Can Xiaolong help Haval take off again?

Transfer from: Huaibei News Network

On May 15th, 2023, Haval’s "Xiaolong" was officially listed, which was praised by the industry. Its high popularity, although it has long been commonplace for Harvard, has been more than three years since the launch of the last explosive product-"Big Dog".

In the following three years, due to the "mask problem", the automobile market environment changed, which brought opportunities and challenges to many OEMs. For Harvard, which once dominated the home SUV market, it brought more challenges.

"Xiaolong" has seen the growth point of sales for the Harvard brand, just like "a long drought meets sweet rain"; rightGenerally speaking, it is regarded as a powerful medicine to reverse the current decline.

In the view of "Great Wall People", the significance of Xiaolong is particularly important.

How important is Xiaolong? Is it a strategic vehicle that continues to write the brilliant brand of Haval, or is it a passer-by in the process of brand development? In response to these questions, the author recently communicated with Qiao Xinyu, Executive Deputy General Manager of Harvard Brand Marketing.

Interviewee:Qiao Xinyu, Executive Deputy General Manager of Haval Brand Marketing of Great Wall Motor

Interviewer:Netcom Huo Hongwei

Interview time:2023.05.24

Interview location:Beijing Yizhuang

In the domestic passenger car market, SUV products have enjoyed a 45% share for many years, and the sales of compact and intermediate SUVs account for half of the overall SUV market. It can be said that whoever can dominate this market segment will have the absolute right to speak in the new car market.

Haval H6, which has been the top seller in the same market for 9 years in a row, has created the dominant position in this market segment, and Haval has become synonymous with and guarantee for hot-selling SUVs.

In the second half of 2020, another explosion of Haval was born, and "Big Dog" became another divine car after H6. The tough appearance and a certain degree of cross-country ability make the big dog fill the gaps and shortcomings in Haval’s "H series", thus forming a pattern of "H6 and the big dog" fighting the world with two guns. It is this strategy that has made the highlight moment of Harvard brand.

However, the success of Xiao He also played havoc.When the "H Series" and "Dog Series" were promoted at a high speed, the shortcomings of Haval’s product line were exposed, that is, excessive dependence on the fuel technology route. In the post-epidemic era, competing products were given an opportunity, ending Haval H6′ s record of dominating the list for 100 consecutive months.

In this regard, Qiao Xinyu said, "The Harvard brand has two key tasks this year, one is the transformation of new energy; The other is the universalization of core technologies. "

There are two products listed this time, Xiaolong and Xiaolong MAX, and the price covers the range of 130,000-170,000 yuan. Among them, Xiaolong MAX, which is the first product of Haval to adopt Hi4 electric four-wheel drive technology, is equipped with a coffee intelligent driving system and a coffee OS intelligent cockpit, presenting an all-round new feeling for drivers and passengers from the indoor environment, driving safety to driving experience.

This is of course due to the technical advantages provided by the new energy platform, and it is also a state that traditional fuel vehicles can’t reach.

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is now’ to lift the power of the group and help Xiaolong’." Qiao Xinyu introduced to the author.

This seems to have some feelings when Wei WEY brand was founded, but it is not the same. For Wei WEY, at that time, only the brand itself was rushing forward, but now the Xiaolong series is working hard from top to bottom.

Hi4 is only launched now, and there is a certain time interval with competing products. Is it because the Great Wall has no new energy technology reserve?

Of course not. It’s just that the strategy adopted before is to hold high and fight high, which is quite a bit "high and low", but it ignores that arming its own product base is the key point to win the current battle. Due to the delay in making up his mind on the new energy strategy, Harvard suffered a bitter fruit.

"And now is to putGood technology+good price+good quality control, decentralized to Harvard’s main sales and hot-selling products, really benefiting more consumers. "Qiao Xinyu said very frankly, and I believe this is also the consensus of Harvard and even Great Wall Company.

In addition, the Great Wall is famous for its involution, which can be confirmed by looking at the previous product lineup. Only in the Haval system, there are more than 10 compact SUV products. Such a fine division can not provide accurate solutions for users’ diversified car needs, but more is to test consumers’ professionalism in product cognition. This is of course not the original intention of formulating strategies, but it is indeed a good intention to do bad things.

In fact, this situation has also occurred in other business lines of Great Wall Motor, not only in the Haval system.

For the planning of Harvard products later, Qiao Xinyu gave an accurate reply.Do subtraction”。

Haval will insist on walking on two legs, one of which is the fuel product line, mainly focusing on the "H series+big dog series" with H6 as the main part; The other is the "Dragon Series" new energy product line with Xiaolong as the main force. Fuel vehicles mainly focus on the range of 90,000-130,000 yuan, while the new energy product line will cover the range of 130,000-200,000 yuan. At the same time, in order to avoid fighting within the product, we should also make a clear distinction in product style and tonality, and promote it in the same price range and market segment with the combination of "urban SUV+ hard off-road", which really benefits consumers with different car needs.

In terms of product planning, there will be three fuel vehicles worth looking forward to this year, one is the new H5 and the other is the new H9. In addition, the H6, which has been redesigned in the middle period, will be launched in the third quarter of this year, and the new car has been greatly adjusted and upgraded in appearance, interior and power.

For Haval, H6 has the experience and advantages of being a champion, so this model will continue. As for the naming rules, Qiao Xinyu also gave a clear answer that H series products will not be renamed easily in the future. "The product sequence is inherited. Some of the new names once seemed to win traffic in the short term, but in fact they lost their brand value, which was not worth the candle. "

Qiao Xinyu said that Harvard has been combing and adjusting the product line of oil trucks so far this year. In the future, each market segment will be controlled in two models, and the two models should have very obvious category differences.

At the level of new energy products, a hard-core off-road product will be released in the follow-up of the "Dragon Series" model. The whole vehicle has a tough shape, which is obviously different from the Xiaolong series. However, Hi4, coffee intelligence and intelligent driving are the standard of Harvard’s new energy products in the future, which is worth looking forward to.

Will consumers in the future see both oil vehicles and new energy vehicles in a Haval 4S shop?

The answer is no.

Qiao Xinyu’s explanation is that Harvard should be built separately.Network, mainly "4S+2S", mainly sells "Dragon Series" models. "It is a proven truth that a store does not sell two products (fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles are not mixed). The location of the new energy store will be controlled at a linear distance of about 5 kilometers from the traditional oil car store. This is also to avoid internal consumption. "

"Will you consider the city exhibition hall?" I asked.

"At least not this year. We have calculated an account. Take Shangchao Store as an example. The initial investment of a store is at least 10 million yuan. Assuming that the gross profit of a dealer’s car is 10,000 yuan, then this store needs to sell 1,000 cars a year, and it is almost impossible to sell more than 80 cars every month. " Qiao Xinyu said, "The market situation is very severe this year. It is better to do product research and development with this money, and it will be more practical to give back to consumers."

It is estimated that by the end of this month, the number of distributors of Haval New Energy Network will exceed 200. At the same time, this year, the Haval brand will also expand its previous sales blank market.

Qiao Xinyu said that this year’s "new energy vehicles going to the countryside policy" is an opportunity for some car companies, especially products in the range of 100,000-200,000 yuan. Consumers in this part of the region are more "buy-and-buy" users, and the further down the market, the more users buy-and-buy. For Harvard new energy products represented by "Xiaolong", it provides opportunities for the brand to take off again.

Another point, Qiao Xinyu knows very well, is the professional ability of automobile terminal sales. They are brand spokespersons who face consumers directly, and their performance is a key factor in users’ final purchase decision. After all, the "arms race" between brands makes the product strength at a relatively high level, and the final competition is the professionalism of communication with consumers.

In the second half of this year, Haval will focus on the professional ability and operational ability of terminal distributors. Start the "decisive terminal" project, and conduct an all-round "big contest" on the improvement of sales process, the assessment of process indicators, and the practice of sales speech.

Qiao Xinyu said that in this era, the living environment of dealers has changed. In the past, it was "the best way to make money is to lie down, and it is too tired to bend over to make money, but not to stand up to make money"; Now the competition is intensifying, which is a great challenge for the first-line dealers. If you can’t do well in one brand before, you can choose to try your luck in other brands, maybe it’s ok. But now is the era of product hard-core competition, and consumers who enter the store know technology and products everywhere. Therefore, salespeople who are fighting in the front line are required to improve their competitiveness in order to keep up with the rhythm of the times.

Write at the end:

When the author asked whether the current order of Xiaolong series met the manufacturer’s expectations, Qiao Xinyu replied: "At present, there are many opponents, and consumers are also waiting to see. The four-wheel drive performance, two-wheel drive energy consumption and natural safety of four-wheel drive brought by Hi4 will help consumers tend to Xiaolong series in repeated comparisons. "

Haval’s previous glory was based on no rivals, but now it has entered the field of new energy and become rivals everywhere. After equal rights in technology, what the market finally presents is "fighting for products, fighting for prices and fighting for services".

Thanks to the Hi4 technology of the Great Wall, Xiaolong series products will bring the performance of "four-wheel drive performance and two-wheel drive fuel consumption", which also breaks the pain point of vehicles that have been plaguing four-wheel drive models.

Can Xiaolong lead Harvard to take off again? It depends not only on the strength of one’s own internal strength, but also on the overall environment of the market. At least for now, we see that it is on the runway and ready to take off.

Great Wall Motor Retrograde New Energy


Wen Haochao Business Review, written by pineapple and edited by Yang Xuran.

  Alashan is definitely one of the hottest online celebrity producing areas in Tik Tok.

  It is "poetry and distance" in the eyes of cross-country enthusiasts. Every October, there will be a grand cross-country rally-Alashan Heroes’ Club. In 2019, the video of "Alashan Shake Shake" was played 40 million times in Tik Tok, and it was also searched by many media such as CCTV, Sina and Tencent.

  The cross-country culture of "sunset speeding" and "freedom and uninhibited" is completely on fire. It is not only the carnival of the brave, the meditation of the unruly, but also the second spring of the fuel car.

  "Great Wall Cannon", "Haval H6" and other vehicles frequently appeared in off-road vehicle competitions, which also made Great Wall Motor (SH: 601633), a 30-year-old car company from Baoding, once again fire.

  Since July this year, the Great Wall’s stock market has performed like a shot in the arm. In just half a year, its share price has risen from the 5-10 yuan range that it has maintained for five years to 37 yuan, more than tripling.


  Great Wall Motor’s Share Price Performance in May-December

  At home in the era of new energy vehicles, Great Wall Motor has stepped out of its own exponential growth curve and become a "traditional car enterprise" and "fuel vehicle".The benchmark for traditional fuel car companies to break through in the new energy era.

  What has Great Wall Motor experienced, which can represent the fuel vehicle to attack the market in the era of new energy explosion?

  From Baoding Wei Jianjun to Jack Wey

Wei Jianjun, a soldier who used to be unsmiling, is becoming a fashion person who embraces young people.

  At the shareholders’ meeting in 2015, when asked why Great Wall Motor did not emphasize marketing, Wei Jianjun, the chairman of the board of directors, frequently made golden sentences, saying, "It is unnecessary to produce cars because the production of wine can create a brand" and "No brand-new car products will be launched in the next 5-6 years".

  At that time, Wei Jianjun was still a resolute "soldier Wei Jianjun" and an unsmiling "Baoding Car God".

  However, this year, careful people will find that Wei Jianjun’s title has changed to "Jack Wey", showing a gentle and cordial smile frequently in front of the public media.

  From Baoding Car God to Jack Wey, Great Wall Motor has also transformed itself into aA "famous ghost talent" who loves hot spots and sucks traffic.

  At the Beijing Auto Show in 2020, the Great Wall appeared with a series of new models-the new ——SUV was named "Harvard First Love" and "Harvard Big Dog", the new pickup truck was called "Great Wall Gun" and "Tank", the new energy vehicles were "Euler Good Cat", "Black Cat" and "White Cat", and even the car-making technology platform included "Lemon" and "Tank".

  The Great Wall has tasted almost all the trendy marketing: the title of general manager of brand marketing has been changed to "Dean of Cats Research", and it has joined forces with Elvis Presley Radio, Warrior and other national trends in an attempt to set off a "cat culture"; Invite Shen Mengchen, Wang Han and other stars to sell cars live; Heavily calling on young people to launch the electric car racing and refitting competition ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  All kinds of changes are pointing to the same clue-youthfulness. Behind this is the deep anxiety of this traditional car company.

  In 2011, Haval H6 made Great Wall Motor win the title of God in World War I: the sales volume broke through 10,000 in five months, 20,000 in two years, and 80,000 in five years. This record is also brilliant for the whole automobile industry.

  However, with the rise of Jilin Boyue, Changan CS75, Honda CR-V and other models, SUVs gradually shifted from the blue ocean to the red sea market, and Haval’s leading edge was weakening.


  Along with the silence, there are also company performance and stock price performance.Since 2017, the revenue growth rate of Great Wall has dropped sharply, and even slipped into the negative growth range. The decline in net profit is particularly rapid. In 2016, it was still a profit of 105 million, and by 2019 it was only less than 45 million. Its share price is halved, sliding from 10 yuan to 5 yuan.

  The 30-year-old Great Wall Motor’s solution to the "middle-aged crisis" is to set off a series of young reforms from products to marketing and management, which have been quite effective in less than one year.

  According to the latest data in November, the sales volume of Great Wall Motor has reached 122,600 units, a year-on-year increase of 27.6%.

  Among them, Haval H6, as a facade, sold 102,000 vehicles a month, accounting for 83% of the total sales, up 22.1% year-on-year, driving the market share back to more than 20%; Euler, a new energy vehicle, became a new force, with a sales volume of 11,600, a year-on-year increase of 414.7%; The Haval Big Dog, which just went on the market in September and is still in the production climbing period, has a monthly sales volume of 8,555 vehicles.

  As of the third quarter, Great Wall’s revenue was 621 million, down 0.69% year-on-year. According to the current trend, the annual growth rate will turn from negative to positive.

  Looking at the whole market, just over half of the winter in December, the spring of the auto market has come early.

  Reform meets a good opportunity

After the cold winter of the automobile industry cycle, the automobile sales in China are now recovering. Not only the Great Wall, but also a large number of car companies including Geely and SAIC have ushered in a rebound in performance and valuation.

  The rise of the Great Wall is not a case, and the whole vehicle sector is in a strong recovery.

  In April this year, with the improvement of epidemic prevention and control situation,The auto sector showed signs of recovery for the first time, ending a 21-month decline.Sales in that month increased by 5.9% year-on-year. Among passenger cars, SUV led the growth with a growth rate of 7.3%.

  Subsequently, the production and sales data increased for 8 consecutive months, which confirmed the trend of the automobile sector’s economic recovery. In November, China’s automobile sales all reached a new high in the year, with a year-on-year increase of 12.6%, among which passenger cars have maintained a growth rate of around 8% for five consecutive months.

  In such a recovery market,The performance of car companies has grown brilliantly, and valuations have ushered in repairs.

  Leading enterprises such as SAIC, GAC, Chang ‘an, Geely, etc. all had double-digit growth in sales performance in November. Changan and Great Wall, with SUV explosions CS75 and Haval H6, saw their sales growth rate of more than 20%.

  Judging from the performance of the capital market, the leading stock prices have ushered in a general increase. Since July, the share prices of SAIC and GAC have increased by about 50%.The share prices of Chang ‘an and Geely have doubled, while Great Wall Motor ranks first among traditional car companies with a high growth rate of 365%.


  On the other hand, in the contest of the new energy vehicle market, the performance of the Great Wall is also awesome.

  In the ranking of new energy small vehicles in November by Gaspar, the sales volume of Euler Black Cat ranked in the top three, with a year-on-year growth rate of 373%, second only to Wuling Hongguang and Tesla model 3.

  Except for Weilai, which went crazy, the growth rate of Great Wall’s share price even surpassed that of Tucki, Ideality and BYD in the second half of this year.

  So, why does the Great Wall stand out?

  Big explosion of niche market

Northwest China has become the most popular tourist destination, and Alashan has become a holy place for every SUV owner to visit, and the cross-country culture has exploded.

  Car enthusiasts in Zhihu sum up the advantages of SUV in this way: It’s like a man always wants to marry a wife who is beautiful, has long legs, can cook, keep house, has self-cultivation and other functions-SUV combines the high passability of off-road vehicles, the comfort of cars and the ability of long-distance raids, and integrates sports, leisure and business.

  And this is what they said about Haval H6, which won the SUV sales title for 10 years in a row: cheap big bowl is delicious, and the leather is durable without any serious injury. It can stretch your feet, has a large space, and the design is not ugly. It is also suitable for the whole family to go for an outing and occasionally pull goods on weekends.

  The multifunctional Haval H6 with an average price of 100,000 yuan has become a "hard currency" in the SUV market.Therefore, when the epidemic situation eased and the automobile market picked up in 2020, when SUV took the lead, Great Wall Haval bore the brunt.

  However, people have more expectations for the Great Wall fuel truck, which comes from the upgraded SUV with fire in off-road culture-Off-road vehicles and pickup trucks.

  Himalayan extreme cross-country, Luya International Championship, and the 60th anniversary of Everest measurement re-measurement. In 2020, the Great Wall Gun sponsored major events and made frequent appearances.

  When you open Baidu to search for the words "Tibet" and "off-road", you are greeted by off-road youths wearing sunglasses and jeans, sharing their "trip to western Hunan" and "experience in Tibet" among the blue sky and white clouds, often accompanied by Great Wall guns, tanks 300 or Harvard dogs-all of which are the off-road culture and brand sense that the Great Wall is trying to create.

  "For every two pickup trucks sold, one comes from the Great Wall". In July, the sales volume of Great Wall guns exceeded 20,000, exceeding 50% to take the market share; The luxury off-road tank 300 was newly launched on December 17th, and has achieved over 10,000 sales, exceeding the accumulated sales of more than 7,000 in herdsman in the first 11 months. The sales volume of affordable off-road vehicle Haval H9 in November increased by 17.9% month-on-month, ranking first among domestic medium and large off-road SUVs.

  Behind the popularity of several models, the capital market values not only the off-road field, but also the market space instigated by domestic brands, and it is also the field represented by this space and beyond the reach of new energy vehicles.

  In short:In the off-road culture, there is no room for new energy vehicles.

  The cruising range is limited, and the extreme climate environment will be greatly reduced; The battery can’t stand the impact of external force, rain and lightning, and it is easy to cause spontaneous combustion, self-explosion and short circuit; The great torque released instantly by stepping on the accelerator is easy to break through the grip of the tire, making it more difficult to get rid of extreme off-road difficulties …New energy vehicles are naturally insulated from off-road vehicles, which is an important function of vehicles, whether for practical use or entertainment;

  In addition, for many players, the fun of cross-country is the roar of motor, rotation, drift, take-off ….. all of which can’t be brought by an electric car without sound.

  Up to now, only one off-road vehicle in herdsman has been testing water and electricity, and it still adopts a hybrid device of oil and electricity. "Crossing no man’s land", no new energy vehicle has such confidence.

  Cross-country culture has brought fire to the Great Wall Tank 300 and the Great Wall Gun, and these two new cars, which are less than one year old, undoubtedly pinned the ambition of Great Wall Motor to get rid of the low-cost SUV market and cover the middle and high-end market.

  Is it a real explosion, or is it just a moment? This may also require consumers to verify with longer mileage and more user experience.But capital has long voted with its feet, occupied the pit early and made a choice.

  New energy catches female users

In 2015, the Great Wall increased by 16.8 billion yuan to develop new energy core technologies and complete vehicles, which ended in failure, but it was "unexpectedly" successful in 2020.

  Another new energy vehicle market opened up in the Great Wall, the success of Euler products is more attributed to the user positioning of "pleasing"-Female consumers.

  Prior to this, new energy vehicles either held high and fought like emerging car-making forces, and plunged huge sums of money into high-end fields, or were as low as dust and made into tool-based scooters.User markets such as women and urban white-collar workers have always lacked products with both appearance and high cost performance to meet the demand.

  The Euler series, with an average price of more than 70,000, fills the above gaps well. At the same price, the Euler model has longer battery life, more space and more fashionable appearance. According to an Euler car owner, Euler is mostly used by female white-collar workers, or the first car in a small family, or simply to occupy a new energy license.


  Euler focuses on the small car market.

  Combined with the new direct selling game of "live broadcast+group fight+e-commerce", Euler brought up a market by "cat culture".In November, Euler sold 11,600 vehicles, a year-on-year surge of 414.7%.

  However, the new energy layout of the Great Wall is not smooth sailing. As early as 2015, Great Wall had raised 16.8 billion yuan to develop new energy core technologies and complete vehicles, which ended in failure.

  In August 2018, Great Wall Motor announced the first generation of Euler under the heavy penalty of "double points" for excessive bicycle fuel consumption. At that time, BAIC, Geely and BYD’s new energy vehicles had already achieved results.

  The failure of new energy vehicles is in sharp contrast with the rapid rise of Euler today.

  Looking at the whole new energy vehicle market, the small low-end new energy vehicles represented by Wuling Hongguang mini and Great Wall Euler have turned red, which is closely related to the policy background of new energy vehicles going to the countryside, exemption from purchase tax and no-shake number.

  Small new energy vehicles priced at 60,000-150,000 yuan and positioned as "people’s scooter" have an overwhelming advantage in fuel vehicle equivalence, which accurately hits the market demand of young office workers.

  But with reference to historical experience,But the low end will meet the red sea.Haval H6, which is positioned in the low-end SUV market, will inevitably lose its advantage under fierce competition.

  By analogy, small new energy vehicles will also face more intense competition.

  At present, the average market share of small pure electric vehicles has reached 40%, and its main selling cities have gradually transitioned from first-and second-tier cities to sixth-tier cities.The small and micro car market, which meets the price demand but is difficult to meet the functional demand, will gradually turn from blue to red and start fierce competition.

  At that time, it is obviously not enough for Euler to only focus on the "cat" car market.

  This brand-new brand needs to build a more perfect product matrix from niche to mass, from price to function, from low-end to high-end, in order to resist the strong impact of competitors. But for the Great Wall, it is obviously not as comfortable as the days in the off-road vehicle.

Tsinghua Peking University made a hot search on the big move. What’s the matter?

  Cctv news(Reporter Kan Chunyu): Recently, the notices issued by official website of two universities have been jointly screened. Just look at the names of the universities and you will understand everything.

  Tsinghua of Peking University has successively issued notices, and the educational administration departments of the two universities have reached a consensus and decided to open some undergraduate courses to each other and recognize credits. Among them, Peking University offers 27 courses, mainly in humanities and social sciences, while Tsinghua offers 12 courses, mainly in science and engineering.

  As soon as the notice came out, the two universities were immediately put on the hot search list of Weibo by netizens.

  As of press time, Tsinghua Peking University has opened some undergraduate courses to each other, and the topic of Weibo has been read by 160 million people. Netizens have given a familiar name to the two universities — — "TP-Link" has also voted pick Qingbei as the best CP of the year.

  Some netizens also expressed their regret that they missed the Qingbei course.

  There are also many college students calling on their schools to join the ranks.

  Then, as the envy of everyone, what do the students in Qingbei think of this change?

  Let’s take a look at the courses offered by the two schools first.

  According to the Notice of the Academic Affairs Department of Peking University on the Opening of Some High-quality Courses for Undergraduates in our University, in the spring semester of 2020, Tsinghua University will open 12 high-quality courses (with 170 places in 15 classes). In particular, it is pointed out that the grades obtained from cross-school courses are not included in GPA, but the credits will be included in Class A general-purpose credits or optional credits of the whole school.

  The Notice of Tsinghua University Academic Affairs Office and Registration Center on Opening Some General Core Courses for Undergraduates in Peking University shows that in the spring semester of 2020, some places of 27 general core courses for undergraduates in Peking University will be opened to undergraduates in Tsinghua.

  Qiu Wu, a junior in Peking University, learned the news in a circle of friends. After a rough understanding of the courses open in Tsinghua University, the girl of Chinese Department didn’t want to take courses, "because they are all engineering courses".

  Qiu Wu spoke highly of the courses offered by Peking University: "The courses we gave are very good, and everyone is worried that they will not be selected in the future."

  According to Qiu Wu, "Music and Mathematics", "History of Western Art" and "Sociology Theory Abroad" are all popular courses in Peking University, and many students from Tsinghua have attended before.

  Graduate Chen Chen originally planned to attend the intensive reading of Four Books in the spring semester, but after seeing this news, she changed her mind. She said: "There are a lot of people in these classes. After adding people from Tsinghua, the cost of auditing will be higher for students in our school, and it will take longer to occupy seats."

  Li Hua, a senior student in Tsinghua University, is somewhat moved by the psychology course offered by Peking University, but he is hesitant at the thought of running a long distance to attend classes. Jiang Zhifan, an alumnus, wants to choose "Music and Mathematics" of Peking University. However, considering the popularity of this class, he is somewhat worried that he will not be able to grab the class.

  Liu Mugeng is a sophomore in eecs. He is interested in the courses offered in Tsinghua. He said that he would study the content setting, class time, class hours, etc. of these courses again, and finally decide whether to take action according to his study plan for the new semester.

  Regarding the courses offered in Tsinghua, Jiang Zhifan, a senior student of Automation Department of Tsinghua University, said that "Introduction to Industrial Systems", "Experience of Manufacturing Engineering", "Basis of Industrial Systems" and "Introduction to Industrial Production" are all core courses of the school’s cultural quality, and the quality can be guaranteed. Alumni Li Hua believes that these "standard engineering courses" are not the most popular courses in the school, and "more than half of them are hands-on practice".

  According to the information of official website, the practical unit of the course "Industrial System Basis" includes not only intelligent factory sand table and 3D printing, but also the design and manufacture of welding robots and carbonless cars. "Modern Machining Technology and Practice" also covers the experiments of ultrasonic machining, laser machining and water jet cutting. The reporter learned that these two courses were offered by Tsinghua University Basic Industrial Training Center, and "Fundamentals of Industrial Systems" was once rated as an excellent course in Beijing.

  After reading this, what do you think about the communication between the two schools?

  In fact, in China, it is not new that a computer can connect the classrooms of the highest institutions of higher learning with a network cable. All major universities will publish their ace courses on the online education platform, including many national quality courses. These online courses are not only free, but also have their own assessment mechanism like a real university. To get the certificate of completion, you must take the mid-term and final exams and classroom tests.

  The door of knowledge has always been open to everyone, and "not getting a good class" is just an excuse for many people.

  (At the request of the interviewee, Qiu Wu, chenchen, Li Hua and Jiang Zhifan are all pseudonyms.)

Rush to the hot search! The soldier brother who jumped into the river to save people on the Bund has found it!

  "Someone fell into the river!"

  "May Day" holiday

  A woman fell into the water on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Brother Bing jumped onto the hot search.

  Netizens like it.

  "This is the sense of security given by China soldiers."  

  A woman fell into the river on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Armed police on duty decisively jumped into the river to save people.

  On the evening of May 2, a woman was on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Fall into Huangpu river

  Armed police on patrol rushed to the scene.

  Climb over the fence and jump into the river.

  Rescue the woman who fell into the river ashore 

  This scene 

  See netizens have a boiling passion.

  Tens of thousands of netizens praised this.

  There are also many netizens curious.

  Who is this brave soldier brother?  

  The rescue soldier is the platoon leader after 95.

  These two details in the river are worrying.

  Armed police to save people

  Qiao Haitao, platoon leader of the first mobile detachment of the Armed Police Shanghai Corps.

  At 10 o’clock that night, he was patrolling the Bund viewing platform.

  Suddenly received a report that someone fell into the water.

  Qiao Haitao quickly led the team to the scene.

  At the same time, please ask your comrades to find the lifebuoy. 

  It’s urgent! 

  A woman on the river is ups and downs in the wave.

  See the woman’s back up.

  Worried that she would drown and suffocate

  Qiao Haitao only took off his military cap.

  Too late to take off the heavy military uniform.

  Don’t hesitate to climb over the railing and jump into the river.

  Swim to the woman 

  The uniform is very heavy after soaking in water.

  Fortunately, Qiao Haitao has excellent quality.

  I swam to the woman in 10 seconds.

  At this point, the comrades on the shore dropped the lifebuoy.

  Qiao Haitao asked the drowning woman to hold the lifebuoy firmly. 

  Unexpectedly, due to the urgent waves on the river.

  The woman was very weak again, and the lifebuoy was actually released.

  Qiao Haitao had to hold the woman again.

  Reach for the lifebuoy and put it under the woman’s arm.

  Struggling to push her ashore

  Comrades Zhou Yonggang and Jiang Jianye on the shore.

  Put down the rescue rope

  Qiao Haitao lifted the woman with his last strength.

  The woman was successfully saved.

  From Qiao Haitao jumping into the water to pushing the woman to the shore 

  The whole process only takes 2 minutes.

  Qiao Haitao was exhausted at this time.

  And choked a lot of water because the waves were too big.

  Unable to climb up the rescue rope.

  Fortunately, the rescue boat arrived at this time.

  Rescue it from the water. 

  It is understood that platoon leader Qiao Haitao is from Pudong, Shanghai. 

  Born in 1998.

  Enlisted by the veteran’s father.

  Recall this thrilling scene

  He simply said

  "This is all I should do!" 

  Netizen: This is the army!

  Qiao Haitao’s heroic figure 

  Won the praise of countless netizens.

  "This is the people’s army.

  For the people without hesitation. " 

  Some netizens also reminded me.

  be away

  Be sure to pay attention to your own safety 

  Give your life to jump into the river and save lives bravely.

  Like Qiao Haitao!

  Salute to the soldiers in China!

  ▌ This article Source: Central Radio and Television General Station Voice of China (ID: zgzs001) Comprehensive Shanghai Armed Police

  Producer Ma Wenjia

  Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhida

  Editor Xu Chenyang

There is a prize for naming, and the Sino-Vietnamese (Guangxi) Border Town Football Competition is waiting for you to name it!

  It’s up to you to decide the official name of the new football match!

  In order to further help build a community of destiny between China and Vietnam, promote cultural exchanges and good-neighborliness between China and Vietnam, enrich the connotation of sports undertakings in border areas of Guangxi and Vietnam, and promote the national sports spirit and regional characteristic culture, we decided to hold a football feast across national boundaries-the China-Vietnam (Guangxi) Border Town Football Competition in 2024.

  The official names (including full names and abbreviations) of this football match are now widely collected from the whole society, and we look forward to your participation. The specific requirements are as follows:

  Award settings

  1. Award setting

  The preparatory group for the China-Vietnam (Guangxi) Border Town Football Match will select the best competition name work from several finalists, and after it is confirmed to be adopted, it will give the author a cash reward of 10,000 yuan and issue certificates. The finalists will also issue certificates, and they will all participate in the competition-related activities as special guests.

  2. Collection time

  March 10th to 15th, 2024

  3. Announcement time

  Before March 25th, 2024 (the publicity period is 3 days)

  Solicitation requirements

  1, the name of the event should be concise and lively, infectious and communicative, can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, reflecting the passion and vitality of football;

  2. Highlight the profound historical origins and close ties between China and Vietnam, as well as the multicultural and ethnic characteristics of the border areas in Guangxi;

  3. It can reflect the role of sports events as a bridge of international exchanges and a bond of friendship, and promote in-depth cooperation and exchanges between China and Vietnam in sports, culture, tourism and other fields;

  4. Give play to innovative thinking, and at the same time, be creative, easy to spread and remember.

  5. The submitted works (full name and abbreviation) must be original and have not been used in other competitions or activities, and avoid infringing on the intellectual property rights of others;

  6. The contributor shall be the copyright owner of the submitted work and have the right to use the work alone or authorize others to use it;

  7. The event organizer has the right to use the collected works free of charge during the copyright term, whether for public welfare purposes or for advertising purposes;

  8. Submission by the contributor shall be deemed as exclusive authorization for the organizer to use the work according to the purposes listed in this solicitation activity, and neither the copyright owner nor any other third party may use the work in any form. Otherwise, the organizer of the event has the right to pursue the legal responsibilities of the relevant responsible persons, including but not limited to the recovery of various commercial interests obtained from the use of the work, and has the right to revoke the winners’ awards in public at any time (including after the award is completed).

  Submission method

  Method 1: One-click tour of Guangxi online submission


  Method 2: Please send your work [full name+abbreviation+meaning] and creative description to the designated email address:, and mark "Collection of the Name of the Sino-Vietnamese (Guangxi) Border Town Football Match" in the subject of the email.

  Open your brain storm and give a resounding official tournament name to [China-Vietnam (Guangxi) Border Town Football Match]!

  Information about the planned teams.

  The Sino-Vietnamese (Guangxi) Border Town Football Competition is planned to adopt the mixed formation method, and Chinese and Vietnamese players will form a team by region, with the following names:

  China Dongxing-Vietnam Mangjie United Front, China Fangcheng-Vietnam Haihe United Front, China Pingxiang-Vietnam lang son United Front, China Ningming-Vietnam Luping United Front, China Longzhou-Vietnam Fuhe United Front, China Daxin-Vietnam Xialang United Front, China Jingxi-Vietnam Chongqing United Front, China Napo-Vietnam Baole United Front.

  For further information, please call the collection office.

  Tel: Mr. Zhu 18278848848; Ms. Tang 15277081597

  Source: Guangxi Tourism Development Group