The reform of refined oil prices and taxes: will the car market make waves as soon as it comes out?

December 5, 2008, Xinhuanet


  On the evening of the 5th, the much-watched "Exposure Draft" was finally released. Fuel tax, a focus topic that has never cooled down in China’s auto market for more than a decade, has finally been substantially solved. Fuel tax reform, which has been around for a long time, will be settled as soon as January 1 next year. Will it make the Chinese auto market turbulent this year?   

  Fuel tax reform, wait for more than a decade

  After 11 years of waiting, the fuel tax reform plan has finally emerged. Since the National People’s Congress passed the Highway Law of the People’s Republic of China in 1997, it was first proposed to replace the "maintenance fee" with "fuel surcharge". After 11 years, the "fuel tax" has been ups and downs but failed to be levied, and it has almost become a long-term "heart disease" of the Chinese auto market.

  However, with the collapse of international oil prices in recent months, there is also a "golden opportunity" for domestic fuel tax reform.

  On the evening of the 5th, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued an announcement to solicit public opinions on the "exposure draft" of the refined oil price tax reform plan. According to the plan, this reform will abolish road maintenance fees, waterway maintenance fees, road transportation management fees, road passenger and freight surcharges, waterway transportation management fees, and waterway passenger and freight surcharges, and gradually and orderly cancel the government’s loan repayment of secondary road tolls.

  The reform plan will increase the unit tax of gasoline consumption tax from 0.2 yuan per liter to 1 yuan, diesel from 0.1 yuan per liter to 0.8 yuan, and the unit tax of other refined oil products will be increased accordingly without raising the current price of refined oil. The "Reformation Plan for Refined Oil Prices and Taxes" will be implemented from January 1, 2009.

  According to industry analysts, there are many reasons why the fuel tax reform plan has not been implemented for 11 years, including the failure to coordinate the interests of various departments and the distribution of central and local issues. However, in recent years, it has been mainly constrained by the high international oil prices. As a result, the fuel tax reform that has been mentioned many times has ended with "only the sound of the stairs".

  "The plunge in international oil prices is the best opportunity for China to implement fuel tax reform. If this opportunity is lost, it may take a few more years." Rao Da, secretary general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, analyzed that using this "time window" to launch fuel tax reform will straighten out the pricing mechanism of refined oil products in our country and create a good environment for the future development of China’s auto market.

  Rao Da believes that the tax amount proposed by the current plan is lower than originally expected by the industry, and it explicitly eliminates road maintenance fees, reducing the burden on car owners.

  "This plan is indeed more reasonable, and the rate is lower than the original guess of 30% or 50%, or the plan of increasing 1 yuan, so the implementation will be relatively smooth," said Zhao Chenxi, an auto industry analyst at Haitong Securities. "Especially the fuel tax is finally levied in the form of increasing the fuel consumption tax, which avoids the problem that the introduction of a new tax will face complicated procedures. Now the introduction will be natural."   

  The overall situation of the car market is unhindered, and internal structural adjustment is accelerated

  Before the introduction of the fuel tax reform, China’s auto market had already encountered a "freezing point". At the beginning of this year, the booming Chinese auto industry put forward the ambitious goal of producing and selling 10 million units and exporting 1 million units. However, with the new surge in oil prices since March and the sudden tightening of the economic situation, the domestic auto market has taken a sharp turn for the worse. Even before September, the national passenger car consumer market experienced five consecutive monthly negative growth, which is unprecedented in the history of China’s auto industry.

   China’s auto market, which is preparing to "warm up for the winter", will be "hit" by the fuel tax reform most directly related to the auto industry at the beginning of next year. So this "sudden" variable will be a "snowflake" that adds a touch of chill to the auto market, or a "match" that warms up the auto market?

  "My opinion is that the car market is basically stable, and the fuel tax reform plan currently introduced has little impact on the car market," said Rao Da, secretary general of the All-China Ride Federation.

  He pointed out that the purpose of the fuel tax reform is mainly to straighten out the fuel pricing mechanism in our country and promote energy conservation and emission reduction, rather than to save the car market, so it is not a driving force for the car market.

  Zhong Shi, an auto analyst, said: "The introduction of fuel tax reform has little impact on the domestic auto market as a whole. The experience of fuel tax implementation abroad also shows that it is difficult to directly change consumers’ willingness to buy cars because of fuel tax reform. However, the introduction of fuel tax reform will have a profound impact on the domestic auto market segment and the adjustment of the structure. Energy-saving and low-consumption small cars and small-displacement vehicles will play an increasingly important role."

  "Fuel tax reform will not have a big impact on the car market, but the proportion of models with large emissions and high fuel consumption will decrease, while the proportion of energy-saving cars will increase." Jia Xinguang, an auto industry expert, believes that as our country’s auto market matures, this structural adjustment has actually begun to appear since last year.

  However, auto analyst Zhao Chenxi also pointed out that the current plan has little impact on the passenger car market, but the impact on commercial vehicles such as trucks and buses with much greater mileage is very obvious.   

  "Energy consumption moderation" will become the concept of the "post-fuel tax" era

  "The new plan is undoubtedly the most fair and just policy and regulation, and it effectively reflects the principle of more vehicles and more taxes." Xing Wenjun, an auto industry expert, said the fuel tax reform plan will give government agencies and enterprises, consumers and automakers a strong signal that the powerful lever of taxation will promote the production and sales of energy-saving and environmentally friendly small-displacement vehicles.

   Zhong Shi, an auto analyst, said that "energy consumption control" will be the most important signal to the Chinese auto market and the whole society after the introduction of fuel tax reform, because as a developing country and a net importer of oil, China’s two major pressures on energy and emissions will become increasingly heavy. Through taxation, energy conservation and emission reduction will be moved from concept to conscious implementation.

  Gong Xiaorong, who works at a bank in Shanghai and has owned a private car for more than four years, told reporters: "I think the fuel tax reform can reflect fairness and efficiency. The abolition of road maintenance fees already reflects a kind of fairness. It changes the size of the displacement, no matter how much you drive, no matter how much you drive, you will be charged the same road maintenance fee. Instead, you have independent choice, you can adjust and choose through your own actions, which reflects the principle of efficiency."

   She said that after the implementation of the fuel tax reform, based on the mileage she currently drives about 18,000 kilometers per year, if the road maintenance fee is removed, it will still be lower than the original fee. "With the string in my mind that you drive less and save more money, your car habits will change in the future."

   Automotive analyst Jia Xinguang said that although the current plan shows little change in fuel costs, excluding expenses such as road maintenance, as long as a simple calculation can be seen that different fuel consumption cars and mileage are different, and the cost gap is significantly widening. Over time, this structural change will guide consumers to change their habits in car selection, car purchase, and car use, thus changing the structure of the domestic car market and highlighting the theme of energy conservation and consumption reduction.

  Moreover, industry experts also believe that the fuel tax reform will also promote our country to create more conditions and opportunities in the research and development of automobile fuel-saving technologies and new energy vehicles. December 5

Meizu 21 PRO or has it been cancelled, and Meizu 21 has become a swan song?


  Meizu is a technology company with a deep foundation in mobile phones. It has been widely praised for its excellent product design and user experience. It has launched many classic smartphones, including M8, MX and Meizu 20. In addition to excellent product design, Meizu mobile phones also have many unique advantages in software, especially its Flyme system, which has always been known for its beauty, simplicity and efficiency. It has a good reputation in the circle, and the small window mode and Aicy voice assistant are also deeply loved by users.

  At the end of last year, Meizu released the Meizu 21 mobile phone, which also inherited Meizu’s excellent industrial design, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the most beautiful flagship mobile phone. However, the Meizu 21 Pro that netizens were looking forward to has not been released. On the contrary, shortly after the release of Meizu 21, rumors spread on the Internet that Meizu 21 Pro has been discontinued and listed, triggering speculation and discussion among many netizens. Such speculation is not entirely groundless.

  It is reported that the Meizu 21 Pro is an upgraded version of the Meizu 21. It was originally planned to be released in Quarter 1 in 2024. It focuses on a variety of powerful materials such as 2K large straight screen, periscope telephoto lens, 100-watt wired fast charging, and 50W wireless charging. But recently, Wan Zhiqiang, vice president of Meizu, chose to avoid the problem of Meizu 21 PRO in an interview. As of now, Meizu 21 PRO still has no exact release time, nor has it been determined whether it will be launched. This means that the fate of Meizu 21 Pro is still unknown, and it may be cancelled or postponed for various reasons. If so, then Meizu 21 may become the last flagship product of Meizu mobile phone and the swan song of Meizu mobile phone.

  The reason for all this is that most people speculate that it may be related to Meizu’s transformation. There are various indications that Meizu is transforming the automotive field and needs to invest more resources and energy in the automotive business. At the press conference at the end of last year, Meizu announced that it will launch its first car MEIZU DreamCar MX in 2024, based on Geely Group’s SEA architecture and Industry 4.0 manufacturing capabilities, customized by customer engagement, to create a highly intelligent and ecological smart car. This also shows that Meizu has taken the automotive business as its key development direction in the future, while the mobile phone business may gradually withdraw from the historical stage.

  At the same time, on January 30, the Meizu DreamCar MX community officially announced the launch, creating a new interactive communication platform for the majority of Meizu friends. The launch of the Meizu DreamCar MX community aims to gather the wisdom and creativity of Meizu friends, create and participate in the personalized detailed design of Meizu DreamCar MX vehicles, and further promote the personalized and diversified development of the intelligent travel field, which seems to confirm the relevant rumors of Meizu’s transformation.

  But no matter what the final fate of Meizu 21 PRO is, the current Meizu 21 is still a very good mobile phone, coinciding with the approaching Spring Festival, Meizu also opened the New Year’s Shopping Festival activities, the discount is still very awesome, like Meizu 21 can rush a wave.

Hurry up and watch! Details of Xu Jiayin’s return home are fully exposed

In the past two days, the news of Evergrande boss Xu Jiayin returning to his hometown has easily occupied the headlines of major media. Xu Jiayin is from Taikang, Henan. Over the years, he has invested more than one billion yuan to build schools, hospitals, and industrial bases, and Xu Jiayin has been "walking" with his hometown frequently. And this time, Xu Jiayin and his wife Ding Yumei accompanied his father back to his hometown. What did he do? The editor will decipher it for you as soon as possible, and the details you want to see are here.

What kind of hometown flavor did you eat back home?

Sweet potato, sweet potato soup, black wotou, boiled cabbage and radish… Returning to the old house in Jutaigang Village, Xu Jiayin, his wife, and the villagers sat around the old house and ate a sweet meal to reminisce about the hard life in the past. On the table was Xu Jiayin’s childhood home-cooked dishes.

In October 1958, Xu Jiayin was born into a poor peasant family in Jutaigang Village. The next year, due to illness, no money and no place to treat, Xu Jiayin became "half an orphan" and grew up under the care of his elderly grandmother. Looking at the mottled walls, potholed floors, worn bed boards and bamboo back baskets of the old house, Xu Jiayin opened the chatterbox: "We grew up eating sweet potatoes and sweet potato noodles. We laid, covered and wore patches and patches. Now everyone’s life is better, and the food, clothing and housing are getting better and better."

Who is the old father?

Xu Jiayin returned to his hometown this time to accompany his 96-year-old father, Xu Xiangao. The Xu family lived in the village of Gaotaigang, which was the revolutionary base of the Ji-Lu-Yu Military Region during the Anti-Japanese War. Xu Xiangao joined the revolution in 1938 when he was only 16 years old. He joined the army that year and joined the party that year. After the war ended, Xu Xiangao was demobilized in 1946 due to injury and returned to his hometown to work in agriculture.

Xu’s father is an old revolutionary party member, and Xu Jiayin, who is "rooted in Miao Hong", also loves the party and is patriotic. As early as August 2002, Xu Jiayin led Evergrande to establish the first private enterprise party committee in Guangzhou and served as the party secretary. Evergrande currently has 140,000 employees and more than 10,000 party members.

What did the boss do when he returned to his hometown this time?

In addition to visiting his hometown parents, Xu Jiayin made a special trip to visit four schools, a hospital and an agricultural base built with a donation of more than 1 billion yuan.

In 1998, Xu Jiayin just started his business, donated 1 million yuan to establish a primary school in his hometown, and donated 5.80 million to build roads and install tap water and drainage systems in the village. Beginning in 2016, Xu Jiayin donated another 1 billion yuan to build Jiayin Middle School, Jiayin High School, Gaoxian Hospital and Modern Ecological Circular Agriculture Base, etc., and also established a 100 million yuan education for poverty alleviation fund.

This time, Xu Jiayin decided to donate 650 million return to his hometown, among which 300 million the construction of Jiayin Middle School and High School, and plans to put it into use before the start of school on September 1, 2019; 250 million yuan to complete the expansion of Jiayin High School; Donated 100 million yuan to purchase medical equipment for Gaoxian Branch of Taikang County People’s Hospital.
During his return to his hometown, Xu Jiayin also made a special trip to his home to see the couple of high school physics teacher Cheng Shoude and high school mathematics teacher Zhou Yuan, thanking the teacher for his tireless education.

Is she the first wife of 35 years of marriage?

When Xu Jiayin returned to his hometown this time, he brought his hair-bearing wife Ding Yumei to visit the parents and villagers, distributed candy to the children of Jutaigang Village, and took photos with the parents and villagers in the yard. Ding Yumei, who was born in an ordinary worker’s family, said with emotion, "When I went home with Jiayin 35 years ago to get married, the poor in the village was so poor that I couldn’t say it. Now it has changed a lot."

It is understood that Ding Yumei and Xu Jiayin have been close to each other and have been silently supporting her husband’s career. This time, she and Xu Jiayin returned to their hometowns to visit their parents and take photos with everyone. It was her first public appearance.


Avita, whose sales fell far short of expectations, launched management compensation changes

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  Rising price wars in 2024 and the tempo of rivals bringing out the old have made the "knockout" crisis felt by every car brand head. They are stimulating sales through more internal reform measures.

  According to media reports, Avita management initiated a salary change, and managers above the director level signed a new salary agreement. Their monthly income was directly linked to sales and increased the floating ratio. According to people familiar with the matter, the year-end sales target, the management pressurized 10,000 vehicles.

  Avita officials confirmed the news to Interface News. It is reported that the annual sales target of Avita in 2024 is 90,000 vehicles.

  The salary structure adjustment reflects Avita’s internal pursuit of large-scale sales. In 2023, Avita’s annual sales volume is 27,000 vehicles, far from reaching the sales target of 100,000 vehicles.

  Market pressures and capital conditions are demanding that Avita boost sales as quickly as possible. The price war that began in 2023 has continued this year, with experienced automakers seeking market share at the expense of profits.Wise self andCompetitors in the high-end pure electric market are seeking to expand by adding cost-effective products or expanding their network layout.

  At the level of capital markets, state-owned industriesAnd private capital outside the automotive industry chain companyAlthough the investment of vehicle companies is still active, it has also turned cautious. Affected by various factors such as geopolitics, domestic vehicle companies have also found it difficult to attract large-scale US-funded LP/GP-led pension or Private Offering Funds.

  This is not good news for Avita, which has not yet formed positive cash flow and relies on external financing for blood transfusion. From 2020 to the first half of 2023, Avita’s loss reached 4.136 billion yuan.

  Avitayu,Jointly participate in building with Huawei. Despite the technical advantages of the three companies, in the past three years since its establishment, it has failed to accurately grasp the rhythm of the market, and is still in the stage of brand perception establishment from 0 to 1, and has not yet gained a firm foothold.

  Senior automotive industryMei Songlin pointed out in an interview with Interface News that newly established car brands need to rely on time or a sufficiently obvious long board to establish a strong brand identity.Cars andThe ability to gain a certain market share lies in the fact that the three companies have established labels with sufficient intelligence, clear positioning, and extreme service to the outside world.

  "Although there are no shortcomings in Avita’s products, the positioning is vague, and consumer perception is not clear enough. The blessing of Huawei has not helped Avita establish its core competitiveness."

  Fitch Ratings Asia Pacific Corporate Ratings Director Yang Jing told Interface News that for traditional auto companies, especially state-owned auto brands,Customer-centric product design, marketing strategies, and rapid technology and product iterations are areas where they are relatively inexperienced.

  From the external environment, in the passenger car market of more than 300,000 yuan, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in 2023 is only 31.4%, which is lower than the overall market. Represented by BMW, Mercedes-Benz and AudiThe brand still has market appeal. Especially in the situation of the continuous slowdown of the pure electric vehicle market, the new brand represented by Avita needs to come up with new strategies to deal with the crisis.

  Avita MaxFounder is increasing its emphasis on Avita, which can be seen in the management change at the end of last year.

  According to personnel adjustmentTan Benhong, the former chairperson and CEO of Avita, became the deputy secretary of the party committee and is no longer responsible for Avita-related business. Chen Zhuo, the former vice president of Avita, was promoted to president and took over the operation and management of Avita. The chairperson was Zhu Huarong, secretary of the party committee and chairperson of Changan Automobile.

  The cooperation between Avita and Huawei will also become closer. At the launch of Avita 12, Avita’s first pure electric sedan, in November last year, Yu Chengdong, chairperson of Huawei’s smart car solutions BU, shared a rare stage with Zhu Huarong. Deliveries of this model reached 5,021 in January, second only to Model Y and 001 in the high-end pure electric vehicle market above 300,000 yuan.

  In addition, Huawei and Changan Automobile will establish a joint venture, in which the former will integrate the core technologies and resources of its smart car solutions business into the new company.It is pointed out that Avita may benefit from expanding the brand’s product matrix and model number, and deepening the depth of cooperation with Huawei. This year, Avita plans to launch two new products and supplement four extended-range power models.

  Yang Jing believes that the advantages of traditional automobile companies lie in supply chain management and cost control. At the same time, large traditional automobile companies have diverse financing channels and low financing costs, which provides confidence for them to continue to invest in the unprofitable new energy vehicle business. In August last year, Avita completed the B round of financing, and the proceeds raised to 3 billion yuan.

The 12 things of the "2017 People’s Livelihood List" issued by the two sessions will be done this year!

  CCTV News:2017 is a crucial year for comprehensively deepening the reform and deepening it, and it is also an important year for implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan. At this year’s National People’s Congress, a series of tasks and objectives related to people’s livelihood were put forward and submitted to the deputies for deliberation and discussion.

  How to implement this "people’s livelihood list"? What are the considerations and arrangements? At the two sessions, relevant departments gave the latest authoritative response.


  Task 1-Poverty Alleviation: Reduce the rural poor population by more than 10 million. 

  According to the government work report, it is necessary to carry out accurate poverty alleviation in depth, reduce the rural poor population by more than 10 million this year, and complete the ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation of 3.4 million people.

  Liu Yongfu, director of the the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office, said at the press conference of the two sessions,This year, the strictest assessment system will be implemented to ensure that the poor enjoy the poverty alleviation policy.He said that in the assessment of poverty alleviation, there are assessments by relevant state departments, cross-provincial assessments will be organized, and scientific research institutions will be entrusted to conduct third-party assessments. 


  Task 2-Medical Treatment: Cancel all drug additions and directly settle the hospitalization expenses in different places during the year.

  The government work report proposes to promote the construction of a healthy China. In terms of medical insurance, Li Bin, director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, said at the press conference of the two sessions that in 2017,The financial subsidy for medical insurance for urban and rural residents is raised from 420 yuan to 450 yuan every year.It is necessary to improve the health and well-being of the people by expanding the scope of drug protection, taking various measures to reduce drug prices and accelerating the reform of payment methods.

  In terms of drug use, Wang Hesheng, deputy director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission and director of the the State Council Medical Reform Office, said that comprehensive reform of public hospitals should be carried out in 2017.The total cancellation of drug addition is expected to save people 60 billion to 70 billion yuan in drug costs.. In addition, the government work report also proposes to promote the national networking of basic medical insurance. By the end of 2017,Basically realize the direct settlement of hospitalization expenses in different places that meet the referral requirements.

  Task 3-Providing for the Aged: Continue to raise pensions and speed up the construction of nursing homes.

  From 2005 to 2016, the pension standard for retirees in China has increased by 12 consecutive years. Last year, the basic pension level of retirees in China increased by about 6.5%. According to the government work report, the basic pension standard for retirees will continue to be raised in 2017 to ensure that it is paid in full and on time. 

  When answering a reporter’s question in the "Ministerial Channel", Minister of Civil Affairs Huang Shuxian said that the construction of nursing homes would be accelerated.Liberate the pension market and improve the quality of nursing homes in an all-round way.The Ministry of Civil Affairs will launch a special campaign to comprehensively improve the quality of nursing homes. 

  Task 4-environmental management: the concentration of PM2.5 should be significantly reduced.

  According to the government work report, the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will drop by 3% this year, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas will drop significantly.

  During the two sessions, Chen Jining, Minister of Environmental Protection, said that this year, 15 provinces will be inspected to achieve full coverage of central environmental protection inspectors, and special inspections and "looking back" will be carried out irregularly in some places with outstanding problems.


  Task 5-The proportion of contributions related to "five insurances and one gold" shall be appropriately reduced.

  The 2017 government work report pointed out that the proportion of contributions related to "five insurances and one gold" will continue to be appropriately reduced. On March 7th, Xiao Jie, Minister of Finance, said that he would further clean up and standardize business service charges, and appropriately reduce the proportion of "five insurances and one fund".

  Task 6-Ensure that at least one person in a zero-employment family has a stable employment. 

  According to the government work report, there are 7.95 million college graduates this year, reaching a record high. We should implement employment promotion, entrepreneurship guidance, grassroots growth and other plans to promote multi-channel employment and entrepreneurship. Increase employment assistance, support the employment of people with difficulties and disabled people in cities and towns, and ensure the stable employment of at least one person in zero-employment families.

  Yin Weimin, Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said during the two sessions that he would start from five aspects, namely, implementing an active employment policy, doing a good job in the employment of key groups, focusing on entrepreneurship, doing a good job in vocational skills training and strengthening public employment services to ensure that one person in zero-employment families can achieve stable employment.


  Task 7-It is planned to cancel the domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones from October 1st.

  According to the government work report, it is necessary to take greater steps to speed up and reduce network fees this year, and all domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones will be cancelled during the year, which will greatly reduce the Internet private line access charges for small and medium-sized enterprises and reduce the international long-distance telephone charges.

  Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the press conference of the two sessions that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will actively promote enterprises to speed up their work and strive to complete this goal before October 1.

  Task 8-China will unify the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy" for urban and rural compulsory education

  The government work report proposes to unify the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy" for urban and rural compulsory education students. This means that starting this year,Urban and rural compulsory education students will enjoy the same policy of "free tuition and fees, free textbooks, and subsidized living expenses for boarding students with financial difficulties".The funds for compulsory education behind each student can be "money goes with everyone", and the children of 13 million migrant workers can go to school with more peace of mind. 

  Xiao Jie, Minister of Finance, said at the press conference of the NPC and CPPCC that with the support of the central finance, China has established a national information management system for primary and secondary school students’ school status, which has created the necessary conditions for the portability of education funds. At the same time, the State Council unified the funding guarantee mechanism for compulsory education in urban and rural areas, and strengthened the principle that students enjoy basic public education services equally according to their school status rather than their household registration status. 


  Task 9-More than 13 million people settled in cities.

  The government work report proposes to solidly promote new urbanization. Deepen the reform of the household registration system, achieve more than 13 million people settled in cities this year, and accelerate the full coverage of the residence permit system.

  Ju Xiaolin, deputy to the National People’s Congress, said that how to better integrate into urban life and improve the education level of children is the focus of many migrant workers. I hope the government will make continuous efforts to make them truly take root in the city.

  Task 10-How to solve the problem that "two children want to live but dare not live"?

  Li Bin, director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, told reporters at the two sessions that, first, 89,000 maternity beds should be added during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period; Second, we should strengthen the construction of treatment centers for severe pregnant women and newborns; Third, we should strengthen the training of pediatricians, midwives and other talents in short supply; Fourth, we should build a whole-process service chain, so that the whole-process service of prenatal eugenics health examination, pregnancy examination, hospital delivery, child health care, vaccination and other links will be more careful and intimate.


  Task 11— — Punish telecommunication network fraud according to law

  The government work report proposes to punish crimes committed by evil forces and multiple crimes such as theft, robbery and telecommunication network fraud according to law. Strictly regulate fair and civilized law enforcement and vigorously rectify outstanding problems in social security.

  Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said when he was a guest of the CCTV news "The Voice of the Minister" that this year we should further intensify our efforts.It is necessary to increase the construction of technical means in all provinces and cities across the country and at international entrances and exits.Prevent fraudulent information from other regions or even overseas. Jie Zheng, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, suggested that we should start with the law and increase the crime of swindling special funds through telecommunication network, and clearly define the constitutive elements of the crime of swindling telecommunication network as "spreading false information through telephone, computer and other networks for the purpose of illegal possession and swindling public and private property".

  Task 12-Free or preferential opening of public and private sports facilities

  Recently, the State Council issued the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan to Promote Equalization of Basic Public Services", which clearly stated that it will further promote the free opening of public libraries, museums, art galleries, cultural centers and comprehensive cultural stations, and promote the free or low-cost opening of public stadiums and gymnasiums to the society.

Huawei’s P series is renewed as Pura: Inspire creativity with imagination and create a new benchmark for image aesthetics.

On April 18th, 2012, Huawei launched the first P-series product Ascend P1, which started Huawei’s unremitting pursuit of excellent image and technology aesthetics, won the love of hundreds of millions of consumers around the world, and also recorded and witnessed the wonderful moments of countless consumers’ lives. After 12 years of glory, Huawei P series was officially upgraded to Huawei Pura in 2024, and on the special day of April 18th, 2024, Huawei released a brand-new flagship mobile phone Pura 70 series, starting again with a brand-new attitude, inspiring extraordinary creativity with infinite imagination, leading the fashion trend with unique style, realizing a new leap from technology leading to brand leading, and starting a brand-new chapter in Huawei Pura series!

leadDevelopment history of moving images,promoteEvolution of science and technology aesthetics

In the past 12 years, the development history of Huawei P series is like a chronicle of the interweaving of mobile images and scientific aesthetics, which witnessed the complete stage of this field from budding to prosperity and development, and always played an important role as an innovation leader. Since the first generation of P series, Huawei has continuously tapped and released the potential of mobile photography and gradually set an industry benchmark. Every time a new product is released, it is accompanied by a major breakthrough in imaging technology. From the optimization of depth ranging of early pictures to the deep development of night scene mode, and then to the exquisite presentation of telephoto shooting, P series expands the boundaries of mobile photography all the time.

Looking back, Huawei P series took the lead in applying RGBW four-color sensor in the industry, subverting the traditional color capture method; The first black-and-white color dual camera is launched to realize the experience innovation of mobile phone photography; Self-developed RYYB super photosensitive sensor breaks the bottleneck of dark photography in one fell swoop; The first 5x periscope optical telephoto lens, 100x binocular hybrid zoom and the first super-concentrated night vision telephoto have led the trend of telephoto photography again and again. P series is like a walking color collimator, telescope and night vision instrument. Every iteration is an innovation and breakthrough in the industry, which sets a new milestone for moving images.

Huawei P series has never been a purely technical pile-up, but adheres to the concept of taking users as the core, helping users to cross the constraints of time and space, freeze the beautiful moments from far to near, from dark to bright, from macro to micro, comprehensively expand the possibility of photography, and make beauty everywhere and omnipresent. Whether it’s crossing the distance between time and space, bringing the unreachable moon closer to the palm of your hand, penetrating the darkness and finely capturing the light and shadow flow at night, or freezing the moment and going deep into the fantasy mystery of the microscopic world, P series helps users capture vivid details and beautiful moments in life in all-weather scenes with its excellent image performance.

It is particularly worth mentioning that P series has also opened up territory in the field of portrait photography, promoting the quality evolution of smartphone portrait photography, not only paying attention to the fine depiction of the subject, but also giving portrait photography a unique light and shadow texture and emotional depth through the accurate grasp of light and atmosphere, so that each portrait work can tell a unique story.

At the same time, Huawei P series has always adhered to the initial intention of recording truth and expressing emotions, accompanying users to grow up together and recording real life with images. With the continuous innovation of mobile video technology, P series encourages users to actively explore the unknown world, faithfully restore the original appearance of life, and make every picture present the true beauty of "what you see is what you get". The intelligent and humanized photography experience gives users strong confidence, so that they can record the pictures that touch their hearts at any time in their lives, connect the ups and downs of life with images, and deduce their own wonderful life plays.

Each generation of P-series mobile phones carries users’ unique memories and emotional sustenance. They are not cold technological products, but vivid expressions and powerful expressions of each user’s understanding of life and perception of the world.

Pursue your heart and forge ahead,brand-newStart again with a gesture

Nowadays, people’s aesthetic taste is constantly upgrading with the changes of time and cultural environment, and there are higher requirements for product design and function. This aesthetic upgrade is not only reflected in the pursuit of appearance, but also in the exploration of the essence and spirit of products.

Huawei P series has been evolving and upgrading in the past 12 years. It not only pursues the ultimate aesthetic feeling and design sense in appearance, but also revolutionizes its functions to meet the changing needs of users. The accumulation of this quantitative change eventually brought about the sublimation of qualitative change, which made Huawei Pura emerge at the historic moment and unique.

Facing the next 12 years, Huawei Pura series will set sail with a brand-new attitude, leading mobile images from discovering beauty to creating beauty, from device innovation to style expression, from recording life to artistic creation, perfectly integrating peak image technology, aesthetic design concept and original style expression, and starting a new exploration journey about image power and personality expression.

In the exploration of image technology, Huawei Pura series has gone beyond the limitation of simple software and hardware iteration, and turned to focus on the optimization and upgrading of the entire image system architecture. From single device efficiency improvement to full link technology innovation, Pura series has built an advanced whole machine imaging technology system, which has achieved a leap from hardware precision to excellent imaging effect. Adhering to the forward-looking vision, Pura series will strengthen the ability of moving images in all directions, and expand more professional and diverse moving image bases through the breakthrough of four dimensions, such as sensing subtle light and dark changes, seamlessly spanning vast spaces, accurately capturing rich colors and instantly freezing eternal memories, thus empowering users to fully express their personalized image styles.

In terms of user experience, Huawei Pura series is committed to transforming each user into a unique creator, connecting reality and imagination with images, and endowing ordinary life art with charm. It will continue to challenge the limits of mobile imaging technology, awaken users’ inner imagination and turn it into shocking creative expression by breaking through the excellent shooting experience brought by innovation. Whether it is the visual impact that broke out in an instant, the emotional appeal that is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, the endless imagination that dares to explore, or the unique expressive force of color application, Pura series will join hands with users to jointly cast the power of images and breed artistic masterpieces full of personal imprint and unique style.

It is not difficult to see from the relevant brand information released by Huawei that Huawei Pura is deeply concerned about the spiritual value and power transmission carried by the image itself. With the increasing demand for individual self-expression, Huawei Pura aims to provide users with a broad and free creative space with its advanced image technology and excellent image performance. Huawei Pura seems to not only pay attention to the subversive innovation of technology, but also devote itself to promoting the value sublimation and style expression of video art, so that everyone can become a creator and artist, thus satisfying modern people’s pursuit of beauty and desire for self-expression.

Huawei Pura encourages users to display endless imagination and turn creativity into reality, so that each photo is not only a representation of physical scene, but also an artistic carrier with profound connotation and spiritual value, conveying the powerful power and far-reaching influence behind the image and leading users into a new era of images full of infinite possibilities and profound cultural connotations.

On the key historical node of April 18th, Huawei’s P-series upgrade to Pura marked a new journey for Huawei in the field of mobile images. This upgrade announced that Huawei is leading the mobile image from discovering the beauty of life to creating the beauty of art, and advocating personalized expression and value transmission of photography style. At the same time, it also means that mobile phone photography has evolved from a simple life recording tool to an important platform for artistic creation, allowing users to capture and create more imaginative moments with their mobile phones. This upgrade of Huawei has undoubtedly pushed mobile images to a new height.

Facing the future, the brand-new Huawei Pura will inspire creativity with imagination, and lead a new round of fashion image trend with its unique and distinctive brand style. Explore the unseen beauty with bold imagination; Open a new horizon with a pioneering perspective; Leading the fashion trend with original style, bringing a wonderful experience beyond expectations to consumers all over the world.

Huawei Pura is not only a better flagship mobile phone, but also a warm expectation and brave exploration for a better life in the future. Huawei Pura 70 series, as the first flagship mobile phone product of Pura series, will surely show the original style of the brand, and bring consumers a brand-new experience with its pioneering aesthetic design, leap-forward leading imaging technology and powerful flagship performance. At the same time, we also expect Huawei Pura to pursue its true heart, forge ahead and continue to write its own legendary chapter in the years to come!

Ultra-low score and hot search, the idea of "black and red" should stop!

Special feature of 1905 film network Shortly after the TV series "Gentlemen of the East Eighth District" was broadcast, it ushered in a wave of bad reviews. The bad review pointed out that the starring performance was greasy and embarrassing, the plot was suspended and the values were distorted and vulgar. However, such a drama is called a sincere work that has been polished for many years by starring, screenwriter and producer at the same time. People’s Daily commented on this drama and questioned the sincerity of this work.

Gentlemen of the East Eighth District has been frequently searched since its launch, which has attracted much attention. Ma Rongrong, a film critic, said: "The appearance of such a play is, to some extent, a’ cultural landscape’ at present. Why can this play challenge the audience’s aesthetics and the bottom line of the three views unscrupulously? This is also a wake-up call for creators. Instead of indulging in self-emotion and their own small world, they should really observe and face this era, and not be divorced from the context and aesthetics of the times. In the current creative environment, all kinds of movies and TV dramas appear, but in the creation, creators still have a certain awareness of the bottom line, and what kind of bottom line is untouchable. "

Gentlemen of the East Eighth District can be said to give people a feeling of being out of date everywhere, but behind the tide of bad reviews, there is a phenomenon that TV dramas are getting more and more attention. The reason is very simple. Such a huge number of bad reviews have aroused the curiosity of some viewers and made people want to see how bad the play is. This phenomenon is called "black and red" in the industry.

The phenomenon of "black and red" has been around for a long time. In the early years, the film was famous because of poor production. After many years, this model is still tried and tested, so Ma Rongrong went to watch it: "I watched this play because there were too many critical voices on the Internet. Many WeChat official account even listed all the points of this play, and the greatest value of evaluating this play is that it can be the object of everyone’s spit and have a talk with colleagues. Gentlemen of the East Eighth District still takes the route of winning attention by bad reviews, which is definitely not a normal choice, and this’ black and red is also red’ is a very abnormal mentality. This kind of practice of paying attention to Bo and paying no attention to traffic is exhausting and unsustainable. It is definitely not worth the loss to pay for its long-term reputation for the sake of temporary interests. "

This time, the audience’s strong resentment also made everyone find that the audience’s aesthetics are constantly improving, but some creators are standing still. It is also a story about starting a business and growing up. The spirit, inner brotherhood and real connection of the three men in the story can be said that Zhu Yu is in the forefront; It tells the story of how the civilians who have nothing can realize their personal career development and self-worth through entrepreneurship.

Although "Gentlemen of the East Eighth District" also talks about brotherhood, these four people are already good brothers when they appear. This friendship has no source and is hard to convince. What they do most is to help each other escape moral responsibility and social responsibility. There is no concept of right and wrong, which is no different from collusion. On the other hand, in Miracle Stupid Child and Chinese Partner, all the people’s feelings are shaped in layers, for reasons and step by step. In Miracle Stupid Child, they gradually cultivate their feelings through long-term work and work together, which can make the audience feel substituted. True friendship is to face the reality together, solve difficulties together and face the crisis together, so that friendship can make real gold not afraid of fire.

In addition to scripts and values, actors’ performances are also the hardest hit areas for bad reviews. Hans Zhang, the leading actor, screenwriter and producer, has not made any progress in acting. Now, at the age of 38, Hans Zhang can be described as "rejuvenation", returning to the routine in the original "meteor rain". After reading it all, Qian Fan returned as a "overbearing president". On the contrary, in Miracle Stupid Child, the protagonist was the first to disassemble and repair the mobile phone. In order to fit the role, the protagonist really learned how to disassemble and repair the mobile phone, so that every related shot on the big screen was real, and the audience did not see this determination and perseverance for the performance.

It is not difficult to see that Hans Zhang has his own "ambition and greed" in the creation of Gentlemen in the East Eighth District, but after the superposition of multiple identities such as starring, producer, screenwriter and producer, he pieced together a "middle-aged version" of meteor rain. Hans Zhang, who was born as an idol drama actor, tried very hard to break through the bottleneck of his personal career and turn himself into an all-round film and television talent. However, to really get rid of the crisis of his personal career development, the core still needs him to constantly strive to improve himself and keep up with the development of the times in terms of cognition. Hans Zhang, whose creative consciousness has been left behind by the times, has repeatedly repeated the routine of "overbearing president", regardless of the audience’s aesthetics and the changes of the times.

It can be said that Hans Zhang’s answer sheet not only failed to satisfy the audience, but even made them angry. A work like Gentlemen of the East Eighth District not only affects the feathers of the creators and actors, but also is a new drama that can be broadcast on TV. In the case of wider spread, the wrong values in the work are spread out, which will mislead some immature audiences in front of the TV to some extent. At the same time, the plot that caters to bad tastes will also distort some viewers’ cognition of the world and gender relations, which is also a mistake that people can’t ignore in the drama. Movies and TV plays, as mass communication products, have a very strong influence on the orientation of the times and the people’s hearts. Popular cultural works must be responsible for their three views and contents.

It is not difficult to see from this bad review of Gentlemen of the East Eighth District that the audience’s eyes are discerning, and they can always tell which works are sincere and which works are fakes at the first time. Judging from the popular TV series in recent years, the audience wants to see more works with solid plot, logic, excellent production and sincere performance. I hope that the creators can learn from this lesson, earnestly grasp the hot spots, pulse and pain points of the times, and create works that are better and more suitable for this era.

The implementation of the new version of the negative list of foreign investment access | The restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in the automobile industry are fully liberalized

  CCTV News:On January 1 this year, the new negative list of foreign investment access was implemented. In the field of automobile manufacturing, compared with the 2020 version of the document, the new list is clear, and the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in passenger car manufacturing and the restriction that the same foreign investor can establish two or less joint ventures to produce similar vehicle products in China will be abolished. What does this mean for foreign auto companies and China’s auto industry?

  In 2018, the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in special-purpose vehicles and new energy vehicles will be abolished; In 2020, the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in commercial vehicles will be abolished; In 2022, the restriction on the ratio of foreign shares in passenger cars will be abolished, and at the same time, the restriction on no more than two joint ventures will be abolished. After a four-year transition period, China’s automobile industry is fully open to foreign investment.

  In 1994, the "Automobile Industry Policy" issued by China set the "upper limit of 50% of the shareholding ratio of foreign-funded enterprises", and since January 1 this year, this red line of industrial policy will withdraw from the historical stage.

  Experts said that the major policy of liberalizing the ratio of foreign shares in the automobile industry and overlapping relevant automobile industry policies will have a far-reaching impact on the development of the automobile industry in China.