Nongfu Spring is not as good as tap water?

  On the one hand, China Resources Yibao encountered a PH test strip, and on the other hand, Nongfu Spring was accused of being "not as good as tap water". The "two bottles of water" with growing grievances finally broke out in a full-scale "water battle" at the turn of this spring and summer. Recently, the war of words and words between the two sides is not enough, and the next battle will be in court.

  Nongfu Spring is negative and frequent, blame Yibao

  In the past month, Nongfu Spring has been exposed to mildew in bottled natural water, black unknown objects, brown floating objects, garbage siege in the water source, and different colors of the same batch of products. On April 10, another "industry insider" broke the news that Nongfu Spring’s standard is not as good as tap water.

  This series of quality disturbances has raised questions about Nongfu Spring. On April 11, Nongfu Spring finally couldn’t help but jump out and issue a statement, directly accusing the series of reports against Nongfu Spring of being deliberately planned, hidden behind the scenes is the state-controlled drinking water company, China Resources Yibao. In fact, when the water source of Nongfu Spring was exposed to garbage siege, Nongfu Spring pointed out that "this matter was done by a competitor", but did not directly name the competitor at that time.

  Observing the series ** publicity actions ** Yibao in recent times, it seems that there is "suspicion". After March 15 this year, China Resources Yibao once cooperated with a large portal website to launch the special topic ** "The Sadness ** Drinking Water in China", and published the same content advertisement in elevators and other channels. It listed all the water pollution incidents in China in the past 10 years, and then pointed out that "Do you still dare to drink the water transported by nature?" The target pointed to the well-known Nongfu ****** advertising slogan – "Nature’s Porter". The relevant website has now removed the topic. Since then, in the process ** Nongfu ****** being exposed to the pollution problem ** the water source ** the Danjiangkou, the figure ** China Resources Yibao has also emerged. On April 9, Yibao held a press conference in *******, the main content ** which was the responsibility ** drinking water enterprises to protect water sources and the need for water sources to meet drinking water standards.

  In its statement, Nongfu Spring also listed "criminal evidence" of Yibao, as competitors in Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and other places have hired people to distribute leaflets attacking Nongfu Spring to retail stores and consumers door-to-door.

  More interestingly, there was a speculation circulating in the industry that Nongfu Spring’s recent troubles were similar to the way it had attacked its competitors in the past. Coincidentally, one of Nongfu Spring’s executives had moved to China Resources Yibao…

  However, Li Kai, the marketing director of China Resources Yibao, told reporters that he denied all kinds of speculation from the outside world, saying that the company would not do anything that violates fair competition.

  Yibao retorted, and a scolding war broke out

  Nongfu Spring has set off the climax of this round of war of words since the 11th, and released 17 long Weibo in a row in just 6 days from the 11th to the 16th.

  Moreover, Nongfu Spring is not satisfied with the theory of "naming", but also poses a posture of death and destruction. The official Weibo of Nongfu Spring has publicly recruited no less than 5,000 people, "to go to Bunongfu Spring and China Resources Yibao, which uses tap water as its water source, to compare the quality of all water sources, factories and products."

  Citizen Mr. Liu told reporters that he had forwarded the above-mentioned Weibo and had received a private message invitation from the official Weibo of Nongfu Spring on the 16th.

  This move made China Resources Yibao furious. At 1 noon on April 12, the official Weibo of China Resources Yibao posted a message: "People are not sages, who can be wrong! If you can change it, you can’t be good. ‘This is the case in life, and even more so in business! Advise a certain enterprise to be responsible to consumers and have the courage to take responsibility. Instead of the disaster moving eastward and grabbing the disaster on others!" Weibo. Although this Weibo did not specify the target, it was unanimously regarded by the outside world as a call to Nongfu Spring.

  In fact, China Resources Yibao has been holding back its breath for a long time. On March 22 this year, "International Water Day", Nongfu Spring was witnessed to do a demonstration of the pH value of bottled water at several major subway entrances in Guangzhou, and the bottled water for consumers to compare was Yibao. In the consumer sourcing activity held by Nongfu Spring every year, Yibao was also present at the pH value test site of different brands to be demonstrated by the example sign.

  "Yibao has always been annoyed by the practice of testing Nongfu Spring Water, and it is not impossible to fight back for this matter," a person close to Yibao told reporters. Regarding the recent statement of Nongfu Spring, the relevant person in charge of China Resources Yibao said that this is the usual method of Nongfu Spring. Once there is negative news, it depends on competitors, and before Wahaha and Master Kang. However, the person did not respond positively to Nongfu Spring’s suggestion that consumers were invited to visit the Yibao factory.

  After being ridiculed by the official Weibo of China Resources Yibao, the official Weibo of Nongfu Spring quickly responded: "As a state-owned holding enterprise and a listed company, if China Resources Yibao dares to do it, it must dare to admit it, and maintain the moral bottom line of the enterprise in the hearts of the people. Don’t have the courage to do it, but don’t have the courage to admit it." And used a long Weibo to post a batch of online screenshots, leaflets and other pictures to prove that the series of incidents encountered by the company were carried out by China Resources Yibao.

  Since then, the public war between the two major bottled water giants in China has intensified.

  Yibao sued Nongfu Spring for reputation infringement

  On April 13, China Resources Yibao released an open letter to all China Resources Yibao people, in which it stated that for the deliberate attacks of certain companies, the company will retaliate or use legal weapons to protect itself when appropriate, and also ask employees not to go into muddy waters.

  On the same day, the media reporters received a "100,000 whys of Nongfu Spring" from the marketing director of Yibao: It is said that Qiandao Lake is the tap water source of Chun’an County, Danjiangkou is the tap water source of Danjiangkou citizens, and Wanlv Lake is the power source of Guangdong Xinfengjiang Hydropower Station. What kind of water source is Nongfu Spring? The water sources of Nongfu Spring are deep lake water, deep reservoir water, self-swimming spring, mountain spring water, groundwater… No matter what kind of water, it implements the local standard of natural water in Zhejiang Province. May I ask why? Yibao implements the national unified standard no matter where it is produced. May I ask Nongfu Spring, how can you feel?!

  In this regard, Nongfu Spring said it was "ridiculous", and the quality of Nongfu Spring was much higher than national standards, industry standards and local standards.

  Facts have proved that China Resources Yibao did what it said. On the afternoon of the 16th, China Resources Yibao confirmed in a notice to reporters that the company had filed a lawsuit against Nongfu Spring with the People’s Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, which was officially accepted by the court on April 15, 2013.

  The report said that recently, through its official Weibo, Nongfu Spring has claimed that the relevant reports of its own product quality problems recently disclosed by the media are deliberately planned by China Resources Yibao, and that China Resources Yibao uses the public’s panic about food safety and environmental pollution as a marketing tool.

  "The above false statements have not only been widely reposted through social media, but have also been continuously reported by major mainstream media and portal websites across the country, causing serious damage to China Resources Yibao’s reputation, business reputation and commodity reputation." Yibao said that according to the provisions of the civil law, it believes that Nongfu Spring’s behavior has constituted an infringement of China Resources Yibao’s reputation rights and should bear the legal liability for infringement according to law.

  The notice said that it believes in the public and the law will give Yibao a "just result", adding that any company’s actions to infringe on the reputation of competitors will not be successful, and it is not allowed by law. The notice reiterated that the company has firmly opposed, is and will not use illegal means to participate in market competition.

  As of press time, Nongfu Spring’s spokesperson, Mr. Wu, had not responded to the company’s lawsuit against China Resources Yibao, or even did not answer the phone. The official Weibo of Nongfu Spring, which has issued frequent statements to the public in recent days, also said nothing about this.

  Nongfu Spring pinched his peers and pinched the media

  The reporter noticed that since China Resources Yibao issued an open letter to take up legal weapons, the focus ** public opinion on Nongfu ****** has begun to shift. Nongfu ******’s subsequent statements did not name names and China Resources Yibao, but focused on clarifying water quality standards. Instead, they were pinned on the ******* Times.

  The **ficial Weibo ** Nongfu ****** has published several water quality monitoring reports, and the ******* Times, which has repeatedly "named" and questioned its water safety, even released a harsh message on Weibo on the 15th: "You can’t run away, and don’t even think about running."

  In response, "******* Times **ficial Weibo" posted a response on the morning ** the 16th, "In front ** the standard, you can’t run away, and don’t even think about running away." Since the dispute over product standards appeared in the newspapers, Nongfu ****** first accused competitors ** smearing, and then cursed the media for ignorance, but refused to give a tenable reason on the standard issue. Instead, he avoided the reality and repeatedly emphasized that "product quality" is higher than the national standard.

  Subsequently, the **ficial Weibo ** Nongfu ****** issued a "four-fold" ******* Times "Weibo, and posted a" Fourth Statement ** Nongfu ****** "signed on April 16 in the form ** a long Weibo. The content said:" Nongfu ****** products are comprehensively better than GB5749-2006 national tap water standards, ** which 21 indicators are 12-1000 times better than the national standard. Nongfu ****** compared with a full set ** 106 test indicators and 31 internal control indicators, a total ** 137 test reports were fully released. We hope that after the ******* Times sees the test report, should it feel, is your journalistic moral conscience still there? " Nongfu ****** insists that the quality ** the product is higher than any existing drinking water standards in the country, and it is also better than the current tap water standards. The arsenic and cadmium levels in the product are below the detection limit, and the levels are too low to be detected. Mold and yeast are also not detected.

  The Beijing Times V17 published two blogs in a row: one is "to be more serious about water standards and pay attention to the right to health"; the other is "I don’t know why Nongfu Spring doesn’t cooperate with normal interviews?!" The Beijing Times pressed Nongfu Spring: Why did companies abandon higher national standards with universal significance and choose lower local standards?

  At the same time, it was disclosed that the reporter contacted Wu Chaochao, a staff member of the Media Department of Nongfu Spring, and sent an interview outline as required. After that, he repeatedly dialed his phone, but the other party did not answer and did not receive any response.

  Our reporter found that since April 16, Wu Chaochao, who is responsible for media communication, has not answered the reporters’ calls.

  Southern Daily reporters, Zhou Zhao and Zhao Binghui

  Reporter observation

  Don’t pretend to be an ostrich in case of trouble in Nongfu Spring

  Pretending to be an ostrich and burying your head in the sand can only deceive yourself. However, it is impossible for you not to look up, open your eyes, or face the objective world for the rest of your life. The problem has to be solved. When everyone pays attention to you, they all prick up their ears and wait to hear your explanation. You don’t want a good opportunity to clarify. When you wait for your spirit to practice your lines and plan to give a speech, I am afraid that there will be no interested audience.

  Nongfu Spring released five test data on total arsenic, cadmium, selenium, nitrate and bromate in bottled water produced by multiple factories on the 14th. However, from the response, Nongfu Spring only said in general that "third-party testing agencies provide testing data." As for who the "third party" is, Nongfu Spring has not made it public. According to media reports, Nongfu Spring has commissioned the Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision and Testing Institute to test its products, but the test data is significantly different from the data released by Nongfu Spring on the 14th. Such an important test, but not telling which agency tested it, will inevitably weaken the persuasiveness of its data. You sell drinking water, not train tickets, and you can’t say "believe it or not, I believe it" to consumers across the country and send people away.

  A responsible enterprise should strictly implement national, local, and relevant industry standards, even the most stringent one, and at the same time mark the product packaging as required. Since Nongfu Spring’s products are of high quality, leaving behind the national standard eight streets, why not mark the national standard on the product packaging generously? There is no need to choose a place with the lowest requirements and post the standard everywhere to attract people’s dislike.

  Enterprises can’t just talk about being responsible to consumers. In action, they must first take consumers seriously and answer every question of "God" seriously and sincerely.

  Zhou Zhao

(Source: Southern Daily)

Sales have plummeted by nearly 40%, and NIO’s hope of turning around is already slim?

On May 1, NIO announced its sales for April. The domestic leading new force only delivered 6,658 new cars in April, a decrease of nearly 40% compared to March. In contrast, 25,681 new cars were sold at the same average price above 330,000, and 8,101 new cars were sold at JK. That is to say, NIO is not only no longer the top seller of new forces, but even failed miserably in the battle at the same price.

In early April, Li Bin said in an interview that if this year’s work is not good, 24 years will become another 19 years, that is, NIO may have to "return" to the ICU again. Judging from the current situation, this time may be further advanced.

What was the problem with NIO? Why did the new power, which was still in full swing in the past two years, suddenly fall into crisis? Let Kung Fu Car take everyone to take a look.

(1) The more models are sold, the fewer cars are sold

NIO has never been a brand that takes volume. As early as 2014, when the NIO brand was established, the slogan shouted was to represent domestic high-end electric vehicles to participate in global competition. But if there is no volume at all, the brand will be difficult to survive.

In December 2017, ES8 was launched, ES6 was launched in December 2018, and EC6 was launched in July 2020. NIO has completed the preliminary product layout. The three cars together can contribute about 10,000 units of sales per month, which was very moist at that time.

What’s more impressive is that NIO has "almost" achieved its goal. As an independent brand, its average transaction price exceeds 400,000 yuan, which is comparable to Mercedes-Benz and BMW, and far exceeds Audi. This result is also very scary. You know, this is a brand that has only been born for a few years, and it can be said that the sky is its limit.

But NIO’s subsequent performance was a big surprise. Since 2021, NIO’s new speed has accelerated significantly. ET7, ES7, ET5, EC7 have been listed successively, and old models such as ES6 and ES8 have also been rejuvenated. As a new force, NIO has seven models on sale simultaneously, but the monthly sales are only poor more than 6,000, which is very disappointing. As a comparison, the ideal three cars sell more than 20,000 per month, and the Tengshi (Parameter Shu Picture) sells more than 10,000 a car, and the polar krypton single model sells more than 8,000.

In the case of such a fragile brand, the "car sea tactics" are enough to show that NIO is casual in product definition. I talked to a former NIO engineer before, and he said that NIO’s approach is that the supervisor swings his arm and has no brains to start.

There is no clear definition before the project starts, and then there are more and more problems, and finally it is a work in progress or marginalized product when it is delivered to the market.

This approach will work in the "early days of entrepreneurship" in the future. For example, when ES8 first came out, although many functions were not opened. But because there are not many decent competitors at the same price, it sells well. But at this moment, in today’s highly invaded market, it is undoubtedly a great waste of resources to push new ones at will.

ET7, as a flagship sedan, is a front-drive platform, and ET5, as an entry-level model, is a rear-drive platform. The non-flagship ES7 entered the second-generation platform and lidar early, killing the "aging" ES8 in one fell swoop, but there is no market at all because of pricing issues. Such a slapstick operation is not uncommon here at NIO.

There is a saying that Li Bin and Qin Lihong are both liberal arts students, which makes them often do not make careful inferences and reviews when it comes to market layout, and are more willing to make emotional choices. On the one hand, this has created NIO’s unique humanistic temperament, but on the other hand, it has also caused the current chaos.

(2) The LeTV model is unsustainable. Is power exchange really the future?

Last year, NIO’s financial situation was already very bad. In 2022, NIO’s net loss for the whole year was 14.4371 billion yuan, of which 5.786 billion yuan was lost in the fourth quarter alone.

What is NIO’s response? At the same time as announcing the 2022 annual report, NIO said that 1,000 replacement stations will be built in 2023, and 500kW ultra-fast charging will be deployed "incidentally".

Why does NIO do this? In fact, it is to exchange services for the market. Compared to doing battery research and development, or building a battery production line. The return on investment ratio of power exchange services is immediate, at least the power station is actually increased. Tesla’s 4680 battery has cost a lot of money, and it has not been mass-produced for three years. If such investment is replaced by a power station, at least there is a real physical site. This is considered a major highlight of NIO. After all, for many users, power exchange is indeed very practical.

At the same time, NIO is "immune" to all price wars. No matter how Tesla and BYD are involved, NIO always insists on not reducing prices, which safeguards the interests of regular customers to the greatest extent.

But the crux of the problem is that today’s tram technology is becoming more and more mature, and the battery life is also constantly improving. When the actual battery life of high-end trams exceeds 500km, the added value brought by power replacement has become lower and lower.

At this time, consumers may pay more attention to the benefits. After all, the B-class ET5 sells more than 300,000, and the C-class Feifan F7 only sells 210,000, and the service seems to be less important.

In order to promote power exchange, NIO adopts the typical "LeTV model". The power exchange business is independent and placed outside the listed company, and then the power exchange business is continuously subsidized through the listed money. This seems "seamless", but as the NIO customer base continues to expand, the resources occupied by power exchange are also increasing, which will eventually feed back to the car price, that is, the price of NIO cannot be lowered.

That is to say, regardless of whether the battery is replaced or not, NIO’s users will eventually have to pay for this business. This is not a problem when sales increase, because doubled users can share these costs equally. But when NIO’s sales do not rise but fall, how can new car owners support the existing huge car owner base?

(3) To have faith, we must also look at the product

In the past few years, NIO could be said to be buying cars and giving away "Moments". There were NIO owners around Kung Fu Cars, and they were truly proud of their cars. They were very proud of NIO’s various activities and praised NIO’s various services.

But NIO should also realize that while this segment of consumers is important, they are far from the whole market. Most ordinary users still want high-quality and affordable models.

Not long ago, NIO launched the power station swap wish list function on the NIO App, where consumers participate in recommending the location of the power station. This may seem like a very "democratic" approach, but it may not be a good choice for the market. The location of the power station should be like opening a store, and "professional" choices should be made according to the local flow of people and the layout of the supplementary facilities, so as to ensure the interests of more car owners, not just the car owners to "vote".

The layout of products and technologies must be based on "professionalism", not emotion. Just like talking to the ideal engineer before about why the ideal doesn’t make cars, he replied that because the ideal customers at this stage are mainly family users, and the space of cars is difficult to meet, so he does not consider highlighting car products for the time being; when talking to the JK technicians about product definition, they said that it is not easy to break the game as a latecomer, and finally chose a relatively niche and the demand is not small.

To put it bluntly, if the market is already very crowded, as a latecomer to enter, there is a high probability that it will be cannon fodder. If there are still some gaps in the market, companies have a chance, provided that the price and positioning are appropriate in all aspects.

In a situation where all opponents are highly nervous, NIO’s careless market play, although it does seem to be a light weight, is inevitably gradually thrown away.

(4) Kung Fu shooting

In 2019, NIO was on the verge of bankruptcy because it could not raise money, and later Hefei City’s investment of 7 billion yuan saved it. I never thought that in this short two or three years, NIO would have to put himself in the "ICU" again, which has to be sighed.

Not long ago, Li Bin came out to reassure investors, saying that NIO was currently urgently saving itself, focusing on the four major fields of chips, mobile phones, sub-brands, and batteries. I don’t know if investors heard it or not. At least in Li Bin’s opinion, NIO’s product and technology layout is fine, so what kind of changes can be expected to be made.

Combined with the dilemma of Weimar, perhaps the entrepreneurial path of the first generation of new forces is about to be turned over.

Green travel helps low-carbon life (consumption window, new observation on green consumption ④)

  Haikou City, Hainan Province, speeds up the construction of public charging piles to escort citizens’ green travel. The picture shows that construction workers are installing new energy vehicle charging piles next to the public parking space at the intersection of Changtong Road and Binhai Avenue in Haikou.

  People’s Vision

  Daoxian County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province advocates low-carbon green travel, and has opened pure electric buses for Guitou Village, Lianghekou Village and other villages with rich tourism resources, which is convenient for villagers and tourists. The picture shows the pure electric bus running on the road at the entrance of Guitou Village, Meihua Town, Daoxian County.

  People’s Vision

  core reading

  The construction of the urban slow-moving system has been steadily carried out, the proportion of new energy vehicles in the fields of urban public transportation, taxis, and urban logistics distribution has continued to increase. Digital technologies such as the Internet and big data have deeply empowered the travel field, and green travel has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Promote the realization of the "double carbon" goal, and green transportation has great potential.

  Green travel fashion environmental protection

  All localities are accelerating the construction of urban slow-moving systems, making public transportation more convenient

  "My home is about 5 kilometers away from my unit, and I used to drive to and from get off work. Since Meihu Greenway was upgraded and renovated, as long as it didn’t rain, I would ride my bike to and from get off work. Not only is it low-carbon and energy-saving, but I can also enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, breathe fresh air all the way, and my energy is much better than before." Zhang Liyun, a citizen of Qingyunpu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, said that cycling to and from get off work can serve multiple purposes.

  Walking on the Badashanren Meihu Greenway in Qingyunpu District, you can always see many citizens riding, and cycling has become the first choice for more and more citizens to travel.

  "Urban greenway construction is a livelihood project that benefits the people. It enhances the well-being of the people while decorating the city." Ye Xiutang, secretary of the Qingyunpu District Party Committee, said that in recent years, the government has invested more than 10 million yuan to upgrade and renovate Meihu Greenway. About 1 kilometer of greenways have been built, and about 3.3 kilometers of greenways have been renovated. There are also new bicycle lanes to help residents travel green.

  In Anning City, Yunnan Province, the Mantis River slow-walking system is an ecological greenway that is everywhere. "The slow-walking system integrates a health trail and a bicycle slow-walking path. The two roads are separated by a variety of trees and shrubs, and there are rest areas and observation decks along the line, which is very attractive to citizens," said Jiang Qi, chief of the Landscaping Management Section of the Anning City Administration.

  Liang Shuanglu, a professor at the School of Economics at Yunnan University, believes that the popularity of urban greenways in various places reflects the concept of green travel.

  "Green transportation is an important part of forming a simple and moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle, which helps to create a high-quality life and promote high-quality development." Wang Yun, deputy director of the Institute of Foreign Economics of the China Academy of Macroeconomics, said that from the perspective of consumption, green transportation involves purchase, use and management; from the perspective of participants, it involves the government, enterprises and consumers. In recent years, our country’s green transportation has developed rapidly, and gradually built a low-carbon and environmentally friendly transportation development pattern.

  The proportion of urban public bus and tram and rail transit trips has further increased, and the degree of public transportation travel facilitation has been significantly improved. For example, Beijing has created conditions for green travel by building a convenient, interoperable and multi-network integrated public transportation system, and the proportion of green travel in central urban areas is expected to reach 74.6% in 2022.

  The proportion of new energy vehicles used in public services such as urban public transportation, rental, sanitation, logistics and distribution, postal express delivery, and civil aviation airports has gradually increased. In some small and medium-sized cities, the cultivation of "green urban and rural transportation circles" is accelerating. For example, there are 437 buses in Anning City, of which 343 are new energy vehicles, accounting for more than 78% of the total number of vehicles. It is expected that all new energy buses will be operated by 2023.

  Accelerate the promotion of new energy vehicles

  The supply and sales of new energy vehicles are booming, and the operation and maintenance service system and other supporting facilities are accelerated

  "I found a new charging station on Suxi Avenue on the mobile map APP. It is very convenient to use. You can pay by scanning the code on your mobile phone, and it only takes about half an hour to charge quickly." Recently, next to the new energy vehicle charging station in the parking lot of the Sports Park in Suxi Town, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, Hu Xiaojun, an owner who is charging his new energy vehicle, said: "Now, there are more and more new energy vehicle charging stations, and it is more convenient and safe for us to use new energy vehicles."

  In small and medium-sized cities, the degree of improvement of supporting facilities is a key factor affecting the willingness of more consumers to buy new energy vehicles. State Grid Yiwu Power Supply Company is actively building charging facilities to improve the social energy efficiency level in the service area. At present, the density of local public charging piles reaches 1.18 per square kilometer, which strongly promotes the green transformation of transportation.

  According to the data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in 2021, the annual sales of new energy vehicles in our country 3.521 million, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, ranking first in the world for seven consecutive years, with a market share of 13.4%. The "Implementation Plan for Promoting Green Consumption" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments proposes to "vigorously promote new energy vehicles". Wang Yun believes that with the continuous improvement of supporting infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity, the consumption of new energy vehicles is expected to maintain a rapid development trend and help the transportation sector achieve the "double carbon" goal.

  "The vehicles have little noise and basically no shaking, and the interior is fully equipped with new seats, air conditioners, fire equipment, etc., which is very comfortable," said Zhang Xiaohong, a villager in Chuntao Town, Yujiang District, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. In recent years, Yujiang has continuously improved the service facilities of new energy buses to facilitate the travel of the masses. "Now, we have put in a total of 30 new energy buses to provide more convenient, safe, comfortable and environmentally friendly bus services for people to travel," said the relevant person in charge of Yujiang Passenger Station.

  The "14th Five-Year" Development Plan for Comprehensive Transportation Services issued by the Ministry of Transport proposes that by 2025, the proportion of new energy vehicles in urban public transportation, taxis, and urban logistics distribution will reach 72%, 35%, and 20% respectively. Wang Yun suggested that efforts should be made to promote the application of new energy vehicles for electricity exchange mode pilots, in-depth activities of various new energy vehicles to the countryside, and encourage car companies to develop and promote new energy models that are suitable for the travel needs of rural residents, of high quality and low price, and advanced and applicable.

  Digital technology is deeply empowering

  Utilize intelligent technology, innovate incentive mechanisms, improve travel sharing rates, and stimulate residents’ willingness to travel green

  "My friends and I often take a ride together, which can effectively reduce carbon emissions." Qu Yuanxin, a student at Hebei University, believes that in the context of increasingly intelligent and shared travel methods, Internet travel service platforms can contribute more to environmental protection, energy saving and reducing traffic pressure.

  According to the "Zero Carbon Travel" Research Report released by Didi Travel, 98.12% of the respondents are willing to guide the people around them to practice green and low-carbon. Li Jinlong, co-founder and vice president of Didi Travel, said that smart travel businesses such as Hitch should increase model innovation and technology empowerment, and promote the formation of green travel methods that combine mutual assistance travel and commercial travel.

  In September last year, the Environmental Development Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Central Joint Certification Center released the "Shared Cycling Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Report", which shows that in the past five years, Meituan bicycle and motorcycle users have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 1.187 million tons, which is equivalent to reducing the carbon dioxide emissions of 270,000 private cars for one year.

  In recent years, transportation services have become more convenient and intelligent, technological application innovation has been active, and the level of digitalization, networking and intelligence in the industry has been continuously improved. Some local governments and enterprises have joined forces to use intelligent technologies to innovate incentive mechanisms to stimulate residents’ willingness to travel green.

  In September 2020, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, Beijing Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau and Autonavi Map jointly launched the "MaaS Travel, Green City" campaign. As of March 23 this year, the number of users participating in the campaign on the Autonavi Map APP exceeded 1 million. "We will further rely on digital technology innovation to enrich the connotation of carbon inclusion, continue to expand the scope of carbon inclusion incentives, and make people’s green travel experience better," said Liu Zhenfei, president of Autonavi Group.

  "When you leave, turn on the Autonavi map to ride the navigation, ride one kilometer to the subway station, and walk 500 meters to the destination after getting off the subway. You can get about 5kg of carbon emission reduction energy for the whole process. The accumulated carbon emission reduction energy can be used not only for participating in public welfare activities, but also for redeeming gifts such as public transportation coupons and shopping vouchers," said Zhang Ling, a Beijing resident.

  Wang Yun said that relying on digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence, intelligent and shared travel methods have entered people’s lives, which will help to significantly reduce traffic pollution emissions. In the future, we must further adhere to the concept of intensive development, innovate travel models, deepen technology empowerment, improve travel sharing rates, optimize urban transportation capacity, and help traffic travel save energy and reduce emissions.

2024 Beijing Auto Show: The Great Wall made great efforts to launch the cannon!

  [car home New Car Launches] At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, we saw the Great Wall Dalilun gun model at the booth. This model is composed of Shanhaipao+Shanhaiju+exclusive car stickers, and it is an exclusive model customized for online celebrity "Dalilun loves spinach".

Home of the car

Home of the car

  "Dalilun Gun" is customized and built based on the performance version of Shanhai Gun. As an innovative masterpiece of leisure products for the Great Wall Gun, Shanhai Gun Performance Edition is built on the tank platform, equipped with a 3.0T V6 engine and a Hi4-T plug-in hybrid system, with a vertical 9AT transmission, and comes standard with Borgwarner 4A+MLOCK intelligent four-wheel drive and front and rear axle electronically controlled differential locks.

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Home of the car

  "Dalilun Gun" not only continues the existing product strength of the performance version of Shanhai Gun, but also adds equipment that young people like, such as Shanhaiju and exclusive car stickers. Among them, Shanhaiju, as a mobile campsite, can lift the roof tent with one button and quickly create an outdoor "two-bedroom".

Home of the car

  The layout style of the new car interior is more luxurious and advanced. It uses a 14.6-inch central control panel and a 12.3-inch LCD instrument. In addition, it also has steering wheel heating, front and rear wireless charging, electric side pedals and brand audio. Driving assistance also provides HWA high-speed pilot-assisted driving functions, including ACC adaptive cruise, automatic parking, DVR driving records before and after, 360 HD look around and so on. (Compile/car home yaoyu)

It is expected that the Great Wall artillery pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

  On August 30th, the passenger version of Great Wall Gun, a pickup truck model owned by Great Wall Motor, was officially launched at Yongchuan Factory in Chongqing. The Great Wall Gun is a brand-new product of Great Wall pickup truck, adopting a brand-new design language, and its overall shape is very tough. According to previous news, the car is expected to be listed in September this year. With the official launch of this model in Chongqing Yongchuan factory, it also marks the official completion and production of Great Wall Motor Chongqing factory. In addition, the official announcement of its pre-sale price range is 126,800-159,800 yuan.

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

  "Great Wall Gun Passenger Edition"

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

  ● New car features

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

  "Great Wall Gun Passenger Edition"

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

  "Great Wall Gun Commercial Edition"

  The car debuted at the Shanghai Auto Show in 2019. In terms of appearance, the new car adopted a tough design style, and it was also a brand-new design language for the Great Wall pickup truck. The large-size front grille was combined with sharp headlights, and a brand-new brand LOGO was hung at the front grille, with a unique style. The car is built on the special platform of P71 pickup truck of Great Wall, and there will be three product directions: commercial pickup truck, passenger pickup truck and off-road pickup truck.

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

  The car has a body size of 5410/1934/1886mm, a wheelbase of 3230mm, and an interior size of 1520/1520/538mm, which is one of the larger pickup truck models in China. In the rear part, the overall shape of the new car is full, and the rounded taillights are crystal clear, which echoes the shape of the headlights. In addition, in terms of external configuration, the new car comes standard with LED daytime running lights, front fog lights, adjustable headlight height, delayed headlight closing, LED exterior rearview mirror turn signal, electric adjustment of exterior rearview mirror, multi-stage boneless front automatic wiper, four-door window one-button lifting, shark fin antenna and so on. On this basis, the high-profile models have added electric sunroof, electric folding of exterior rearview mirror and welcome pedal.

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

  The interior of this car has a strong riding style in terms of materials and modeling. The symmetrical design looks very relaxed, and it provides three combinations of technical texture, brown imitation wood decorative board and brown and white leather material to meet the aesthetic needs of different consumers. In terms of details, the front and rear rows are equipped with multiple external power ports, and the back of the rear seat can be leveled at a ratio of 4:6, which has a good performance in humanization and details.

Auto channel [September 2] [Home Car Information List+Highlights List+Headline News Red Bar] It is expected that the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck will be officially launched in September this year.

  In terms of power, it is equipped with a 2.0T gasoline engine of GW4C20B, with a maximum power of 197 HP. The transmission system is matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission from ZF, and it has a four-wheel drive system. In addition to the passenger version of the car that will be pre-sold, the Great Wall Gun series will also provide off-road style models and commercial models for consumers to choose from in the future.

  ● About Great Wall Motor Chongqing Yongchuan Factory

  The factory established by Great Wall Motor in Yongchuan, Chongqing is its fifth full-process production base, and it is also a powerful supporting force for the formation of Great Wall Motor’s globalization strategy. The newly built and put into operation Chongqing factory has achieved a high degree of automation. There are 98 welding robots in the welding workshop, and the automation rate has reached 100%. The automatic online rate of SPS+AGV automatic conveying system in the assembly workshop has also reached 70%.

  In terms of intelligent manufacturing, Chongqing factory can combine the monthly sales demand, form the monthly production plan of the factory through APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) system, and decompose the plan into material demand plan, distribution plan and production plan, so as to realize the high coordination of multiple processes in advance. In terms of intelligent logistics, Chongqing factory can realize logistics management inside and outside the factory, logistics quality management, distribution management and order-driven warehousing management through WMS (Warehouse Management System) and LES (Logistics Execution System), so as to reach the leading level of intelligent logistics management in China.

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  According to previous data, in May 2019, the number of domestic pickup terminals was 30,400, up 1.76% year-on-year. From January to May, the number of insured terminals was 174,000, a year-on-year increase of 10.14%. In the context of the overall decline of the automobile market, pickup trucks with a double-digit growth trend are regarded as one of the potential market segments. As one of the earliest manufacturers of pickup trucks in China, Great Wall Motor naturally has to dig deep into this market segment. The brand-new pickup truck that Great Wall Motor put into production this time is such an example. With the improvement of people’s living standards, there is also more demand for pickup trucks. Therefore, on the basis of better appearance and more comfortable interior, the car has also derived three types of commercial pickup trucks, passenger pickup trucks and off-road pickup trucks to meet the needs of various consumers, which is quite worthy of recognition. We also expect this epoch-making China brand pickup truck to enter the market as soon as possible. (Author: Luo Aoyu)

238 original brands! A glimpse of the strength of local business development in Changsha

In mid-February, Changsha officially issued the "Implementation Opinions on Building an International Consumption Center City", proposing to build Changsha into an international consumption center city with the reputation of "Fashion Capital", "Happiness Capital", "Vigorous Capital" and "Leisure Capital". At the same time, the opinion pointed out that 24 creation tasks will be implemented, such as accelerating the construction of international business districts, accelerating the construction of characteristic commercial blocks, enhancing the gathering of local characteristic brands, developing night economy, improving catering consumption and sports consumption.

The growth of local characteristic brands is an indispensable element to witness the commercial development of the city. In the exploration of local original brands in Changsha, according to the big data of Winner, there are 238 local chain brands stationed in major shopping centers in Changsha, with rich formats and diverse categories. Catering, retail, cultural and sports entertainment, life service and children’s parents and children create hot spots in their respective tracks, which reflects the charm of urban commercial development.

Changsha, online celebrity naturally lives up to its reputation, including 137 catering brands among more than 200 local brands, and the highlight of the catering industry continues, accounting for 58%; Retail sales performed well, accounting for 17%; Local brands of life service, cultural and sports entertainment and children’s parent-child format also occupy some markets. The core sections of various formats influence, drive and promote each other, and local brands intensively cultivate the commercial market, which has strong growth strength.

Data collection scope: based on the store data of Changsha project obtained by Winstar online and offline channels, the date of online collection and quarterly update (there may be incomplete data) for some projects is February 28, 2022.

The commercial market in Changsha, which has been polished for a long time and refined by the market, has not only the inheritance and spread of time-honored brands and non-legacy brands, but also the sudden rise of new forces of emerging brands, focusing on catering and retail formats. Since the establishment of local brands, the categories have been increasingly enriched.

The well-thought-out and carefully crafted local brands can see through their subdivided business categories to see the development of the industry.

? Catering format: Xiang Jun C, the rise of "online celebrity"

Under the repeated epidemic situation, the resilience of Changsha’s catering industry is relatively strong, and the catering consumption in major businesses has maintained a good fundamentals. According to statistics, among the 137 original catering brands in Changsha, Chinese catering accounts for 49%, leisure catering accounts for 21%, exotic catering accounts for 16%, hot pot/braised pot/griddle accounts for 10%, and barbecue/teppanyaki accounts for 5%.

Chinese catering: Chinese simple (fast) meals rank first, followed by Hunan cuisine.

From the perspective of subdivided categories, there are many types of local catering in Changsha, and consumers have many options. There are 36 brands of local Chinese simple (fast) meals in Changsha, ranking first in the catering industry; There are 26 brands of local Hunan cuisine, ranking second, and the rest of Guangdong cuisine, seafood, northwest cuisine and Yunnan-Guizhou cuisine are involved, and diverse food styles are presented.

Among 36 Chinese simple (fast) meals, there are special snacks, noodle shops and other sub-categories. Among them, Suo powder, as the soul of breakfast in Changsha, is a necessary punching operation recommended by Changsha people, food bloggers or travel guides. Brands such as Tianjin Liuzizi Powder House, Phoenix Girl Xiangxi Fish Powder, Daguan Rice Noodles and Wugu Fish Powder have attracted much attention.

Under the wave of consumption upgrading, among the innovative characteristic hot pots represented by emerging hot pots/stews/griddles, there are abundant categories such as King Pot Pork Belly Chicken Hot Pot, Jijing Pork Belly Chicken Three-second Fish, chicken coconut and Dabinjia, and the market players of chicken coconut, Pork Belly Chicken, Fish Hot Pot, Chuanchuan Hot Pot and other sub-categories have also increased.

Focusing on the localized development of Changsha, Hunan cuisine is one of the representatives of the city’s business cards, and many Hunan cuisine brands are also exploring more ways of development. In today’s prefabricated dish market, the chef who insists on "only using chefs to fry" peppers stands out, and has been deeply involved in Hunan cuisine for 24 years, and has opened 50 direct stores in Changsha, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The chain brands of Hunan cuisine, such as exquisite food, one lamp, delicious taste, Tanzong chopped pepper fish head and fried beef with kitchen smoke, have formed a double effect of good collection flow and good reputation.

Exotic dining: Japanese and Korean cuisine is far ahead.

Among the original exotic restaurants in Changsha, there are 15 Japanese and Korean restaurants, accounting for 68% of the exotic restaurants. Among them, Kimura Heping House, Royal Cattle Craftsman, Xiaoming Charcoal Roasted Fat Cattle Specialty Store, Lekeshi Korean Restaurant, etc. cover many sub-categories of Japanese barbecue, Korean barbecue, sushi, Lamian Noodles and Korean cuisine.

Behind the rise of steak is the general trend of quality upgrading and high-end catering upgrading. Western-style catering, as a high-value consumer product, is also in line with consumers’ demands for higher quality.

Exotic dishes, dietary differences, and the preservation and innovation of dish flavor are the key to the differentiated competition of this category. Among the local exotic categories in Changsha, there are Thai dishes such as DuDu Thai Restaurant, Man Xiong Pizza, Sam Kitchen, etc. Although the number of western-style simple (fast) meals is small, they have a good response in the market.

Leisure catering: the competition between baked desserts and drinks tends to be fierce.

Among the emerging leisure restaurants, baked desserts and drinks are actively expanding. Among the local leisure restaurants in Changsha, baked desserts account for 45%, drinks account for 27%, and leisure snacks account for 28%.

As a category favored by young and middle-aged people and consumed with high frequency, the iteration of leisure catering industry is also increasing day by day. Many enterprises cross the border, and the investment and financing of the industry are booming. In the tea market of 100 billion yuan, the market competition is fierce, and local brands are represented by Modern China Tea Shop (demand area: 50-70 square meters), Guoyaya (demand area: 20-50 square meters), MAMA CHA and Lemon Season, occupying the main position in Changsha.

As a local tea brand in Changsha, many emerging players have continuously increased their market share through product innovation and upgrading, brand building, cross-border integration, and national culture and innovation. At the same time, most local brands are no longer limited to the local market, and Modern China Tea Shop has also set up stores in other cities in Changsha and Lemon Festival. In the mid-end market, brands also have certain recognition and market competitiveness.

When it comes to baked desserts, the rise of emerging brands in the market has further attracted consumers’ attention. At present, Chinese baking in the dessert baking track is on the rise, and new brands are constantly emerging. Taking Changsha local market as an example, the new brand of Guofeng store and product design of Momo Dim Sum Bureau has emerged in this subdivision track; Under the heat wave, Chinese baking represented by Wu Susheng’s palace shortbread is also vigorously expanding its stores; Western-style baking such as Rosa cake and Duoxilai cake also has considerable market performance.

Retail format: the competition of fashion products is fierce, and the trend clothing is innovative and growing.

Retail formats convey consumers’ consumption attitudes. Among contemporary young consumers, personalized consumption and self-satisfaction consumption are constantly reshaping the market consumption patterns. Among the 41 original retail brands in Changsha, market lifestyle accounts for 54%, clothing accounts for 34%, and supermarkets/convenience stores account for 12%.

Among them, large supermarkets, boutique/fresh supermarkets are the main supermarkets, which are blessed with food collection and rich family. In addition, cross-border e-commerce/bonded stores, represented by Youa overseas purchases, combine online and offline experience stores through the O2O cross-border e-commerce platform to provide Haitao users with quality goods and services.

Clothing: Fashion clothing has its own school, and Changsha is also the city of fashion.

In the observation and research of fashion clothing category by, Changsha has become the "most dense city" of fashion clothing stores, relying on the strong sense of fashion atmosphere in the whole city to overwhelm first-tier cities such as Shanghai. According to the statistics of Winner Big Data, among the 14 local clothing brands in Changsha, business, fashion trends, fashion boutiques and other sub-categories are superimposed, among which women’s wear and women’s shoes with market trends are the most prominent.

Fashion consumption conveys consumers’ attitude and cognition to market judgment and brand choice, and "fashion trend" is one of the relatively important influencing factors. EAH CHANIE Yichen, indicia, Saint-Desi, Cannes and other clothing brands have met the needs of consumers by reviewing multiple positioning, and are deeply loved by consumers.

Fashion life: home clothes and beauty care lead strongly.

Under the sub-category of fashion life, home textiles are the main category, and many household textile brands such as (002761) home textiles, Fuli Zhenjin and Meng Jie home textiles are all originated from the local market in Changsha, and they also have certain market influence in other cities in China.

In addition, among the beauty care brands, Yu Nifang, Second Skin, SNSUKI global explosive beauty, BOOM! FRESH! And so on, in the form of beauty care, make-up, and collection stores. Fashion digital, kitchen and bathroom appliances, fashion accessories and German brands of eyes are all involved, mainly including ASD glasses, Tongcheng electric appliances, RelaxLife and other brands.

Children’s parent-child: Children’s amusement brand has obvious advantages.

The combination of "double reduction" mode and "three-child" policy also has a great test for the development of the brand. At present, with the new generation of families born after 1980s and 1990s, the consumption of children’s parent-child format has increased, and it has also become the focus of the corresponding brands. Among the local children’s parent-child brands in Changsha shopping center, children’s amusement accounts for 45%, children’s retail accounts for 25%, and children’s service and education both account for 15%.

Parent-child interaction experience is a traffic engine for businesses and brands to gather customers. Thematic parent-child interaction amusement parks are popular, and children’s amusement brands are active. There are relatively many brands of children’s sports halls and amusement parks such as Rainbow Hall Children’s Amusement Park, Mickey Le Roller Skating, Karl Feiche and Debel Trampoline Club. In terms of children’s retail, children’s toys and maternal and child products are the main products, covering brands such as Babe Bear and Gelingdao Children’s Toy City.

In addition, in terms of children’s services, the categories are mainly restaurants, photography and haircuts, Tiamo Tianmu parent-child restaurant, Fenglinger and Qiqi 72 children’s hairdressing.

Recreation and sports: the proportion of leisure and entertainment is high, and the overall situation is improving.

With the popularity of "online celebrity economy" and "night economy", Changsha, a charming city, has a good development trend of social entertainment. In statistics, leisure and entertainment accounted for 47%, sports accounted for 26%, culture and art accounted for 16%, and education and training accounted for 11%.

Among them, the cultural and artistic categories are mainly book bars and DIY handicrafts, including Desiqin 24-hour bookstore, Hongdao bookstore and delicious laboratory; There are mainly brands such as WEGYMER Jianmeng and Baicheng Qi Kang Fitness in the fitness clubs.

Among the leisure and entertainment brands, KTV, cinema, network card game, VR experience hall and many other categories are assembled. Represented by Letian MC Studios, Urban Tribe Animation and Game Experience Center, Hi Le KTV and other brands, the rich local leisure and entertainment brands have deepened the bonus brought by the city online celebrity label and attracted more and more young people to call for the city.

Among them, the Mango International Studios brand, which belongs to Hunan Film Distribution and Projection Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hunan Radio and Television Station, confirms the title of "Media Art Capital" in Changsha, and provides impetus and opportunity for the cultural and creative development of local brands in Changsha.

Life service: life support is the leading factor.

From the perspective of life service format, the popularity of hair care, beauty spa, foot massage and other products has soared. According to statistics, among the local life services in Changsha, supporting retail accounts for 57%, beauty health accounts for 24%, medical health accounts for 5%, and other categories account for 14%.

In supporting retail, local brands mainly include urban flower country, common people’s (603883) pharmacy, delicious duck neck, foraging meow and other brands, including pharmacies, flower shops, fruit shops, snacks and other categories.

Among the original brands of beauty health care, Shangli International, Faze Modeling, Yierkang, etc. focus on hairdressing styling and foot massage. At the moment of "Yan value economy", consumers pursue the perfect beauty image, which also urges more similar local brands to be highly sought after.

Attachment: List of local brands in Changsha (in the shopping center)

(Editor: Cui Chen HX015)

Can Xiaolong help Haval take off again?

Transfer from: Huaibei News Network

On May 15th, 2023, Haval’s "Xiaolong" was officially listed, which was praised by the industry. Its high popularity, although it has long been commonplace for Harvard, has been more than three years since the launch of the last explosive product-"Big Dog".

In the following three years, due to the "mask problem", the automobile market environment changed, which brought opportunities and challenges to many OEMs. For Harvard, which once dominated the home SUV market, it brought more challenges.

"Xiaolong" has seen the growth point of sales for the Harvard brand, just like "a long drought meets sweet rain"; rightGenerally speaking, it is regarded as a powerful medicine to reverse the current decline.

In the view of "Great Wall People", the significance of Xiaolong is particularly important.

How important is Xiaolong? Is it a strategic vehicle that continues to write the brilliant brand of Haval, or is it a passer-by in the process of brand development? In response to these questions, the author recently communicated with Qiao Xinyu, Executive Deputy General Manager of Harvard Brand Marketing.

Interviewee:Qiao Xinyu, Executive Deputy General Manager of Haval Brand Marketing of Great Wall Motor

Interviewer:Netcom Huo Hongwei

Interview time:2023.05.24

Interview location:Beijing Yizhuang

In the domestic passenger car market, SUV products have enjoyed a 45% share for many years, and the sales of compact and intermediate SUVs account for half of the overall SUV market. It can be said that whoever can dominate this market segment will have the absolute right to speak in the new car market.

Haval H6, which has been the top seller in the same market for 9 years in a row, has created the dominant position in this market segment, and Haval has become synonymous with and guarantee for hot-selling SUVs.

In the second half of 2020, another explosion of Haval was born, and "Big Dog" became another divine car after H6. The tough appearance and a certain degree of cross-country ability make the big dog fill the gaps and shortcomings in Haval’s "H series", thus forming a pattern of "H6 and the big dog" fighting the world with two guns. It is this strategy that has made the highlight moment of Harvard brand.

However, the success of Xiao He also played havoc.When the "H Series" and "Dog Series" were promoted at a high speed, the shortcomings of Haval’s product line were exposed, that is, excessive dependence on the fuel technology route. In the post-epidemic era, competing products were given an opportunity, ending Haval H6′ s record of dominating the list for 100 consecutive months.

In this regard, Qiao Xinyu said, "The Harvard brand has two key tasks this year, one is the transformation of new energy; The other is the universalization of core technologies. "

There are two products listed this time, Xiaolong and Xiaolong MAX, and the price covers the range of 130,000-170,000 yuan. Among them, Xiaolong MAX, which is the first product of Haval to adopt Hi4 electric four-wheel drive technology, is equipped with a coffee intelligent driving system and a coffee OS intelligent cockpit, presenting an all-round new feeling for drivers and passengers from the indoor environment, driving safety to driving experience.

This is of course due to the technical advantages provided by the new energy platform, and it is also a state that traditional fuel vehicles can’t reach.

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is now’ to lift the power of the group and help Xiaolong’." Qiao Xinyu introduced to the author.

This seems to have some feelings when Wei WEY brand was founded, but it is not the same. For Wei WEY, at that time, only the brand itself was rushing forward, but now the Xiaolong series is working hard from top to bottom.

Hi4 is only launched now, and there is a certain time interval with competing products. Is it because the Great Wall has no new energy technology reserve?

Of course not. It’s just that the strategy adopted before is to hold high and fight high, which is quite a bit "high and low", but it ignores that arming its own product base is the key point to win the current battle. Due to the delay in making up his mind on the new energy strategy, Harvard suffered a bitter fruit.

"And now is to putGood technology+good price+good quality control, decentralized to Harvard’s main sales and hot-selling products, really benefiting more consumers. "Qiao Xinyu said very frankly, and I believe this is also the consensus of Harvard and even Great Wall Company.

In addition, the Great Wall is famous for its involution, which can be confirmed by looking at the previous product lineup. Only in the Haval system, there are more than 10 compact SUV products. Such a fine division can not provide accurate solutions for users’ diversified car needs, but more is to test consumers’ professionalism in product cognition. This is of course not the original intention of formulating strategies, but it is indeed a good intention to do bad things.

In fact, this situation has also occurred in other business lines of Great Wall Motor, not only in the Haval system.

For the planning of Harvard products later, Qiao Xinyu gave an accurate reply.Do subtraction”。

Haval will insist on walking on two legs, one of which is the fuel product line, mainly focusing on the "H series+big dog series" with H6 as the main part; The other is the "Dragon Series" new energy product line with Xiaolong as the main force. Fuel vehicles mainly focus on the range of 90,000-130,000 yuan, while the new energy product line will cover the range of 130,000-200,000 yuan. At the same time, in order to avoid fighting within the product, we should also make a clear distinction in product style and tonality, and promote it in the same price range and market segment with the combination of "urban SUV+ hard off-road", which really benefits consumers with different car needs.

In terms of product planning, there will be three fuel vehicles worth looking forward to this year, one is the new H5 and the other is the new H9. In addition, the H6, which has been redesigned in the middle period, will be launched in the third quarter of this year, and the new car has been greatly adjusted and upgraded in appearance, interior and power.

For Haval, H6 has the experience and advantages of being a champion, so this model will continue. As for the naming rules, Qiao Xinyu also gave a clear answer that H series products will not be renamed easily in the future. "The product sequence is inherited. Some of the new names once seemed to win traffic in the short term, but in fact they lost their brand value, which was not worth the candle. "

Qiao Xinyu said that Harvard has been combing and adjusting the product line of oil trucks so far this year. In the future, each market segment will be controlled in two models, and the two models should have very obvious category differences.

At the level of new energy products, a hard-core off-road product will be released in the follow-up of the "Dragon Series" model. The whole vehicle has a tough shape, which is obviously different from the Xiaolong series. However, Hi4, coffee intelligence and intelligent driving are the standard of Harvard’s new energy products in the future, which is worth looking forward to.

Will consumers in the future see both oil vehicles and new energy vehicles in a Haval 4S shop?

The answer is no.

Qiao Xinyu’s explanation is that Harvard should be built separately.Network, mainly "4S+2S", mainly sells "Dragon Series" models. "It is a proven truth that a store does not sell two products (fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles are not mixed). The location of the new energy store will be controlled at a linear distance of about 5 kilometers from the traditional oil car store. This is also to avoid internal consumption. "

"Will you consider the city exhibition hall?" I asked.

"At least not this year. We have calculated an account. Take Shangchao Store as an example. The initial investment of a store is at least 10 million yuan. Assuming that the gross profit of a dealer’s car is 10,000 yuan, then this store needs to sell 1,000 cars a year, and it is almost impossible to sell more than 80 cars every month. " Qiao Xinyu said, "The market situation is very severe this year. It is better to do product research and development with this money, and it will be more practical to give back to consumers."

It is estimated that by the end of this month, the number of distributors of Haval New Energy Network will exceed 200. At the same time, this year, the Haval brand will also expand its previous sales blank market.

Qiao Xinyu said that this year’s "new energy vehicles going to the countryside policy" is an opportunity for some car companies, especially products in the range of 100,000-200,000 yuan. Consumers in this part of the region are more "buy-and-buy" users, and the further down the market, the more users buy-and-buy. For Harvard new energy products represented by "Xiaolong", it provides opportunities for the brand to take off again.

Another point, Qiao Xinyu knows very well, is the professional ability of automobile terminal sales. They are brand spokespersons who face consumers directly, and their performance is a key factor in users’ final purchase decision. After all, the "arms race" between brands makes the product strength at a relatively high level, and the final competition is the professionalism of communication with consumers.

In the second half of this year, Haval will focus on the professional ability and operational ability of terminal distributors. Start the "decisive terminal" project, and conduct an all-round "big contest" on the improvement of sales process, the assessment of process indicators, and the practice of sales speech.

Qiao Xinyu said that in this era, the living environment of dealers has changed. In the past, it was "the best way to make money is to lie down, and it is too tired to bend over to make money, but not to stand up to make money"; Now the competition is intensifying, which is a great challenge for the first-line dealers. If you can’t do well in one brand before, you can choose to try your luck in other brands, maybe it’s ok. But now is the era of product hard-core competition, and consumers who enter the store know technology and products everywhere. Therefore, salespeople who are fighting in the front line are required to improve their competitiveness in order to keep up with the rhythm of the times.

Write at the end:

When the author asked whether the current order of Xiaolong series met the manufacturer’s expectations, Qiao Xinyu replied: "At present, there are many opponents, and consumers are also waiting to see. The four-wheel drive performance, two-wheel drive energy consumption and natural safety of four-wheel drive brought by Hi4 will help consumers tend to Xiaolong series in repeated comparisons. "

Haval’s previous glory was based on no rivals, but now it has entered the field of new energy and become rivals everywhere. After equal rights in technology, what the market finally presents is "fighting for products, fighting for prices and fighting for services".

Thanks to the Hi4 technology of the Great Wall, Xiaolong series products will bring the performance of "four-wheel drive performance and two-wheel drive fuel consumption", which also breaks the pain point of vehicles that have been plaguing four-wheel drive models.

Can Xiaolong lead Harvard to take off again? It depends not only on the strength of one’s own internal strength, but also on the overall environment of the market. At least for now, we see that it is on the runway and ready to take off.

Fushun area Haval Xiaolong MAX hot promotion, the reserve price is 142,800! There are plenty of cars.

In the promotion channel of Fushun in car home, it is in progress, and this model has offered the highest discount of 17,000 in Fushun area. Now the minimum starting price for purchasing Haval Xiaolong MAX is 142,800. Want to know more preferential information, click "Check the car price" in the quotation form, and strive for a higher discount!

Haval Xiaolong MAX is a dynamic SUV with a modern design. The front face design of the car system adopts streamlined lines and bold shapes, showing a strong sense of strength. The air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, which not only increases the luxury of the vehicle, but also highlights the sense of movement of the vehicle. In terms of overall style, the design style of Haval Xiaolong MAX is very smooth, and the body lines are simple and bright, giving people a fashionable and dynamic feeling. In addition, the car is also equipped with a series of intelligent technologies, such as panoramic sunroof, intelligent voice control, adaptive cruise, etc., to bring more comfortable and convenient driving experience to drivers and passengers. Generally speaking, Haval Xiaolong MAX is a high-performance SUV model integrating fashion, sports and technology, which is worth looking forward to.

Haval Xiaolong MAX is a large SUV model, with a body length, width and height of 4758 * 1895 * 1725mm, a wheelbase of 2800mm, a front tread of 1626mm and a rear tread of 1630mm. The side lines of the car body are smooth, showing a dynamic and steady style. The tyre size is 235/55 R19, and the rim style is fashionable and atmospheric. Both front wheels and rear wheels adopt the same specifications, which makes the vehicle more stable when driving.

The interior design of Haval Xiaolong MAX is simple without losing the sense of luxury. The steering wheel is made of leather, which is comfortable and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for drivers to adjust the best driving posture. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can realize voice control of multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, skylight and other functions, providing drivers with a more convenient operating experience. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge and connect devices. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main driver’s seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the co-pilot’s seat supports front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seats are also equipped with heating function to provide a more comfortable driving experience. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down proportionally, providing more storage space. Generally speaking, the interior design of Haval Xiaolong MAX pays attention to practicality and comfort, providing drivers and passengers with a full range of comfortable experiences.

Haval Xiaolong MAX is equipped with a 1.5L 116 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 85kW and a maximum torque of 140 N m.. This engine uses a 2-speed DHT gearbox to provide a smooth driving experience. Its power performance is strong, which can meet the needs of daily driving and also has low fuel consumption. Whether on urban roads or highways, Haval Xiaolong MAX can provide stable power output and bring comfortable driving experience to drivers.

In our test, the driving experience of Haval Xiaolong MAX is excellent. Power surge, spacious space, domineering appearance, broad vision, comfortable sitting, excellent chassis training. At the same time, the interior design is exquisite, full of science and technology, and the car machine responds quickly. The owner drove the car directly to the mountain to camp on the first day of picking it up, and it felt very good. His first impression is that he has a large space, a good view and a great driving experience. He specifically mentioned the excellent performance of the four-wheel drive system on the uphill road, which made driving more stable and reliable. In general, the performance of Haval Xiaolong MAX has been highly praised by the owner @ Geng Yongsheng, and it is a highly recommended SUV model.

Zhiji Automobile completed the A round of equity financing, and there is still suspense in the ranking of new forces?

On August 1, Zhiji Automobile announced the completion of the signing of the A round equity financing agreement. After completing this round of financing, the post-investment valuation of Zhiji Automobile will reach nearly 30 billion yuan. This is only one year and seven months after the official establishment of Zhiji Automobile-December 25, 2020.

This round of financing was led by Bank of Communications Capital, and SAIC continued to increase investment. At the same time, it also introduced many well-known investment institutions such as ICBC Investment, National Green Development Fund, Zhiyou Venture Capital, Shanghai State-owned State-owned Enterprise Comprehensive Reform Fund and CITIC Securities Investment.

The first model of Zhiji Automobile, Zhiji L7, was delivered on June 18th. As of July 31st, this model has delivered 1,051 vehicles to users, making it the fastest model with cumulative delivery of more than 350,000 yuan of luxury pure electric vehicles in China.

After the completion of the A round of financing, the development of Zhiji Automobile is bound to further accelerate.

According to the plan, in the second half of this year, Zhiji will also go on the market and deliver the L7 SUV model Zhiji LS7. By then, Zhiji will form a "double flagship" product structure. In 2023, Zhiji will also introduce two pure electric intelligent luxury B-class models.

After the first shot was fired by Zhiji L7, can Zhiji Automobile pursue victory and reshape the current new power pattern?

On November 26, 2021, SAIC announced that it would jointly invest with Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba to set up Zhiji Automobile, a high-end intelligent pure electric vehicle project. This "No.1 Project", which was previously code-named "L" in SAIC, officially surfaced, and Zhiji Automobile also entered the running state.

Less than two months later, on January 13, 2021, two "mass production vehicles" of Zhiji Automobile were released in Shanghai, one was the pure electric car Zhiji L7 and the other was the pure electric SUV Zhiji LS7.

Zhiji L7 is the first product introduced to the market by Zhiji Automobile. Since the nationwide user delivery was started on June 18th, the first delivery volume of Zhiji L7 has exceeded 1,000 vehicles. This allows Zhiji Automobile to quickly enter the public’s field of vision from a young brand that has just been born.

In today’s new energy vehicle market, new products are listed together. As far as high-end models are concerned, a number of models have been listed this year, including Weilai ES7, Tucki G9 and Ideal L9, and the delivery time is within this year. In this "Wei Xiaoli" high-end product fight in 2022, why can Zhiji L7 stand out?

First of all, the products of Zhiji L7 must be excellent.

The electrification level of a new energy vehicle is the embodiment of its basic skills. In this respect, Zhiji L7 has the ability comparable to that of a million luxury cars. Zhiji L7 adopts four-wheel steering all-wheel drive system and front and rear mixed tire width design, especially the latter’s four-wheel drive system with mixed tire width and partial rear drive characteristics. Due to technical barriers and high cost, this kind of technology is rarely used in practice. At present, only Porsche Taycan applies the same design in electric vehicles.

In terms of assisted driving, the descriptions of various new energy brands on the market are dazzling, but some technologies are often not mature, resulting in uneven actual experience, and Zhiji Automobile hopes to create a "more human-like" intelligent driving experience.

At present, Zhiji L7 can cope with the high-order ability of complex road scenes such as "traffic jam on congested roads", "big cars dodging with special-shaped cars" and "big curvature curves" only through visual fusion scheme. This is due to the artificial intelligence super algorithm empowered by Zhiji L4-level same algorithm platform.

With the increasing intelligence level of new energy vehicles, software OTA has become a standard. However, Zhiji Automobile does not equate simplicity with intelligence, but insists on the technical route of coordinated upgrade of software and hardware, and regards Zhiji Automobile as a growing "digital life".

In other words, with "upgradeable hardware" as the growth trunk, "software iteration" as the development thinking, and iteration on the cloud driven by numbers, the "smart car" has the ability of self-evolution.

Different from fuel vehicles, the attributes of smart cars have changed now. It is no longer just a means of transportation, but a mobile space, which meets more diverse needs for travel, work and entertainment than in the past.

This also means that users put forward higher requirements for the comfort of cars, and in all these comfortableness, although the air health level is extremely important, especially for the mother and baby groups, it is often overlooked.

The 180+ clean and high-definition cockpit is a major feature that distinguishes Zhiji automobile from other brands. Through the whole industrial chain control far exceeding the national standard benchmark, Zhiji has realized the industry’s first pure taste workshop, and the new car will have a healthy air level after being placed for 180 days. This also allowed Zhiji to get the perfect score of CN95 fresh air cockpit certification, the only one in the industry.

Due to these characteristics, Zhiji Automobile has won the recognition of a large number of users from an emerging young brand in a very short time, and competed with Tesla, Weilai and Ideality in the high-end market.

Nowadays, with the completion of A round of equity financing by Zhiji Automobile, the future of Zhiji Automobile’s rapid development is very clear.

As a new car-making force that landed in the capital market earlier among the new forces, "Wei Xiaoli" has become a solid head of the new energy track. These three companies were established around 2014 and 2105, and many models are currently on sale. Last year, the delivery volume was close to 100,000.

Behind "Wei Xiaoli", there are Nezha and Zero Run, whose delivery volume has increased rapidly since last year. With their cost-effective products, they have gained a firm foothold in the second echelon.

From the establishment of the company to the launch of products, although the speed of Zhiji has been very fast, it is not too early to enter the game.

Under such circumstances, it seems that it is not easy for Zhiji Automobile to break through. In addition to the most important product strength, it is particularly important whether Zhiji has the advantage to widen the gap with its competitors in terms of system, service and even resources.

Different from the "Wei Xiaoli" Internet cross-border car building, Zhizhi has its own unique advantages in the background of car building.

On the one hand, Zhiji is backed by SAIC, the largest automobile group in China, and can share SAIC’s rich experience in automobile manufacturing, ensure product quality and shorten the cycle of making cars. This is also the reason why Baidu built a car and bound Geely early.

On the other hand, Alibaba and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech provide support for Zhiji’s software and intelligence. As the largest artificial intelligence company in China, Alibaba will empower Zhiji Automobile in terms of cloud capability, data security, intelligence and future cutting-edge technologies. Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, known as "China Silicon Valley", provides technical soil for the growth of Zhiji automobile.

In the first half of this year, due to uncertain factors such as epidemic situation and local conflicts, the automobile supply chain suffered an unprecedented impact. Stopping production and reducing production are the common difficulties experienced by most manufacturers, which once challenged the lean production mode of the automobile industry. The ability to control the supply chain has also become one of the core competencies of current automobile companies.

At present, Zhiji has established in-depth cooperation with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Momenta, Zebra Zhixing, Huayu Vision, Yanfeng Group and other leading enterprises in the automobile industry chain. In the future, this will bring more gains to Zhiji’s spare parts supply and cost.

If Zhiji’s strong background gives it a higher starting point, then the "Yuanshigu User Data Rights Plan" is entirely from Zhiji’s own innovation ability.

Through the "Original Stone Valley User Data Rights Plan", Zhiji applied the blockchain technology to the smart car industry for the first time, with 300 million "original stones" corresponding to the growth rights of Zhiji’s founding value, and gave back the contribution of user data in the form of data rights.

This means that Zhiji makes cars no longer "consumables" in the traditional sense, but can constantly "add value" through the use of users, bringing them a steady stream of new value.

For example, new users can use up to 6,800 rough stones and 10,000 yuan in cash to exchange for the laser radar integrated intelligent driving hardware system. According to Zhiji’s plan, in the future, the original stone can also be used to exchange software and hardware upgrades, enjoy services, limit fine products, digital collections and limit experience activities.

This is the first in the world. On July 12, 2022, Zhiji Automobile specifically announced the details of the rights and interests of the original stone convertibility, and penetrated the mining path of the original stone, and this user data rights plan officially landed.

Following Zhiji L7, the SUV model Zhiji LS7 will also be listed and delivered in the second half of this year, and two pure electric smart luxury B-class models will be introduced next year. These products will quickly enrich Zhiji’s product matrix, so as to bring greater brand effect.

A young brand, how to tear open the existing pattern to find a place? Zhiji Automobile will give an answer.

BMW 5 Series replaced BYD Han, using daily real evaluation.

I remember that at that time, many cities in China had already drunk the first cup of milk tea in autumn, and the weather in Shenzhen was still hot in summer. I took my old colleague a circle older than me to the 4S shop in Shenzhen to accompany him to see Han. There was an activity in the store that weekend to promote Han, and we all lined up for an hour when we went for a test drive that day.

My old colleague, I usually call him Bingo, he is the owner of 520Li. This car was bought in 10 years, mainly for commuting, and it has been in operation for several years.

He has been driving this 520Li for more than ten years, mainly for commuting, and he seldom drives it at ordinary times. In recent years, new energy vehicles have developed rapidly. Bingo has always wanted to change a car in the past two years. He is tired of driving a petrol car. In addition, he has a new SUV at home. If he runs long distances, he can drive his car. He told me that many charging piles have been installed in their community, and there are also many cars in the community. Tang also has several cars. He said that he wanted to keep up with the trend of the times and always wanted to change to a pure electric new energy vehicle. The pure electric vehicle produced a few years ago, he felt that it was too expensive and unnecessary, and other vehicles did not have enough battery life. Tucki P7 and Han, who came out this year, are both very interested. Considering that the electric car has been made for so many years, the safety factor will be more guaranteed, and Han’s overall car is also very good, so he is very interested in replacing a Han EV. Coupled with the replacement of Han in Shenzhen, there can be a replacement subsidy of 50 thousand, so he has long planned to buy this Han.

At that time, I went with him for a test drive, which was the top match of the red interior with a Chinese red appearance. After the test drive, Bingo said that he didn’t expect domestic cars to be so good now, and both the interior and the workmanship would not be worse than his 520Li. Considering his own needs, Bingo said that he was too old and didn’t need too fast, so he ordered the 258,000 2-drive version of the 600-kilometer one, which was set with a black appearance and brown interior, which was more in line with his age.

Recently, I happened to be on a business trip for a month. When I returned to the company, Bingo told me that his Han had brought the car back for half a month. He has been driving for more than half a month. This black-looking Han also looks very atmospheric, with a slender size, giving people a steady and luxurious atmosphere.

The brown interior gives people a sense of stability and calmness, which looks very comfortable. Han’s chair is as comfortable as a soft sofa.

The central control panel is very large, and some general functions are available. Moreover, the software of the car machine system is very powerful now. Navigation, movies, music, intelligent voice assistant, and the often publicized KTV function in the car are all very practical and convenient functions.

This central control display is also very clear, with a strong sense of science and technology. There are many shortcut function buttons on the steering wheel. In addition, the Chinese characters on the steering wheel greatly shine to represent the cultural feelings of China going global.

Whether it’s the door switch or the central control gear handle, these high-quality tactile sensations that we used to see on foreign luxury cars look very much like when we actually touch them in our hands.

Bingo said that a very important reason for choosing Han was that its back row space was large enough, which was similar to its 520Li. Sometimes when he took his family out, his two children could sit more comfortably in the back row.

Finally, I asked Bingo about how it feels when using this car, what are its advantages, whether the power of the two-wheel drive version is a little weak, and what is the difference compared with it. Bingo said so. First of all, in terms of the workmanship of the car, because it is compared with the car almost 10 years ago, Han’s workmanship will definitely not be worse than his, and the interior space texture is even better than his previous 520. Then the only thing he thinks will feel worse than that of the car is that when crossing the potholes, Han’s suspension is still not as good as its 520, and the handling feeling of the car is not as good as his original 520. When driving, it feels very comfortable, and the car is in harmony with people. When turning a corner, Han will feel like driving a boat and can’t actually feel its turn. Bingo said that it may also be the reason why he drove the 520 for too long.

In addition, he said that Han’s sound insulation effect is quite good. When driving on the road, there is no engine noise, and the whole car feels very quiet when driving. He won’t feel bad in terms of power. He said that he felt that the tram was speeding up so fast that he didn’t get used to it at first. Finally, when it comes to battery life, he said that it is warm all the year round in Shenzhen. This car has been in operation for more than half a month, and it is estimated that the battery life is about 550 kilometers, which makes him feel more practical.

Finally, Bingo said that this Han is really good, but he has a more real feeling after using it for more than half a month. He said that this Han is OK, but it is not as good as advertised on the Internet. It can only be said that it is good, and there is still a way to go before it is excellent. There is still a certain gap between some cars and traditional luxury cars, and he is also happy with the progress of domestic cars.

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