spirit of the two documents, carefully study and understand the content requirements of the documents, and formulate relevant implementation opinions and detailed rules in light of Beijing’s actual situation.

  Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Transportation Commission Transportation Administration introduced that the new regulations on taxi reform have an important guiding and normative role in the transformation and upgrading of Beijing’s taxi industry and the promotion of the healthy development of online taxis. Beijing will resolutely implement the spirit of the two documents, carefully study and understand the content requirements of the documents, and formulate relevant implementation opinions and detailed rules in light of Beijing’s actual conditions, promote integrated development, improve service levels, and meet the travel needs of the people.

  At present, there are no relevant documents on the development of online car-hailing for the time being. However, as early as 2013, the Municipal Transportation Commission issued the "Opinions on Beijing Passenger Car Co-hailing Travel", which made it clear that passenger car co-hailing should follow the basic principles of public welfare co-hailing priority, voluntary mutual assistance, safeguarding legitimate rights and interests, standardizing co-hailing behavior, and strictly prohibiting illegal operations, so as to promote its healthy development.

  Six departments jointly interviewed four online car-hailing companies

  Yesterday morning, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Ministry of Transport that the Ministry of Transport, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Bureau of Letters and Calls have jointly interviewed four online ride-hailing platform companies, including Didi, Uber, Shenzhou, and Yidao, and asked them to clean up vehicles and drivers that do not meet the requirements in accordance with the new regulations.

  Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming said that the reform and development of the taxi industry is not only a matter of people’s livelihood, but also related to social stability. After the two documents on deepening the reform of the taxi industry are issued, relevant enterprises should carefully compare and study, strictly implement relevant regulations, and rectify existing problems. It is required to strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, especially in accordance with the requirements of the newly issued two documents on deepening the reform of the taxi industry, earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of enterprises and assume social responsibility, speed up the cleaning up of vehicles and drivers that do not meet the requirements, standardize market operation behavior, operate with integrity in accordance with the law, and seek long-term development.

  After the transition period, relevant functional areas of business will jointly enforce the law, increase the crackdown on illegal operations and other illegal acts, and maintain a good market order in the taxi industry; platform companies that do not implement relevant requirements, violate laws and regulations, and incite disruption of social order will be dealt with in accordance with the law, and the relevant enterprises and their responsible persons will be seriously investigated.

  This group article/reporter of this newspaper, Liu

Reading: Tik Tok PC version is coming! What’s the experience of brushing Tik Tok on the computer? Tik Tok PC version is here! What’s the experience of brushing Tik Tok on the computer?

  [PConline application] Tik Tok has launched the PC version, so we can happily brush Tik Tok in the computer. Not to mention, it’s not bad to brush Tik Tok in the computer. Come and try it.

Similar to the web version of the PC stand-alone client

  The PC version of Tik Tok adopts a design similar to the web version, with a content classification column on the left, a content display area in the middle and a search column on the top.

Figure 1 Main interface of Tik Tok PC version

  When entering the PC version of Tik Tok for the first time, there will be an operation prompt, prompting users to switch videos by using the mouse wheel or the up and down arrow buttons on the keyboard.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 2 operation tips

Support account login to view favorite videos.

  Tik Tok PC version supports account login by SMS verification and QR code.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 3 Account Login Page

  After logging in, you can see your account information and view your works, favorite and favorite videos.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 4 User Page

Support double-speed playback and automatic continuous broadcast.

  For video playback, Tik Tok PC version supports full-screen playback, and supports (0.75/1.0/1.25/1.5/2.0) multiple playback, and supports video continuous playback function, which means that users can set full-screen playback and let Tik Tok PC version brush the video by themselves without moving their hands.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 5 Video playback function

Optional only play horizontal video.

  Tik Tok PC also classifies videos in horizontal video, so users can choose to view only horizontal video, that is, videos that can be viewed in full screen.

Tik Tok PC edition
Fig. 6 Optional horizontal video

Comments, likes and shares

  In addition, users can comment, like, collect and share videos, and the sharing operation is in the form of Tik Tok password and QR code.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 7 Video sharing

  When the user clicks the Publish Video button, it does not publish the video in the PC version of Tik Tok, but uses a new webpage to enter the creative service platform of Tik Tok.

Tik Tok PC edition
Fig. 8 A new webpage is opened for publishing works.

Video classification and live broadcast

  In terms of video classification, Tik Tok PC version classifies videos into (entertainment, support, secondary, games, food, sports, fashion and music), and also supports viewing live content.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 9 Video Classification

The desired function is not available yet.

  Let’s talk about the lack of Tik Tok PC version. One is that there is no top function, and the other is that there is no simplest interface function. These two functions are necessary when fishing or dual-purpose.


  Apart from being an independent client, the other functions of Tik Tok PC version are basically the same as those of the web version, and it feels like a prototype. At present, there is no need to install this client specially, so let’s talk about it after it is improved.

Geely Xingyue L real car appeared, with Volvo 2.0T power, 7.7s broke 100.

The auto show in April is about to start, and the car circle will be lively again, especially for independent brands, and several head brands have launched their own heavy models. In fact, after years of development, independent brands are no longer limited to cost performance. In the same class, they not only have richer configurations, but also have a good driving experience, especially the deep binding with them, which makes L have the comprehensive strength of not losing joint venture brands.

L adopts the latest CMA super matrix architecture, which not only has a tough appearance, but also adopts the 2.0T engine of Drive-E series, which can be said to be full of highlights. First of all, the appearance of the new car adopts the latest family-style design language, and the front face enters the waterfall air intake net and the surrounding zigzag elements, which further enhances the recognition of the new car. The interior of the flat headlight group on both sides is also blackened, which makes the sense of science and technology more obvious. The lower penetrating air inlet and the C-shaped side air inlets on both sides form an integrated design, which improves the visual width of the front face.

The shape of the side of the car body is very atmospheric. The steady posture, straight waistline and tough wheel eyebrows show a strong sense of strength. The flat roof line also indicates that there is enough space inside the new car. In terms of body size, the new car is 4770*1895*1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845mm, which is a standard medium-sized SUV.

The tail shape is relatively simple, and the through taillights on both sides are properly integrated with the silver chrome-plated decorative strip. The surrounding area below is also decorated with chrome-plated decoration, and the exhaust is designed in a hidden way, so the overall appearance is still very strong.

The new car in the interior adopts the popular double screen design. It can be said that the new car takes into account the sense of fashion and technology, and the combination of double colors presents a strong texture without losing luxury models. The materials used are naturally not bad, and the use of a large number of soft materials and stitching embellishment are more exquisite.

The new car is also rich in configuration, which can manage the cross-domain high-speed operation and function integration of functional domains such as power, intelligent driving, chassis and cloud collaboration. With the help of 5G technology, vehicles can find parking spaces, locate owners and find owners independently. At the same time, Xingyue L can also complete 100% unmanned driving, obstacle avoidance, intelligent parking space search, autonomous parking, parking and other functions within the 200-meter round-trip distance through independent learning, which is full of science and technology.

In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with Drive-E series 2.0TD in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine, with the maximum power of 218 HP and 238 HP, and the maximum torque of 325 Nm and 350 Nm, respectively. The transmission is matched with 7-speed wet DCT gearbox and 8AT gearbox from Aisin, with an acceleration of 7.7 seconds per 100 kilometers and a fuel consumption of 7.8L per 100 kilometers. It can be said that this power system is not only powerful, but also very fuel-efficient.

Some knowledge about football

Football is a sport in which the feet are the mainstay, the ball is controlled and dominated, and two teams attack and defend each other on the same rectangular court according to certain rules. Football is called "the first sport in the world" because of its strong antagonism, changeable tactics and large number of participants.

Here are some knowledge about football:


The origin of football

The predecessor of modern football originated from the ball game "Cuju" in Zizhou, Shandong Province (now Zibo City) in ancient China, and was later spread to Europe by Arabs from China, and gradually evolved into modern football.

Modern football originated in England.

In 2005, in the closing ceremony of the centenary celebration of FIFA, Linzi, Shandong Province, China was officially declared as the origin of world football.

The picture above shows the ancient Cuju map of China.


ancient football

The origin of football can be traced back to the ancient ball game Cuju in China. Cuju’s original name was "Tuju", and the word Cuju first appeared in Historical Records Biography of Bian Que Canggong, while Cuju was called the ancient football in China. In the Western Han Dynasty, writers Liu Xiang and Liu Xin and his son wrote in their personal works Bielu and Qilue: "Cuju players are rumored to be made by the Yellow Emperor." By the Tang and Song Dynasties, Cuju had become very popular and became an elegant activity in the court. This ball game was later introduced to Europe from China by Arabs.


Modern football day

October 26, 1863

On October 26th, 1863, several football fans met at the Fremason Hotel in Queen’s Street, London, England, and discussed and established the English Football Association, which was the first football association established in the history of world football, and its establishment marked the birth of modern football.


The "four" firsts in football

In 1848, the Cambridge Rules, the first written rule in the history of football, was born.

On October 26th, 1863, England established the first football association in the world, and unified the competition rules of football.

In 1872, the first official match between football associations was held between England and Scotland.

In 1900, in the Second Summer Olympic Games, football was included as an official event.


Football playing field


Venue area: The venue should be rectangular, with a length of no more than 120m or less than 90m and a width of no more than 90m or less than 45m (the venue for international competitions should be no more than 110m or less than 100m and no more than 75m or less than 64m). In any case, the length must exceed the width.


Line drawing: The competition venue should draw clear lines according to the plane drawing, the line width should not exceed 12 cm, and no V-shaped grooves should be made. The longer two lines are called sideline and the shorter one is called goal line. Draw a line across the court in the middle of the court, which is called the center line. The center of the site should be marked clearly, and a circle with this point as the center and a radius of 9.15m should be drawn, which is called the middle circle. On each corner of the site, a flat-topped flagpole with a height of not less than 1.50 meters should be erected, and a small flag should be tied on it; Similar flags and flagpoles can be erected on one side and at least 1 meter away from the sideline of the center line on both sides of the field.


Goal area: On the goal line 5.50 meters away from the inside of the goal post at both ends of the competition field, draw a line with a length of 5.50 meters perpendicular to the goal line into the field, with one end connected with the goal line and the other end drawing a connecting line parallel to the goal line. The area within the range of these three lines and the goal line is called the goal area.


Penalty area: On the goal line 16.50 meters away from the inside of the goal post at both ends of the playing field, draw a line with a length of 16.50 meters perpendicular to the goal line into the field, with one end connected with the goal line and the other end drawing a connecting line parallel to the goal line. The area within the range of these three lines and the goal line is called penalty area, and make a clear mark at the midpoint of the two goal lines measuring 11 meters vertically into the field, which is called penalty point. Draw an arc outside the penalty area with the penalty spot as the center and 9.15m as the radius, which is called the penalty arc.


Corner area: Take the intersection of sideline and goal line as the center and 1m as the radius, draw a quarter arc into the field, and the area within this arc is called corner area.


Goal: The goal should be located in the center of each goal line, and it is composed of two vertical goalposts with a distance of 7.32 meters and an equal distance from the flag point in the west corner, and a horizontal crossbar with a lower edge of 2.44 meters above the ground. In order to ensure safety, both the fixed goal and the movable goal must be stably fixed on the field. The width and thickness of doorposts and crossbars shall be symmetrical and equal, and shall not exceed 12 cm. The net is attached to the goalpost, crossbar and ground behind the goal. The net should be properly propped up, so that the goalkeeper has enough room to move. The material of the net is allowed to be made of hemp, jute or nylon. Nylon rope can be used, but it must not be thinner than hemp or hemp rope.


Position on the football field


Goalkeeper: The main responsibility is to hold the goal, observe the changes of the game on the field, organize and direct the offensive and defensive of the whole team.


Full-back: mainly responsible for defending the opposing winger or other players who are inserted into the winger position, and cooperating with the central defender to make up for each other and block the way to attack the goal directly. When our team attacks, we can also wait for an opportunity to help out and play the role of winger.


Central defender: It is the pillar of defense. Its main duty is to defend the most dangerous area in the front center of the goal, stop the opponent from shooting, and cooperate with the full-back and another central defender to make up for each other’s positions. It should also play the role of offensive and defensive organization and command.


Avant-garde: It is active in the middle zone between the striker and the defender, and its main responsibility is to control the midfield, which is the barrier of defense and the link of frontier attack. Advance can attack, retreat can defend, and timely insert or long-range, which plays the core role of the team.


Center: The main responsibility is to shoot through or catch a cross ball. Secondly, it is the "sharp knife" and "shooter" of our team through cross transposition, left and right coordination, disturbing the other side’s defense line and creating opportunities for our companions to insert, cut or shoot. It is the first line of defense for the whole team when the attack turns to the defense.


Winger: The main duty is to break through the opponent’s defense line from the side, take the ball and cut the shot or cross the baseline or outflank the shot. When defending, we should keep a close eye on our full-backs, prevent them from assisting freely, and assist our full-backs in defending the opposing wingers.







1. Competition system

The game is divided into two teams, each with 11 players (generally speaking, each team is allowed to replace three substitute players during the game), and one of them must be a goalkeeper. The whole game is 90 minutes, which is divided into upper and lower halves, with each half lasting 45 minutes. The rest time between the first half and the second half shall not exceed 15 minutes. There is a referee and two sideline referees in the game. In each half, the referee can make up time according to the injuries and time-consuming substitution on the field. If the game must be decided, if the two teams draw within 90 minutes, overtime will be played for 15 minutes in the first half and 15 minutes in the second half. If the game is still tied, the winner will be decided by penalty kick.

The game time should be divided into two equal halves, 45 minutes for each half and 90 minutes for a ball game. Unless otherwise agreed by both parties under special circumstances, the following provisions shall apply:

A. In each half, the time lost due to substitution, dealing with the wounded, delay time and other reasons shall be made up, and the amount of this time shall be decided by the referee.

B. At the end of each half-time or after the whole game, if a penalty kick, corner kick, frontcourt free kick or the ball enters the opponent’s penalty area and the goal has not been completed yet, the time shall be extended until the end of the attack. Unless the referee agrees, the rest time between the first half and the second half shall not exceed 15 minutes.

2. Kick-off method

1. Before the start of the game, the kick-off or venue should be selected by coin-in, and the party who picks first should have the right to choose the kick-off or venue. After the referee gives the signal, the game should be started by a player of the opening team kicking the ball (that is, kicking the ball placed in the center of the playing field). Before the ball is kicked out, all the other players (except the team members) should be in their own half, and the opposing team members who open the team should also keep at least 9.15 meters away from the ball; After the ball is kicked out, there is obvious displacement. It should be considered that the kickoff player is not allowed to touch the ball again before the ball is touched or kicked by other players.

2. After a goal is scored, a player from the negative side should kick off again in the same way to continue the game.

At the beginning of the second half, the two teams should exchange venues, and the other side of the team that kicked off in the first half will kick off.

3. Penalty

1. Any kick-off that violates the rules in this chapter should be reopened. If the kickoff player touches the ball again before the ball is touched or kicked by other players, the opposing team should be at the foul place. Kick an indirect free kick

2. Kick-off can be scored directly to the opponent. Kicking into one’s own goal will result in a corner kick.

3. If the ball doesn’t cross the sideline or goal line when the game is suspended for reasons not specified in these rules, when the game is resumed, the referee should drop the ball at the position where the ball was suspended, and the game will be resumed when it hits the ground. If the ball is in the goal area when the game is suspended, it should be dropped on the goal line nearest to the position where the ball is located and parallel to the goal line. When the ball is dropped, the players must not touch the ball before it hits the ground, otherwise the referee should drop the ball again.

4. Dead ball

In the following cases, it becomes a dead ball:

When the ball crosses the goal line or sideline on the ground or in the air.

When the game has been stopped by the referee.

5. The game is going on

From the start of the competition to the end of the competition, the competition should be in progress, including:

A. The ball bounces back from the goalpost, crossbar or corner flagpole.

B. The ball bounced off the referee or linesman on the court.

C. the players on the field fouled and the referee didn’t punish them.

6. Method of winning

Unless otherwise stipulated in the rules, if the whole ball crosses the goal line from between the goalposts and under the crossbar, instead of being thrown or brought in by the attacker’s hand and deliberately pushed into the goal with his hand or arm (except that the goalkeeper is in his own penalty area), the attacker wins a goal. In a game, the team that wins more goals is the winning team. If neither side wins or the number of wins is equal, the game should be called a "draw".

7. Penalty for violation of regulations


(1) An attacker who is closer to the opponent’s goal line than the ball is in an offside position. Except in the following cases:

1. The player is in his own half.

2. At least two players of the opposing team are closer to the goal line of the opposing team than this player.

(2) When the player kicks or touches the ball, and the team member is offside, the referee thinks that the player has the following behaviors, so it should be judged offside:

1. Interfering with the game or the other side;

2. Attempt to gain benefits from offside position.

(3) A player should not be judged offside in the following circumstances:

1. The players are only offside;

2. A player can directly catch a goal kick, corner kick or throw the ball out of bounds.

(4) If a player is sentenced to offside, the referee shall award an indirect free kick by the opposing player at the offside location. If the player is offside in the opponent’s goal area, then this free kick can be executed anywhere in the goal area where he was offside.

-Fouls and misconduct

(1) A member intentionally violates any of the following nine items, namely:

1. Kicking or attempting to kick an opposing team member.

2. Tripping the opponent’s players, that is, behind or in front of the opponent, stretching your legs or bending over to trip or attempt to trip the opponent.

3. Jump to the opposing team.

4. Violent or dangerous collision with the other team members.

5. In addition to the other side is blocking, from behind the other team.

6. Try to hit the opposing team and spit on them.

7. Pull the opposing team.

8. Push the opposing team.

9. Touch the ball with your hands, for example, carrying and pushing the ball with your hands or arms (except for the goalkeeper in his own penalty area).

Note: On March 5th, 2021, international football association board announced that it had adjusted the rules concerning hand ball, and not all handball was considered a foul. Unintentional handball that causes teammates to score a goal or get a chance to score will no longer be considered a foul. In all the above cases, the opponent should be sentenced to kick a direct free kick at the foul place. If the foul place is in the opponent’s penalty area, the free kick can be executed anywhere in the penalty area. In the course of the game, if the defender intentionally violates any of the above nine items in his own penalty area, he should be awarded a penalty no matter where the ball is at that time.

(2) A player commits any of the following five fouls, namely:

1. The referee thinks that his actions are dangerous, such as trying to kick the ball that the goalkeeper has caught.

2. When the goalkeeper is in the penalty area:

A. Holding, patting or throwing the ball into the air in any direction after controlling the ball by hand, and then catching it, and walking for more than 4 steps without making the ball enter the competition state.

B. After holding the ball, touch the ball with your hands again according to the situation in clause (2)c, although you have made the ball enter the competition state before touching the ball by the team members outside the penalty area or the opposing team members inside and outside the penalty area.

C. The goalkeeper touches the ball with his hand after a team member intentionally kicks the ball to the goalkeeper.

D. The referee thinks that due to tactical purposes, the team intentionally stops the game and delays the game time, which makes the team gain illegitimate interests.

In all the above cases, the opponent should be judged to kick an indirect free kick at the foul place according to the specific circumstances of the first free kick rule.

3. Players should be warned and shown a yellow card in the following situations:

E. After the start of the game, players enter or re-enter the game or leave during the game: except for accidents, in either case, without the permission of the referee in advance.

F. If the referee suspends the game to execute the warning, the opponent will kick an indirect free kick to resume the game at the place where the ball is located when the game is suspended according to the specific situation of the free kick rules.

G. If the foul player has other more serious foul circumstances, he shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the rules.

H. the team members violated the rules continuously.

I. express dissatisfaction with the referee’s decision by words or actions.

J. has improper behavior.

Except for a more serious foul, if a player’s behavior falls into any of the last three items mentioned above, he should be given a yellow card warning and ordered to kick an indirect free kick at the foul place according to the specific conditions of any team rules.

(3) When the referee thinks that a player has the following situations, he should be ordered to play and show a red card:

1. Commit acts of violence.

2. Serious foul.

3. Use foul language or abuse.

4. After being given a yellow card warning, he was given a second yellow card warning for foul.

The game is suspended because of the penalty. If the player does not violate other rules, the opponent should be sentenced to kick an indirect free kick in the foul place according to the specific situation of the free kick rules.

8. Free kick

There are two kinds of free kicks: direct free kicks (which can be scored directly into the goal of the foul team) and indirect free kicks (the server is not allowed to shoot directly, and can only shoot after being touched by other players).

9. penalty kick

(1) Requirements

The penalty kick should be kicked from the penalty spot, and the penalty player must be clearly defined. When serving, all players except the referee and the opposing goalkeeper should be outside the penalty area and in the competition field, and at least 9.15m away from the penalty point. Before the ball is served, the opposing goalkeeper must stand on the goal line between the two goalposts (his feet are not allowed to move). The referee must kick the ball forward; Don’t touch the ball again until other players kick or touch it. When the ball rolls to the circumferential distance of the ball, the game is resumed. Penalty kicks can be scored directly. When the penalty kick is executed in the middle of the game, or when the penalty kick is extended or reissued at the end of the semi-full game in the first half, if the kicked ball touches any post or two posts; Or touch the crossbar; Or touch the goalkeeper; Or continuously touching the goalpost, crossbar or goalkeeper and entering the goal, as long as there is no foul, it should be judged as a winning goal.

(2) Penalty

Anyone who violates any provision of this chapter shall be dealt with as follows:

1. If the defender fouls, the ball should be severely punished if it is not penalized.

2. If an attacker other than the penalty shooters commits a foul, the penalty will be invalid and should be severely punished.

3. If the penalty player commits a foul after the game is resumed, the opposing player shall issue an indirect free kick at the foul place according to the specific situation of the free kick rules.

10. Throw a foul ball

When the whole ball crosses the sideline on the ground or in the air, it should be thrown in any direction in the court by the opponent who touched the ball last before it was out of bounds.

When throwing the ball, the thrower must face the court, and some of his feet should stand on the sideline or outside the sideline. He should not leave the ground with his feet, and throw the ball into the stadium from the head to the back with both hands. The game resumed as soon as the ball entered the court. The thrower must not touch the ball again until it is kicked or touched by other players. Throw a foul ball into the goal directly to score.

penalty provision

1. If the ball is not thrown into the stadium according to the prescribed method, the opposing team members should throw the foul ball in the same place.

2. If the ball thrower touches the ball again after throwing the ball into the stadium before it is kicked or touched by other players, the opposing team should kick an indirect free kick at the place where the foul occurred. If a player fouls in the opponent’s goal area or fouls in his own goal area, he should kick an indirect free kick according to the specific circumstances of the free kick rules.

Goal kick.

When the whole ball crosses the baseline from the outside of the goal in the air or on the ground, and the last player who kicks or touches the ball is the attacking player, the defending goalkeeper will directly issue a restricted area at any place in the restricted area to resume the game. The goalkeeper must not put the ball in his hand before sending it into the game. If the ball is not directly served from the tee, that is, it has not entered the game, it should be re-served. The goalkeeper must not touch the ball again before it is kicked or touched by other players. Goal kick is not allowed to score directly. When serving goal kick, the opposing team members should stand outside the service area before the ball is sent out of the service area.

After the player who serves goal kick kicks the ball out of the service court, he touches the ball again before it is kicked or touched by other players, and the opposing player shall be awarded an indirect free kick at the place where the foul occurred. If a player fouls in the penalty area, it will be executed according to the specific situation of the free kick rule.

12. Corner kick

When the whole ball crosses the goal line from the outside of the goal, whether in the air or on the ground, and the defender touches the ball finally, the attacking player puts the ball in the corner area close to the ball out of bounds and kicks the corner kick.

Do not move the corner flagpole when serving the corner kick. A corner kick can win a goal directly. The opponent of the corner kick player shall not enter within 9.15 meters from the ball when the ball has not entered the game, that is, the ball has not rolled to the circumferential distance of the ball. A player serving a corner kick is not allowed to touch the ball again before it is touched by other players.

1. When a player who kicks a corner touches the ball again before it is kicked or touched by other players, the referee shall order the opposing player to kick an indirect free kick at the place where the foul occurred. If a player fouls in the goal area, it will be executed according to the specific situation of the free kick rule in the rules.

2. If there is any other foul, the corner kick should be kicked again.

Slide down to see all.




The highest organization in the world is the International Football Federation, which was founded in 1904 and headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland.

The highest organization in China is the Chinese Football Association, which was established in Beijing on January 3rd, 1955.


Top ten famous football matches


The FIFA World Cup is held every four years. It is a football match with the participation of national teams all over the world, which symbolizes the highest honor in football and has the greatest popularity and influence.


The European Football Championship, also known as the "European Championship", is held every four years and is one of the most influential international football competitions. Since 2016, the number of teams participating in the final stage of the European Championship has expanded to 24.


The European Champions League, referred to as the "Champions League" or "Champions League", represents the highest level and honor of European club football. Twenty-two clubs have won the Champions League in succession, with Real Madrid winning the championship the most times, totaling 13 times.


The English Football Super League, referred to as the "Premier League" for short, is one of the "five major leagues" in Europe. It is composed of 20 teams and is considered to be one of the best leagues in the world. With its fast pace, fierce competition and numerous strong teams, it has become the most popular sports event in the world and the highest-paid football league.


Italian Football League One, referred to as "Serie A" for short, is one of the highest-level professional football leagues in the world. In the 1980s and 1990s, there were many stars and powerful teams in Serie A, which was called "Little World Cup".


Spanish Football League One, referred to as La Liga for short, is the most competitive league in Europe at present. It is known as the "Star League" and "Mr. League" and is the cradle of cultivating footballer of the year and the Golden Globe Award.


German Football League One, referred to as "Bundesliga", is the highest-level club competition in German football. Bayern Munich is the most successful team in the Bundesliga, winning 28 Bundesliga titles.


French Football League One, referred to as "Ligue 1" for short, started the era of "Green Giants" dominating Ligue 1 when French football superstar Platini debuted in saint etienne in the 1970s, which produced a turning point in Ligue 1 and made French football once again become an important force in Europe.


The America’s Cup is the most important national football match attended by the member countries of South American Football Association. It was formerly known as the South American Football Championship and is also the oldest national football match in the world. It is held every four years.


The Asian Cup is the highest-level national competition in Asia. Since 1997, Asian Cup champions have represented AFC in the FIFA Confederations Cup.


Top ten famous football stars


Famous stars: Pele, Diego Maradona, johan cruyff, franz beckenbauer, Zidane, Ronaldo, alfredo di stefano, bobby charlton, Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Source: Ping An Kudur

Editor: Zhang Zibo

Editor in charge: Yang Xiaobin

Duty Officer: Zhang Lijuan

Lantern Festival is at home, what are you thinking?

Special feature of 1905 film network Although this Lantern Festival is not noisy, it is extraordinary. We believe that the persistence at present will definitely bring the best reunion when spring blossoms.

At that time, what will everyone want to do most?

It is better to jump out of all kinds of troubles in reality for a short time with Xiao Dianjun, and with this beautiful vision, follow the movie to imagine.

At that time, I wanted to eat … 

Hot pot, hot pot, or hot pot! Remember the movie "Old Classmate Dongzi Hotpot"? Chen Kun, Qin Hao and Yu Entai jointly opened a hot pot restaurant in the film, which is impressive.

Sitting around and reuniting with old friends, rinsing beef and mutton and drinking beer in front of steaming hot pot, recalling the lush years and saying goodbye to each other’s parents will surely be a food choice for many people after returning to normal life.

The original "ecstasy meal" created by Master Xing in the movie has become a screen classic. Emperor fried rice, splendid multiflavor fish, dried Kun roasted goose and other Manchu-Chinese banquet dishes can’t match a bowl of barbecued pork rice, plus a poached egg, which seems plain, but it is the "life-saving meal" of the star in the film, which makes people feel warm.

"ecstasy meal"

Hong Kong-style cuisine also includes crispy fried beef river, crystal sweet and sour meat and other luxurious dishes in happy ever after, and a bowl of Wonton Noodles bought from a vendor in Maggie Cheung, which is authentic and delicious.

Wuhan duck neck and Regan Noodles, Xi ‘an mutton bread in soup, Nanjing duck blood vermicelli soup, Changsha chopped pepper fish head, Chengdu Dandan Noodles … The series "China on the tip of the tongue" comprehensively introduces the special snacks all over the country, and there is always one for you.

Food adds a sweet flavor to life, and Japanese food always looks so exquisite and healing, especially Japanese food in movies. Hirokazu KoreedaOur movie is an exquisite "food guide". Hot coke cakes in the kitchen;Curry rice and cold noodles cooked by Sister Li herself;Corn tempura fried by old mother and delicious stew 3. ….

The Coke Cake in The Thieves’ Family

These foods are accompanied by the taste of family, and they are tasted together after the epidemic and enjoy the beauty that is gently intertwined with life. The single mother in Dandelion gathers gourmets and friends to make delicious pork Lamian Noodles.

The bronze gongs and gongs cooked by the old lady in the restaurant have brought a mediocre store of bronze gongs and gongs and gongs back to life … Food is not only made and enjoyed, but you may also gain a friendship and friendship like them in the process.

 Western cuisine is also a good choice. You can drive a car to a bar and restaurant like Chinese, John Travolta and uma thurman, and order a royal cheeseburger, which is heavy and full.

How long has it been since you enjoyed a fancy French dinner? Baked lobster with cream, mutton with onion sauce, boiled eggs with water, beef stew with red wine, flounder fried in yellow oil, crispy tomato bread …… Look at Julie and Julia, in which 524 French dishes are unforgettable.

During the Spring Festival holiday, people stayed at home for too long, and many people gained a lot of meat. Whether it’s the hell-like special training in "Slimming Men and Women" or the fat boy in "Ex-girlfriend" who insists on running, everyone’s fitness training plan can be arranged!

At that time, I wanted to travel. 

Travel plans can also be arranged in advance, and perhaps you can find the ideal destination in the movie. Gongwangfu in the park, Jiuzhaigou in the park, Wulong in Chongqing in the park and Anji Dazhuhai Scenic Resort in the park … can follow the footsteps of these classic domestic films to explore scenic spots all over the country.

"Hero" Jiuzhaigou

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Anji Zhuhai looks overseas. The classic trilogy of "Love in" has unfolded a beautiful picture of European scenery for us. Maybe you can also have an unexpected encounter on the train and spend a romantic night with him/her in Vienna.

The film is set in New Zealand, but the scenery here is not like the Hobbit, but concentrated in a less popular town: Clyde.

Look for the love footprints of the protagonists Huang Xuan and Yang Caiyu here. You can also go to Cook Mountain, the highest peak in New Zealand, like them, wait for the Antarctic light and make a good wish.

 The Spring Festival movies are broadcast free of charge on the Internet, which also allows more people to bet on the winter scenery in Russia. The K3 train from Beijing to Moscow takes 6 days and 6 nights across Eurasia, and you can enjoy the forests of Siberia, the snow scenery of grassland in Ulaanbaatar and the lake water of Lake Baikal along the way. …

The destination Moscow has Red Square, Kremlin, St. Vassili Cathedral and other must-see attractions. Slow is the rhythm of this trip, witnessing all kinds of changes in the scenery along the way.


When the cherry blossoms bloom in March, don’t forget the cherry blossoms in full bloom in Wuhan University. I hope that by then, Wuhan has completely got rid of the virus, and we can walk under the cherry trees of Wuhan University, see the sunshine and smell the flowers and fragrance.

At that time, I wanted to see you 

"All encounters in the world are reunions after a long separation." 

This romantic remark in the movie can be reminiscent of the classic reunion pictures in many movies: Li Xiaojun and Li Qiao in the movie, and second time around, the first lover in the movie.


After a short separation, after the couple meet again, they will definitely hold hands to date and wander in the street again, relying on each other closely and accompanying each other closely. 

In the movie, Matsu Takako plays the Hokkaido girl who comes to Tokyo alone. She held an umbrella in the spring rain and bravely confessed to her favorite boy. When the epidemic is over, will you run to the person you like and say that you like you loudly like her?

And if you didn’t go home for the Spring Festival this year, you should also want to hurry back to your warm home at that time. Like the old father in the village, the family will certainly set up a table full of meals, waiting for your return.

Someone said, "On that day, I hope that thousands of couples, couples and their families will take to the streets together to kiss, hug and cheer, and no more suspicion and quarrel." 

Some people also said, "I will cherish every day now and live a safe and healthy life." 

Whatever you want to do, that day can come true.

Pay tribute to every worker who is still in his post during the Lantern Festival!