BMW 5 Series replaced BYD Han, using daily real evaluation.

I remember that at that time, many cities in China had already drunk the first cup of milk tea in autumn, and the weather in Shenzhen was still hot in summer. I took my old colleague a circle older than me to the 4S shop in Shenzhen to accompany him to see Han. There was an activity in the store that weekend to promote Han, and we all lined up for an hour when we went for a test drive that day.

My old colleague, I usually call him Bingo, he is the owner of 520Li. This car was bought in 10 years, mainly for commuting, and it has been in operation for several years.

He has been driving this 520Li for more than ten years, mainly for commuting, and he seldom drives it at ordinary times. In recent years, new energy vehicles have developed rapidly. Bingo has always wanted to change a car in the past two years. He is tired of driving a petrol car. In addition, he has a new SUV at home. If he runs long distances, he can drive his car. He told me that many charging piles have been installed in their community, and there are also many cars in the community. Tang also has several cars. He said that he wanted to keep up with the trend of the times and always wanted to change to a pure electric new energy vehicle. The pure electric vehicle produced a few years ago, he felt that it was too expensive and unnecessary, and other vehicles did not have enough battery life. Tucki P7 and Han, who came out this year, are both very interested. Considering that the electric car has been made for so many years, the safety factor will be more guaranteed, and Han’s overall car is also very good, so he is very interested in replacing a Han EV. Coupled with the replacement of Han in Shenzhen, there can be a replacement subsidy of 50 thousand, so he has long planned to buy this Han.

At that time, I went with him for a test drive, which was the top match of the red interior with a Chinese red appearance. After the test drive, Bingo said that he didn’t expect domestic cars to be so good now, and both the interior and the workmanship would not be worse than his 520Li. Considering his own needs, Bingo said that he was too old and didn’t need too fast, so he ordered the 258,000 2-drive version of the 600-kilometer one, which was set with a black appearance and brown interior, which was more in line with his age.

Recently, I happened to be on a business trip for a month. When I returned to the company, Bingo told me that his Han had brought the car back for half a month. He has been driving for more than half a month. This black-looking Han also looks very atmospheric, with a slender size, giving people a steady and luxurious atmosphere.

The brown interior gives people a sense of stability and calmness, which looks very comfortable. Han’s chair is as comfortable as a soft sofa.

The central control panel is very large, and some general functions are available. Moreover, the software of the car machine system is very powerful now. Navigation, movies, music, intelligent voice assistant, and the often publicized KTV function in the car are all very practical and convenient functions.

This central control display is also very clear, with a strong sense of science and technology. There are many shortcut function buttons on the steering wheel. In addition, the Chinese characters on the steering wheel greatly shine to represent the cultural feelings of China going global.

Whether it’s the door switch or the central control gear handle, these high-quality tactile sensations that we used to see on foreign luxury cars look very much like when we actually touch them in our hands.

Bingo said that a very important reason for choosing Han was that its back row space was large enough, which was similar to its 520Li. Sometimes when he took his family out, his two children could sit more comfortably in the back row.

Finally, I asked Bingo about how it feels when using this car, what are its advantages, whether the power of the two-wheel drive version is a little weak, and what is the difference compared with it. Bingo said so. First of all, in terms of the workmanship of the car, because it is compared with the car almost 10 years ago, Han’s workmanship will definitely not be worse than his, and the interior space texture is even better than his previous 520. Then the only thing he thinks will feel worse than that of the car is that when crossing the potholes, Han’s suspension is still not as good as its 520, and the handling feeling of the car is not as good as his original 520. When driving, it feels very comfortable, and the car is in harmony with people. When turning a corner, Han will feel like driving a boat and can’t actually feel its turn. Bingo said that it may also be the reason why he drove the 520 for too long.

In addition, he said that Han’s sound insulation effect is quite good. When driving on the road, there is no engine noise, and the whole car feels very quiet when driving. He won’t feel bad in terms of power. He said that he felt that the tram was speeding up so fast that he didn’t get used to it at first. Finally, when it comes to battery life, he said that it is warm all the year round in Shenzhen. This car has been in operation for more than half a month, and it is estimated that the battery life is about 550 kilometers, which makes him feel more practical.

Finally, Bingo said that this Han is really good, but he has a more real feeling after using it for more than half a month. He said that this Han is OK, but it is not as good as advertised on the Internet. It can only be said that it is good, and there is still a way to go before it is excellent. There is still a certain gap between some cars and traditional luxury cars, and he is also happy with the progress of domestic cars.

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