The heavy Great Wall diesel 2.4T will be loaded, and the parameters are almost equal to D4D, matching the tank and gun models.

In recent years, hard-core off-road vehicles and recreational pickup trucks have exploded rapidly, becoming models sought after by consumers, especially the emergence of a number of domestic models, which has lowered the threshold and price of off-road, such as the current fire.
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A monopoly, it can almost be said that the Great Wall monopolizes the entry-level hard-core off-road market, with compact tanks relying on 300 and medium and large tanks relying on 500. There are still many models to be released in the subsequent tank family.

However, with the advent of high oil prices, Tank 300 is facing a severe situation. Although the sales volume is still stable, with the impact of rising oil prices and decreasing heat, the order growth rate of Tank 300 is declining, and its Tank 500 model has a larger displacement and higher fuel consumption, so consumers will think more about it. After all, it will cost money to buy it back.

How to solve this embarrassing dilemma? In fact, a solution has long been thought of. First, both Tank 300 and Tank 500 will launch hybrid models and plug-in hybrid models. Among them, the hybrid version of Tank 300 has been listed overseas and is expected to be released at the end of April in China, followed by the plug-in hybrid models of Tank 300 and Tank 500. The combination of plug-in hybrid technology and hard-core off-road is actually quite perfect, with high torque and low fuel consumption. Currently, H equipped with plug-in hybrid technology can reduce fuel consumption.

However, what can solve the urgent need at present is actually another means. It is the Great Wall of Wei Jianjun’s king-grade product-diesel power chain. The power of the Great Wall has been under development, and its green static series diesel engines have always been the leader of domestic diesel.
Later, H9, Fengjun series and Great Wall guns were all equipped, and they have always been the fist-class products of the Great Wall.

Compared with gasoline engine, diesel engine has higher thermal efficiency, lower fuel consumption and strong torque, which is very suitable for hard-core off-road vehicles. Compared with gasoline engine, diesel engine has half the use cost and better power performance, especially on off-road sections. However, because the technical content of diesel engine is not low at all, and the domestic fuel quality is poor, domestic passenger cars rarely use diesel power. However, the diesel engine of Great Wall is advanced in technology and has been adjusted for domestic oil products, which is deeply loved by consumers.

At present, due to many factors, such as emissions, all passenger cars of Great Wall are not equipped with diesel engines, and the diesel H9 has become a swan song. If you want to buy a diesel engine model of Great Wall, you can only buy a pickup truck of Great Wall, but the 2.0T engine on the pickup truck is weak, and the 2.0T diesel engine with twin turbines may not be used again because of emissions problems, but the recent appearance of a new car of Great Wall may completely change this situation.

Recently, a brand-new gun model-full-size pickup truck based on tank 500 platform will be equipped with the latest 2.4T diesel engine of Great Wall and matched with 8AT gearbox. This engine code-named GW4D24 is a vertical 2.4T diesel engine with a maximum power of 135kW and a peak torque of 480 N m. This parameter is close to that of Toyota 2.8TD4D diesel engine with larger displacement, and it is also equipped with an electronically controlled VGT variable cross-section turbine and a 2000Bar fuel injection system.

As a result, the Great Wall finally has a brand-new diesel engine for passenger cars, and this engine will also cover tank, Haval and gun series models in the future, which is a great good news for consumers who want to buy diesel versions of tank 300 and tank 500. After all, diesel engines are more powerful and have lower fuel consumption and cheaper oil prices, which is a good choice for consumers who like hard-core off-road vehicles. (Text/Youshi Automobile Haoyang)

Note: the pictures are from the internet, and the rights belong to the original author. Thank you! This article only represents the author’s personal views, and does not represent the position of AUV.

More than 8 models of Tiggo were exposed to brake failure, and the problem pointed to brake by wire!

If you are the owner and prospective owner of Tiggo 8 PRO or Tiggo 8 PLUS, please note that there is something wrong with Chery’s brake-by-wire technology.

Recently, Master Jiao learned from relevant channels that Chery’s brake-by-wire technology has brought troubles to many car owners. The specific performance is as follows: 1. There will be a buzzer when braking; 2. The brake pedal becomes hard; 3. Brake failure; 4. Brake jitter. At present, it is understood that some car owners have formed rights protection groups and shared fault cases in the groups.

Please step on the brakes when the vehicle starts, but the owner has been stepping on the brakes.

The corner master found that a car owner was driving at a low speed of 30 kilometers per hour, and suddenly the brake pedal rebounded, and then a fault code appeared in the dashboard. At this time, the brake pedal felt hard and the hard-vegetable pedal vehicle appeared jitter.

At present, the official has not responded to this problem, and the owner has locked the root of the problem in the brake-by-wire technology. Because some owners of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS do not have such problems, the problem owners are mainly concentrated in the vast version of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS pride+,so what is Chery’s brake-by-wire technology?

In March 2022, Chery Automobile announced a major innovation when it launched the Tiggo 8 PLUS version. The braking system of the car was upgraded and the integrated brake-by-wire system of Bethel WCBS was adopted. The core technology of this system is to integrate the vacuum booster pump, master cylinder, electronic vacuum pump, EPB and ESC. The following figure shows the comparison between the integrated brake-by-wire system module and the traditional vacuum booster pump. Its main purpose is to reduce costs and enhance the competitiveness of products. In addition to cost reduction, the official said that this system can also coordinate energy recovery system and high dynamic pressurization capacity. In other words, most of Chery’s new energy vehicles will adopt the brake-by-wire system in the future.

Integrated brake-by-wire system

Traditional vacuum booster pump

However, at present, it is obvious that the technology is not yet mature, and some car owners equipped with brake-by-wire technology have become "mice". Master Jiao then went to the domestic third-party vehicle quality complaint platform to investigate and found that there have been centralized complaints about the models equipped with brake-by-wire technology in the Tiggo 8 PRO plate, and the most complained car in the Tiggo 8 PLUS plate is Haoqing+,which is also equipped with brake-by-wire technology.

Up to now, Chery officials have not responded to the vehicles with problems in the by-wire control technology. Judging from the problem of concentrated outbreak, Master Jiao’s personal guess may be that there is a problem with a batch of vehicles equipped with wire control technology. The failure of the brake system is a major personal safety hazard, and the manufacturer must attach great importance to it, and it is necessary to complete the upgrade, optimization and even recall of the problem model in a short time.

A few days ago, Chery Automobile just released the sales data in July 2022, and the group’s sales volume was 131,533, a year-on-year increase of 57.7%. This figure successfully surpassed 122,633 vehicles of Geely Automobile and 101,920 vehicles of Great Wall Motor. In terms of splitting, Chery’s total sales volume was 131,533 vehicles, of which 50,614 vehicles were exported, up 90.1% year-on-year. The sales volume of new energy was 25,614 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 253%. It can be seen that the sales of new energy have surged, and in addition, the export volume has reached a new high. This is the happy side.

However, the safety hazard brought by the brake-by-wire technology hangs over Chery like a time bomb. However, if it is detonated, it will surely face the collapse of product quality reputation, and all efforts will be wasted.

[Ground Evaluation Line] Guisheng Online Comment: "Subject 3" goes out of the circle, and only by keeping the cultural roots can it move towards "long red"

Dynamic music is accompanied by waving hands, twisting waist and hips, and half-twisted feet … During this period, the magic dance named "Guangxi Kemusan" is "out of the circle". Now this "subject three", which originated in Guangxi, has been "renovated" and created by netizens all over the country, and it has even spread through short videos. The "fire" is overseas and there are many circles.

Tracing back to the source,"Guangxi subject three"This dance is closely related to the living habits of Guangxi people, with a heavy cultural base. Speaking of Guangxi, the national carnival of "singing folk songs on March 3" and the snail powder of "smelling and eating incense" will first come to mind. As we all know, Guangxi people are also good at dancing. In this regard, it is rumored that "Guangxi people will experience three exams in their lives, one subject is singing folk songs, the other subject is rice noodles, and the third subject is dancing". In this way, this magical dance from Guangxi folk is called "subject three" "Fire" of "Guangxi Subject III"? Accidental with necessity. "Be the truest self" and "Happiness first" … These ideas conveyed by dance are infinitely close to the hearts of netizens. Although in the eyes of some netizens, "dynamic music+magical action" is a bit "earthy" or even a bit "non-mainstream", in the eyes of most people, this online cultural phenomenon is very interesting and has a cultural atmosphere.

I have to admit that "local flavor" culture has a great market among young people. Different from the traditional dance, the "subject three" mixed with burlesque performances can spread all over the world, driving more and more young people to participate in it, and many new "online celebrity" have emerged. Judging from the amplification of this phenomenon, there are many examples of "local flavor" culture setting off a "fashion style" in the Internet scene, which brought us joy and left a clear memory. For example, this year’s "digging, digging and digging" will explode all over the network. From children to "big friends", as long as the rhythm is turned on, most people will hum a few words; Looking ahead, the divine comedy "I’m from Yunnan and Yunnan Nujiang" also accidentally went off, and so on.

Some nonsense and earthy ideas have suddenly become popular on the internet, which is not unrelated to the multicultural needs of the online world. In the spiritual world of the Internet, a hundred flowers should have blossomed. The popularity of "Guangxi Subject III" is rooted in the cultural soil that Guangxi people can sing and dance well. With the spread of the Internet and the promotion of various eating places, it has achieved "coming out of the layer" and "breaking the circle", injecting new elements and vitality into the diversity and richness of online culture. Looking deep through this phenomenon, it itself reflects the cultural confidence of Guangxi people.

Only with culture and connotation can the roots be deeply rooted and become "long red". Whether "Guangxi Subject III" can achieve "long red" after leaving the circle depends on whether it has cultural connotation, whether it can arouse people’s spiritual resonance and stir up greater emotional resonance at a deeper level. Undeniably, many of the innovative ideas spread on the Internet, which are "popular" and "phenomenal", are difficult to "last forever", and some are even "short-lived", moving from a meteor to silence. However, "Guangxi subject three" is different from those niche ideas that suddenly "fire". The expression form of "subject three" is deeply integrated with the local dance in Guangxi, with distinctive regional characteristics and national symbols. However, what needs to be paid attention to is that in today’s information explosion era, the spread of network culture often lacks effective supervision and regulation, which requires preventing some commercialization and excessive speculation, keeping its roots and innovation, so as to help it grow healthily and continue to attract more netizens’ attention and pursuit.

The most important thing is that culture can reach the soul directly. The popularity of "Guangxi Subject III" network is also an opportunity for Guangxi to publicize and promote regional culture, national culture and historical culture. The local area should also dig deep into the cultural connotation and value significance behind it, incorporate more memorable and resonant innovative ideas, better protect and develop this distinctive network cultural phenomenon, and open up more "new ideas" and expectations. (Zhou Jun)

The price is 249,800-309,800. Seven new cars of BYD Tang family are on the market.

A few days ago, Netcom learned from the official that seven new cars of BYD Tang family were listed, and the price range was 249,800-309,800 yuan. The Tang family’s all-engine high-value series, which is composed of Tang EV Champion Edition, Tang DM-p Champion Edition/God of War Edition and Tang DM-i Champion Edition for 200KM, still adopts the extremely imposing Longyan aesthetic design language, and comes standard with FSD variable damping suspension system. The high-end models are also equipped with Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system and CCT comfort control technology.

car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) Tang DM-i champion edition 200KM exclusive type 24.98 Tang EV champion edition 600KM exclusive type 24.98 Tang EV champion edition 730KM exclusive type 26.98 Tang EV champion version 635KM four-wheel drive flagship 29.98 Tang DM-p Champion Edition 215KM Four-wheel Drive Exclusive Type 26.98 Tang DM-p Champion Edition 215KM Four-wheel Drive Flagship 28.98 Tang DM-p ares edition 30.98 Watchmaking: Netcom Internet Info Agency

(Tang EV Champion Edition)

(Tang DM-p Champion Edition)

In terms of appearance, the Tang family’s all-engine high-value series still uses the representative aesthetics of the dynasty, and adds new silver glaze white, glacier blue car color and 20-inch and 21-inch new styling wheels. At the same time, Tang EV Champion Edition, Tang DM-p Champion Edition/God of War Edition also added a new Chinese knot taillight shape, which is highly recognizable after lighting.

(Tang DM-p Ares Edition)

It is worth mentioning that the Tang DM-p Ares Edition uses silver sand and black color inspired by armor, and is equipped with high-performance golden yellow 6 piston calipers, black painted multi-spoke wheels and matte black logo. Exclusive appearance kit. In addition, the interior of the new car is covered with black high-grade suede seats, door panels, central control armrest boxes, car ceilings, etc., and a leather steering wheel is adopted.

(Tang DM-p Champion Edition Interior)

In the interior part, the Tang family provides a brand-new lotus rhyme gray interior color scheme, which is inspired by the most popular China color in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, showing the charm of China. At the same time, the interior of the new car is wrapped in a larger area of soft leather, which is matched with INS craft ornaments to further enhance the visual and touch texture of the cockpit. In terms of space, the car still offers 6-seat and 7-seat layout options.

(Tang EV Champion Edition Interior)

In terms of intelligence, the Tang family’s all-engine high-value series comes standard with unlimited enjoyment of the intelligent cockpit, which not only has a built-in DiLink(5G) intelligent network connection system, but also has situational modes such as nap/baby mode, as well as intelligent voice interaction system and full-scene digital keys that support the functions of continuous dialogue, visible speaking, interruption at any time, and four-tone zone awakening. In addition, the new car also comes standard with DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system which can realize L2+ intelligent driver assistance function.

In terms of comfort configuration, Tangjiazu’s all-engine high-value series comes standard with 12-speaker HiFi-class customized Dana audio, ventilation/heating/electric adjustment of the main and co-pilot seats, 31-color atmosphere lights, bacteriostatic modules and steering wheel heating. The big six-seat version is also equipped with high-end comfort configurations such as ventilation, heating and 10-point massage in the middle row. Convenient configuration, it comes standard with electric tailgate, 220V AC socket in the car, 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging and 6kW mobile power station.

In terms of power and battery life, the two-wheel drive version of Tang EV Champion Edition has a cruising range of 730km, and the four-wheel drive version is equipped with a super intelligent electric four-wheel drive system. The zero-speed acceleration only takes 4.4s, and the whole system can also achieve a maximum DC fast charging function of 170kW, charging for 10 minutes. The longest battery life is 173km.

Tang DM-p Champion Edition/Ares Edition is equipped with DM-p King Hybrid System, and also equipped with differential lock. The acceleration time of zero hundred is 4.3s, and the comprehensive battery life is over 1000km;. Tang DM-i Champion Edition is equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology, and a long battery life version with a pure battery life of 200km is optional. Under comprehensive working conditions, the fuel consumption per 100 km is only 5.5L, and the comprehensive battery life reaches 1,100 km.

(Photo/Text Netcom Zhang Xiaoyi)

Sailisi (601127) Dragon and Tiger List Data (09

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SUV Complaint List in September: Many domestic models were on the list, and Song pro ranked first in new energy.

With the arrival of the golden autumn in October, the data of automobile brands in September began to be released one after another. Today, let’s first take stock of the complaint list of SUV in September.

From the picture, it can be seen that the top ten China product brand models occupy a large part, and the Song pro new energy model under BYD once again ranks first because of the failure to deliver the car according to the contract. Other models are mostly old problems.

As a hot brand of new energy, BYD’s problem is still "not delivering the car according to the contract". As the best-selling model of BYD, the car itself is not a big problem, but the long service cycle is still a pain point for BYD, which also leads to the dissatisfaction of many consumers, so it is reasonable to rank high.

The main problem of Haval’s first love is the foaming and cracking of car paint. It is understood that Harvard has also given a repair plan for this kind of problem. In addition, Haval’s first love still has complaints such as the delay in upgrading the car system. I hope that it will not be on the list next month after the problem is solved.

The reason for BMW X3′ s listing is still the old problem of the ID7 car system. At present, quite a few car owners think that the ID7 system is inconsistent with the publicity, and this problem has gone through a long period, but it seems that BMW’s speed of solving the problem still needs to be improved.

The reason why Xingyue L is on the list is still the old problem that the second key is not delivered. The main reason is probably the shortage of resources in the chip market, which has also attracted the attention of manufacturers, but it seems that it has not been well solved at present.

I think everyone knows the reason why Li ONE made the list. Because the new model L8 was put on the market and the owners were not informed in advance, many owners thought it had been cut with leeks, which caused a lot of complaints.

The six to ten models are Red Rabbit, H6, F7, Crown Lu Fang and Tiggo 8 owned by Haval. The problem of Red Rabbit is mainly paint cracking, H6 and F7 are still problems such as car system upgrade and disguised charging, while Lu Fang is still problems such as loud engine noise, car body resonance, air conditioning and engine jitter. The problem of Tiggo 8 is mainly the suspected design defect of headlights, which affects driving safety. The owner of this problem has reported it many times and hopes Chery can solve it properly.

Summary: Judging from the above rankings, many brands are still old problems that have appeared before. Although there are no new problems, the speed of dealing with old problems needs to be improved. I hope manufacturers can solve them as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Reading: Tik Tok PC version is coming! What’s the experience of brushing Tik Tok on the computer? Tik Tok PC version is here! What’s the experience of brushing Tik Tok on the computer?

  [PConline application] Tik Tok has launched the PC version, so we can happily brush Tik Tok in the computer. Not to mention, it’s not bad to brush Tik Tok in the computer. Come and try it.

Similar to the web version of the PC stand-alone client

  The PC version of Tik Tok adopts a design similar to the web version, with a content classification column on the left, a content display area in the middle and a search column on the top.

Figure 1 Main interface of Tik Tok PC version

  When entering the PC version of Tik Tok for the first time, there will be an operation prompt, prompting users to switch videos by using the mouse wheel or the up and down arrow buttons on the keyboard.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 2 operation tips

Support account login to view favorite videos.

  Tik Tok PC version supports account login by SMS verification and QR code.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 3 Account Login Page

  After logging in, you can see your account information and view your works, favorite and favorite videos.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 4 User Page

Support double-speed playback and automatic continuous broadcast.

  For video playback, Tik Tok PC version supports full-screen playback, and supports (0.75/1.0/1.25/1.5/2.0) multiple playback, and supports video continuous playback function, which means that users can set full-screen playback and let Tik Tok PC version brush the video by themselves without moving their hands.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 5 Video playback function

Optional only play horizontal video.

  Tik Tok PC also classifies videos in horizontal video, so users can choose to view only horizontal video, that is, videos that can be viewed in full screen.

Tik Tok PC edition
Fig. 6 Optional horizontal video

Comments, likes and shares

  In addition, users can comment, like, collect and share videos, and the sharing operation is in the form of Tik Tok password and QR code.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 7 Video sharing

  When the user clicks the Publish Video button, it does not publish the video in the PC version of Tik Tok, but uses a new webpage to enter the creative service platform of Tik Tok.

Tik Tok PC edition
Fig. 8 A new webpage is opened for publishing works.

Video classification and live broadcast

  In terms of video classification, Tik Tok PC version classifies videos into (entertainment, support, secondary, games, food, sports, fashion and music), and also supports viewing live content.

Tik Tok PC edition
Figure 9 Video Classification

The desired function is not available yet.

  Let’s talk about the lack of Tik Tok PC version. One is that there is no top function, and the other is that there is no simplest interface function. These two functions are necessary when fishing or dual-purpose.


  Apart from being an independent client, the other functions of Tik Tok PC version are basically the same as those of the web version, and it feels like a prototype. At present, there is no need to install this client specially, so let’s talk about it after it is improved.

Netizens reported that it was difficult to unblock the mobile phone number after it was mistakenly blocked. Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department: Complaints can be made.

Netizens reported that it was difficult to unblock the mobile phone number after it was mistakenly blocked. Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department: Complaints can be made.

The picture shows the telephone number announced by Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau. screenshot

  Kunming, Dec. 9 (Du Xiaoxiao)-Recently, the press office of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau announced that in the recent special crackdown on telecom network fraud, if there is a false seal, the public security organ will quickly identify the phone number and account number that was mistakenly shut down due to technical reasons after receiving the complaint and consultation call. If the public security organ is found to be inactive or passive, you can call "12389" to make a complaint.

  Recently, some netizens posted on the local message board that their micro-signal was permanently sealed by WeChat official on October 14th. After understanding, they learned that it was requested by Yunnan public security authorities, and provided contact numbers of 0871-630543xx and multiple telephones of Pu ‘er Public Security Bureau. After many contacts, the phone could not be opened.

  The netizen said that he works in Kunming and has never been to Myanmar. There is no violation of laws and regulations. The blocking of micro-signal has seriously affected his work and life. I hope the government can understand the situation as soon as possible and unblock the WeChat account.

  In addition, some netizens on the Internet reported that their QQ, mobile phone number, Alipay and other social platforms and payment platforms could not be used normally.

  The Information Office of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department responded on the 8 th that in view of the rampant telecommunication network fraud activities in the border areas of China and Myanmar, which seriously infringed on the property safety of the people, the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office of the State Council on Combating New Crimes in Telecommunication Networks and the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Organs are organizing special crackdown actions, and decided to block and shut down suspected telecommunication network fraud calls, social and payment accounts such as QQ, WeChat, Alipay and POS machines in northern Myanmar and some areas where telecommunication network fraud activities are serious from October 14, 2019.

  If the phone number is turned off by mistake, you can contact the anti-fraud center of the local public security bureau as soon as possible (area code +96110) or call the anti-fraud center of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau (0871-63054338); If QQ, WeChat, Alipay, POS and other social and payment accounts are closed by mistake, you can contact the workstations of the Ministry of Public Security in Pu ‘er, Dehong and Lincang, Yunnan.

  The press office of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau said that if there is a false seal, the public security organ will quickly identify the phone number and account number that was mistakenly shut down due to technical reasons after receiving the complaint consultation phone number. If the public security organ is found to be inactive or passive, you can call "12389" to make a complaint.

The new M5 is officially opened for booking, and the car can be picked up first under the press conference on April 23rd.

  [Smart Car News] On April 17th, Weibo, the official Huawei terminal, announced that the new M5 officially opened the booking channel. If you book before 3 pm on April 23rd, you can enjoy the preferential policy of deducting 5,000 yuan from the deposit of 2,000 yuan, and you can also get the car first. Previously, at the Huawei HarmonyOS Ecological Spring Communication Meeting held on April 11th, Yu Chengdong, Huawei’s managing director and terminal BG CEO, personally confirmed that the new M5 series will be officially released in auto china on April 23rd.

  The new M5 in Wenjie fully caters to the aesthetic trend of young consumers in design language, and creates a strong dynamic atmosphere through a series of highly recognizable sports elements. The new car adopts a unique blackened logo and customized sports kit, which gives the body a sharper visual impact. What is particularly eye-catching is that it is equipped with blackened double five-frame sports wheels and bright and striking red brake calipers. This bold contrast color combination enhances the overall texture of the vehicle.

  The M5 series of Wenjie, which was launched last year, is the first model in the family to be equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system. Through continuous OTA software upgrade, this model has successfully realized the extensive application of advanced intelligent driving function in urban areas without relying on high-precision maps, covering the main roads, secondary roads and even complex intersections in major cities across the country, as well as multiple road conditions such as national roads, county roads and township roads, and the coverage rate of open road application scenarios is as high as 99%.

  With the approaching of Beijing Auto Show, expectations of the new M5 from all walks of life continue to heat up. This new energy vehicle, which combines cutting-edge technology and sports appearance, is expected to set off a new round of car buying craze at the auto show.

Cailian Automobile Morning Post [August 7]

  Cui Dongshu: Among the top 500 enterprises in the world, China Automobile Company is generally better.

  On August 6, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, issued a document saying that recently Fortune published the latest list of the world’s top 500 in 2023, the world.The overall performance of auto companies is good. The sales revenue of auto companies in the top 500 will increase from 2.4 trillion US dollars in 2015 to 3.1 trillion US dollars in 2022. The sales of major auto companies will increase steadily, and the overall performance of major auto companies is very good. China’s main automobile group performed particularly well.And Geely Group, all maintain an annual increase of $10 billion.

  Cui Dongshu: China enterprises in the automobile and parts industries performed well.Some independent car companies, such as independent groups, have outstanding performance, and the status of parts companies has weakened.

  Great Wall pickup truck: 15,841 vehicles were sold worldwide in July.

  Great Wall pickup truck recently released its sales data for July. Great Wall pickup truck sold 15,841 vehicles worldwide in July, and accumulated 118,437 vehicles worldwide from January to July, up 7% year-on-year. From January to July, the domestic terminal market accounted for nearly 50%.

  Cailian Automobile: In the pickup truck market, the leading edge of the Great Wall is becoming more and more obvious.

  Rong Tai, Zhejiang Province: The total sales amount of customer-designated projects in the life cycle is about RMB 1.223 billion.

  August 6, Rong Tai, Zhejiang, the company recently received an overseasFixed-point notice of automobile customers, choosing the company as the supplier of insulation parts for automobile thermal runaway protection. According to the customer’s plan, there is a total of one designated project, with a life cycle of 6 years and a total sales amount of about 1.223 billion yuan. The designated project is expected to start production in the first quarter of 2024.

  Cailian Automobile: The wave of automobile electrification has given upstream suppliers unprecedented development opportunities.

  Tengshi N8 is launched with Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system.

  August 5, SmartThe full-scene SUV Tengshi N8 was officially launched, and two versions were launched, namely, the flagship six-seat version of the four-wheel drive super hybrid was 326,800 yuan, and the flagship seven-seat version of the four-wheel drive super hybrid was 319,800 yuan. As the second model of N series after Tengshi brand rejuvenation, Tengshi N8 locates medium and large SUV, equipped with DM-p super hybrid system and EHS electric hybrid system +1.5T Xiaoyun 40.12% high thermal efficiency engine.The comprehensive power is 360kW, and the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h is only 4.3s s.. Based on the chassis adjustment of Tengshi X Mercedes-Benz, N8 is equipped with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system and CCT comfort control technology after upgrading, and can support OTA upgrade.

  Cailian Automobile: With the potential of a stable brand of generate, Tengshi focused on the pain points of SUV users, and created a product label for N8, which is "a city can be wild, and the whole region has a way".

  Suzuki, Maruti, India: The goal is to double the annual output to nearly 4 million vehicles by 2031.

  On August 6th, according to the latest annual report of Maruti Suzuki, the largest Indian automobile manufacturer, the company aims to launch new models and increase exports, and double its annual output to nearly 4 million vehicles by 2031, among which it plans to triple its overseas sales to 800,000 vehicles. By fiscal year 2030-2031, Maruti Suzuki is expected to launch six electric vehicles, which will account for 15% to 20% of its total sales by then.

  Cailian Automobile: Suzuki is still thriving in the Indian market.

  Kia recalled more than 120,000 cars in the United States due to the risk of engine fire.

  On August 5, according to the recall information updated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on August 5, Kia America will recall some 2017-2022 Niro and 2018-2022 Niro plug-in hybrid cars, totaling 121,411 vehicles, due to the risk of engine compartment fire.

  Cailian Automobile: Kia’s road to electrification transformation is not smooth sailing.

  (Cailian reporter Zhang Yipeng finishing/commenting)