Wanda sells Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Company

Tianyancha App shows that recently, Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. has undergone a number of industrial and commercial changes. The former wholly-owned shareholder Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company withdrew, and Beijing Yinglang Commercial Management Co., Ltd. was newly added as a wholly-owned shareholder. The legal representative of the company was changed from Zhang Jing to Zhao Yong. It is worth mentioning that a few days ago, the company increased its capital by about 1.33 billion yuan in debt, and its registered capital increased to about 1.38 billion yuan. Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. was established in October 2012, and its business scope includes various engineering and construction activities, tobacco product retail, food management, asset management, and hotel management.

The heavy Great Wall diesel 2.4T will be loaded, and the parameters are almost equal to D4D, matching the tank and gun models.

In recent years, hard-core off-road vehicles and recreational pickup trucks have exploded rapidly, becoming models sought after by consumers, especially the emergence of a number of domestic models, which has lowered the threshold and price of off-road, such as the current fire.
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A monopoly, it can almost be said that the Great Wall monopolizes the entry-level hard-core off-road market, with compact tanks relying on 300 and medium and large tanks relying on 500. There are still many models to be released in the subsequent tank family.

However, with the advent of high oil prices, Tank 300 is facing a severe situation. Although the sales volume is still stable, with the impact of rising oil prices and decreasing heat, the order growth rate of Tank 300 is declining, and its Tank 500 model has a larger displacement and higher fuel consumption, so consumers will think more about it. After all, it will cost money to buy it back.

How to solve this embarrassing dilemma? In fact, a solution has long been thought of. First, both Tank 300 and Tank 500 will launch hybrid models and plug-in hybrid models. Among them, the hybrid version of Tank 300 has been listed overseas and is expected to be released at the end of April in China, followed by the plug-in hybrid models of Tank 300 and Tank 500. The combination of plug-in hybrid technology and hard-core off-road is actually quite perfect, with high torque and low fuel consumption. Currently, H equipped with plug-in hybrid technology can reduce fuel consumption.

However, what can solve the urgent need at present is actually another means. It is the Great Wall of Wei Jianjun’s king-grade product-diesel power chain. The power of the Great Wall has been under development, and its green static series diesel engines have always been the leader of domestic diesel.
Later, H9, Fengjun series and Great Wall guns were all equipped, and they have always been the fist-class products of the Great Wall.

Compared with gasoline engine, diesel engine has higher thermal efficiency, lower fuel consumption and strong torque, which is very suitable for hard-core off-road vehicles. Compared with gasoline engine, diesel engine has half the use cost and better power performance, especially on off-road sections. However, because the technical content of diesel engine is not low at all, and the domestic fuel quality is poor, domestic passenger cars rarely use diesel power. However, the diesel engine of Great Wall is advanced in technology and has been adjusted for domestic oil products, which is deeply loved by consumers.

At present, due to many factors, such as emissions, all passenger cars of Great Wall are not equipped with diesel engines, and the diesel H9 has become a swan song. If you want to buy a diesel engine model of Great Wall, you can only buy a pickup truck of Great Wall, but the 2.0T engine on the pickup truck is weak, and the 2.0T diesel engine with twin turbines may not be used again because of emissions problems, but the recent appearance of a new car of Great Wall may completely change this situation.

Recently, a brand-new gun model-full-size pickup truck based on tank 500 platform will be equipped with the latest 2.4T diesel engine of Great Wall and matched with 8AT gearbox. This engine code-named GW4D24 is a vertical 2.4T diesel engine with a maximum power of 135kW and a peak torque of 480 N m. This parameter is close to that of Toyota 2.8TD4D diesel engine with larger displacement, and it is also equipped with an electronically controlled VGT variable cross-section turbine and a 2000Bar fuel injection system.

As a result, the Great Wall finally has a brand-new diesel engine for passenger cars, and this engine will also cover tank, Haval and gun series models in the future, which is a great good news for consumers who want to buy diesel versions of tank 300 and tank 500. After all, diesel engines are more powerful and have lower fuel consumption and cheaper oil prices, which is a good choice for consumers who like hard-core off-road vehicles. (Text/Youshi Automobile Haoyang)

Note: the pictures are from the internet, and the rights belong to the original author. Thank you! This article only represents the author’s personal views, and does not represent the position of AUV.

More than 8 models of Tiggo were exposed to brake failure, and the problem pointed to brake by wire!

If you are the owner and prospective owner of Tiggo 8 PRO or Tiggo 8 PLUS, please note that there is something wrong with Chery’s brake-by-wire technology.

Recently, Master Jiao learned from relevant channels that Chery’s brake-by-wire technology has brought troubles to many car owners. The specific performance is as follows: 1. There will be a buzzer when braking; 2. The brake pedal becomes hard; 3. Brake failure; 4. Brake jitter. At present, it is understood that some car owners have formed rights protection groups and shared fault cases in the groups.

Please step on the brakes when the vehicle starts, but the owner has been stepping on the brakes.

The corner master found that a car owner was driving at a low speed of 30 kilometers per hour, and suddenly the brake pedal rebounded, and then a fault code appeared in the dashboard. At this time, the brake pedal felt hard and the hard-vegetable pedal vehicle appeared jitter.

At present, the official has not responded to this problem, and the owner has locked the root of the problem in the brake-by-wire technology. Because some owners of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS do not have such problems, the problem owners are mainly concentrated in the vast version of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS pride+,so what is Chery’s brake-by-wire technology?

In March 2022, Chery Automobile announced a major innovation when it launched the Tiggo 8 PLUS version. The braking system of the car was upgraded and the integrated brake-by-wire system of Bethel WCBS was adopted. The core technology of this system is to integrate the vacuum booster pump, master cylinder, electronic vacuum pump, EPB and ESC. The following figure shows the comparison between the integrated brake-by-wire system module and the traditional vacuum booster pump. Its main purpose is to reduce costs and enhance the competitiveness of products. In addition to cost reduction, the official said that this system can also coordinate energy recovery system and high dynamic pressurization capacity. In other words, most of Chery’s new energy vehicles will adopt the brake-by-wire system in the future.

Integrated brake-by-wire system

Traditional vacuum booster pump

However, at present, it is obvious that the technology is not yet mature, and some car owners equipped with brake-by-wire technology have become "mice". Master Jiao then went to the domestic third-party vehicle quality complaint platform to investigate and found that there have been centralized complaints about the models equipped with brake-by-wire technology in the Tiggo 8 PRO plate, and the most complained car in the Tiggo 8 PLUS plate is Haoqing+,which is also equipped with brake-by-wire technology.

Up to now, Chery officials have not responded to the vehicles with problems in the by-wire control technology. Judging from the problem of concentrated outbreak, Master Jiao’s personal guess may be that there is a problem with a batch of vehicles equipped with wire control technology. The failure of the brake system is a major personal safety hazard, and the manufacturer must attach great importance to it, and it is necessary to complete the upgrade, optimization and even recall of the problem model in a short time.

A few days ago, Chery Automobile just released the sales data in July 2022, and the group’s sales volume was 131,533, a year-on-year increase of 57.7%. This figure successfully surpassed 122,633 vehicles of Geely Automobile and 101,920 vehicles of Great Wall Motor. In terms of splitting, Chery’s total sales volume was 131,533 vehicles, of which 50,614 vehicles were exported, up 90.1% year-on-year. The sales volume of new energy was 25,614 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 253%. It can be seen that the sales of new energy have surged, and in addition, the export volume has reached a new high. This is the happy side.

However, the safety hazard brought by the brake-by-wire technology hangs over Chery like a time bomb. However, if it is detonated, it will surely face the collapse of product quality reputation, and all efforts will be wasted.

The order volume of M5 in the world exceeded 10,000, and the sales volume of new energy vehicles of Xiaokang shares "returning oil to electricity" accounted for 52%.

Changjiang business news ● Changjiang Business Daily reporter Jin Du

The model AITO Wenjie M5, jointly developed by Huawei and Cellis, a subsidiary of Xiaokang, has recently attracted attention from all walks of life.

Recently, a reporter from Changjiang Business Daily visited Huawei’s flagship store in Wuhan and found that the logo "Sailis" was very conspicuous on the rear of the M5 on the first floor. A salesperson told reporters that the newly produced M5 will remove the "Sailis" tail label and will not be labeled with the "Huawei" tail label.

With the blessing of M5, the sales volume of Xiaokang shares (601127.SH) keeps rising. The reporter of Changjiang Business Daily found that in May, the production and sales volume of new energy vehicles of Xiaokang shares surpassed traditional fuel vehicles for the first time, accounting for 52.28%.

According to the sales data released by M5, the delivery volume reached 5,006 vehicles in May, exceeding 5,000 vehicles for the first time. By the end of May, the cumulative delivery volume of the M5 has exceeded 11,000 vehicles, which has set a new record for the fastest delivery of a single model of a new brand.

A salesperson of Huawei’s flagship store in Wuhan said that at present, the number of orders for M5 in the world exceeds 10,000 per month, and it continues to increase.

A person familiar with the matter told Changjiang Business Daily that the M7 will be listed at the end of June or early July.

Ask M5 or remove the "Sailis" tail mark.

On May 1st, Huawei’s first flagship store in Central China settled in Wuhan Vientiane City.

Recently, a reporter from Changjiang Business Daily visited Huawei’s flagship store in Wuhan and found that there were four cars in the car exhibition area on the first floor, and the "Sailis" logo at the rear of the car was very conspicuous.

A salesperson told Changjiang Business Daily that the newly-produced M5 will be Weimar Automobile and will not be labeled as "Huawei", but will be presented as an independent brand.

In this regard, Changjiang Business Daily reporter sent an interview letter to Xiaokang, but no reply was received as of press time.

Wenjie M5 was jointly built by Cyrus and Huawei. According to official website, the current price of the standard version of rear-drive is 259,800 yuan, the performance version of four-wheel drive is 294,800 yuan, the version of four-wheel drive is 288,800 yuan and the flagship version of four-wheel drive is 331,800 yuan.

As a vehicle jointly developed by Huawei and Cyrus, AITO Wenjie M5 is also the first vehicle equipped with Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit. The core power comes from Huawei’s Drive ONE pure electric drive range extension platform, and Huawei is deeply involved in R&D and manufacturing.

Recently, the customer of the M5 has caused a heated discussion in the market because the user removed the "Sailis" tail label and affixed the "Huawei" logo. Many car owners bluntly said: "After changing the label, it has simply injected soul."

In this regard, Zhang Zhengping, chairman of Xiaokang Co., said frankly at the shareholders’ meeting that if the product is good or not, the market has the final say. If the product is not good, no matter who posted it, no one will buy it.

Zhang Zhengping also said that the high degree of attention paid by M5 in the world is an inspiration and affirmation for the cooperation between Xiaokang and Huawei. The spur of users is the biggest driving force for us to move forward, and bringing good experience to users is the cornerstone for us to forge good products.

Interestingly, in the 2021 annual report, Xiaokang shares made no mention of Huawei.

However, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. emphasized in its annual report that the M5 of Wenjie is equipped with a 3.0 range extender independently developed by the company, which can achieve a vehicle mileage of more than 1,000 kilometers, and can continue driving even without charging conditions.

It should be noted that Zhang Zhengping also revealed at the shareholders’ meeting that Xiaokang shares are increasing the layout of new energy industries by increasing investment in technology research and development of new energy vehicles and construction of sales channels.

On the evening of May 23rd, Xiaokang announced that the issuance review committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission had reviewed the company’s application for non-public offering of shares in 2022. According to the results of the meeting, the company’s application for non-public offering of shares was approved.

According to the revised plan for the non-public offering of A shares in 2022 released by Xiaokang in March, the total amount of funds raised by the company is expected to be no more than 7.13 billion yuan (inclusive).

Among them, the total investment of electric vehicle development and product platform technology upgrading projects reached 4.748 billion yuan, and it is planned to use the raised funds of 4.31 billion yuan; The total investment of the intelligent upgrading of the factory and the construction of electric drive production line is 633 million yuan, and it is planned to use the raised funds of 610 million yuan; The total investment of the user center construction project is 223 million yuan, and it is planned to use the raised funds of 210 million yuan; To supplement the working capital, it is planned to use the raised funds of 2 billion yuan.

Xiaokang shares’ sales of new energy vehicles increased by 2.1 times in May.

With the blessing of M5, the sales of new energy vehicles in Xiaokang shares have been rising, realizing "oil returning to electricity".

On June 2nd, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. released a production and sales bulletin, showing that the output of new energy vehicles reached 36,200 in the first five months, up by 258.97% year-on-year. The sales volume reached 33,200 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 212.33%. The output of other models (fuel vehicles) of the company reached 66,400, down 39.91% year-on-year; Sales reached 66,800 vehicles, down 33.78% year-on-year.

In May, the output of new energy vehicles in Xiaokang reached 11,100, a year-on-year increase of 273.97%. Sales reached 10,500 vehicles, up 244.04% year-on-year. The output of other models of the company reached 10,400 units, down 63.98% year-on-year; Sales reached 9542 vehicles, down 61.71% year-on-year.

The reporter of Changjiang Business Daily found that in May, the production and sales volume of new energy vehicles of Xiaokang shares surpassed traditional fuel vehicles for the first time, accounting for 52.28%.

"Returning oil to electricity" is also an intentional move of Xiaokang Co., Ltd. In the 2021 annual report, the company claimed to be a technology-based manufacturing enterprise with new energy vehicles as its core business, with a perfect R&D, supply, manufacturing and sales system.

It should be noted that in the sales of new energy vehicles in the first five months of Xiaokang Automobile, the output of Sailis reached 9,933, an increase of 1,520.39% year-on-year; Sales reached 8483 vehicles, up 1211.13% year-on-year.

Among them, in May, the output of Sailis reached 3,125 vehicles, up 1,115.95% year-on-year; Sales reached 3,439 vehicles, up 1,248.63% year-on-year.

On April 19th, 2021, Sailis SF5, a subsidiary of Xiaokang, was officially listed at the 19th Shanghai International Auto Show.

On December 23, 2021, the medium-sized luxury SUV, the high-end smart electric vehicle, made its debut at the press conference, and it was delivered nationwide on March 5, 2022.

In less than three months from listing to delivery, the brand-new M5 achieved the delivery of over 3,000 vehicles in the first month, and entered the top five sales of high-end new energy SUVs with a price of over 200,000 yuan in the first month.

On June 1st, the sales data released by M5 showed that the delivery volume reached 5,006 vehicles in May, exceeding 5,000 vehicles for the first time. By the end of May, the cumulative delivery volume of the M5 has exceeded 11,000 vehicles, which has set a new record for the fastest delivery of a single model of a new brand.

A salesperson of Huawei’s flagship store in Wuhan said that at present, the number of orders for M5 in the world exceeds 10,000 per month, and it continues to increase.

In addition, it is reported that the M7 of Celeste luxury smart large-scale electric SUV will be released soon.

A person familiar with the matter told Changjiang Business Daily that the M7 will be listed at the end of June or early July.

Editor: ZB

Aauto Quicker’s acquisition of Huanju Small Loan helps financial business expand. In 2023, revenue increased by 20.5%, and e-commerce GMV reached 1.18 trillion.

  Guangzhou Huaduo Network Technology Co., Ltd. recently transferred its 100% equity of Guangzhou Huanju Microfinance Co., Ltd. to Beijing Yunzha Technology Co., Ltd., which is the controlling entity of Aauto Quicker Technology. [Quietly Acquisition] Huanju Small Loan was established in 2016 with a registered capital of 1 billion yuan. The company is the operating entity of YY Credit, providing a series of financial services. Aauto Quicker APP’s "My Wallet" function has existing loan products, showing third-party lending institutions in diversion mode and guiding users to apply for loans. [Total revenue increased by 20.5% year-on-year] According to the financial report of Aauto Quicker in 2023, the annual total revenue reached 113.47 billion yuan, up by 20.5% year-on-year, and the adjusted net profit was 10.3 billion yuan. The platform’s e-commerce business GMV reached 1.18 trillion, and the number of monthly paying users exceeded 130 million. Aauto Quicker’s recruitment of official website shows that the company recruits product operation managers and salespeople in the financial field.