Cai Xukun became the first producer of cross-border, Yang Zi removed Qin Junjie from customs, causing heated discussions

       The new version of the #Star Power List #was officially launched. The list consists of four regional lists: the mainland list, the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan list, the Asia-Pacific list, and the European and American list, as well as the Rookie Star Ranking for future rising stars. It relies on Weibo data to count the number of reads, interactions, social influence, and fan love value (sending flowers) indices. Several indicators are converted and accumulated according to the corresponding weight ratio, and the final result generates the overall list ranking of each region. Click to enter the full list > > > >

  The third issue of the Star Power List in 2019 was released. The top three on the mainland list in this issue were Cai Xukun, Zhu Yilong, Bai Yu, Zhao Wei, Yang Zi, and Wang Junkai, followed by Chen Linong in the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan lists. Lin Junjie and Wang Jiaer won the second and third places. Ouyang Nana, Yan Yalun, and Lin Yanjun also achieved good results. The first place in the Asia-Pacific list was won by Sunnee, a member of the Rocket Girl. You Changjing, Pianzhi Liangtai, Kimura Takuya, and Dimaxi successively entered the top of the list. Troye-Sivan, EmmaDumont, and TaylorSwift, the champions of the European and American lists, won the second and third places respectively. In addition, Bi Wenjun, the champion of the Rookie Star Ranking in this issue, was followed by Jin Han and Ding Chengxin, a member of the Typhoon Youth Group Let’s take a look at the entertainment events that took place last week!

  At 17:00 on January 18, Cai Xukun released the first installment of the star producer’s micro-plan S-level personal growth documentary "Cai Xukun’s Unfinished" on his personal Weibo. Once the show was released, it attracted enthusiastic attention from fans and netizens. "Cai Xukun’s Unfinished" is the first personal growth documentary of the star producer’s micro-plan S-level produced by Weibo & Sina Entertainment. Cai Xukun, who crossed the border as a producer for the first time, hopes to review his childhood, embrace the present, and challenge the future after the new year of 20 years. In the twelve episodes of the program, Cai Xukun will bring his own wish list to complete the unfinished, missing and hoped-to-complete wishes and challenges. Cai Xukun will bring everyone to experience a more diverse world and see more possibilities for themselves.

  On January 19, the family fun movie "Detective Pu Songling" starring Jackie Chan, which will be released on the first day of the new year in 2019, held a Chinese New Year group visit. Producer Liu Xiaoguang, director Yan Jia, and starring Ruan Jingtian, Zhong Chuxi, Lin Baihong, Lin Peng, Qiao Shan, Pan Changjiang, and Luu Brothers sang and danced to pay New Year’s greetings in advance. The theme song "Laugh Together" of "Detective Pu Songling" sung by Jackie Chan and Cai Xukun has been widely praised since its release. The dynamic and magical melodies and catchy lyrics have brought a good mood for the New Year in advance. Talking about the cooperation with Cai Xukun, Jackie Chan said with a smile: "Immediately 20 years younger, they are all singing and dancing. I prefer to sing the more lyrical ones, and when I sing these, I will be young."

  Recently, Zhao Wei’s fans will send support gifts to Zhao Wei, who is working hard to rehearse the play, to express their feelings. Not only are there appetizing fruit drinks, but also warm fat sea and black wolfberry, which are super warm! Zhao Wei also immediately left a message to express her gratitude, and euphemistically expressed that she would not send any more, and also laughed that she finally lost weight.

  The netizens are all Sherlock Holmes series! On January 18, some netizens posted that they found that Yang Zi had cleared Qin Junjie and deleted his related Weibo. By checking the friends who followed Yang Zi and Qin Junjie, netizens found that Yang Zi had indeed cleared Qin Junjie, and Qin Junjie was still paying attention to Yang Zi. Searching for "Qin Junjie" on Yang Zi Weibo showed 0 content, while Qin Junjie Weibo also had Yang Zi related content, including the birthday celebration Weibo posted for him. In addition, the two publicly fell in love on February 16, 2017. Yang Zi has deleted the Weibo, and Qin Junjie still retains it.

  It is reported that on the afternoon of August 12, 18, Yang Zi Studio and Qin Junjie Studio jointly issued a statement announcing that Yang Zi and Qin Junjie had broken up, saying that the two had ended their relationship and become friends again. The two had collaborated on "The Legend of the Dragon Ball" and "The Infernal Affairs", and officially announced their relationship on February 16, 2017.

  Chen Linong has been very popular since his debut. Recently, he shared his work routine on Weibo. In the video, Chen Linong is wearing a blue sweater and stands in the rain. It takes a while to run towards the camera. He also jokingly captioned "It’s cold and rainy, please take good care of yourself, don’t get wet like me. My love is deep and heavy!" Weibo received an enthusiastic response from fans.

  A few days ago, Ouyang Nana participated in Game LIVE. Interestingly, she seemed to rarely play games. Yesterday, during the live broadcast, she suddenly shouted "Someone hit me, brother" and asked her teammates for help. Unexpectedly, her teammates told her, "That was your own shot."

  netizens have left messages to discuss: "Will I be so nervous that I can’t even press a gun", "Nabi, there are really too few people like you who seriously call playing games as work.", "In the live broadcast, Ouyang Nana is really cute and real, but there are some dishes", "Why can Ouyang Nana’s gun be a powder drop?"; There are also netizens discussing game accounts, "I also met’Wuhan Peng Yuyan ‘is also a real person?", "Who would have thought that my chicken eater’s name is Hu Ge", "I am Shanwei Liang Jingru", "It seems that Ying Cai’er in Chaoyang District is Ying Cai’er herself".

  If you have a dream, you have to realize it! Sunnee sent a Weibo to sign up for "Singer" a few days ago, and wrote emotionally: "I was confused for 7 years and just wanted to get a stage to sing. Last year, I got a good opportunity to show my singing and performance. After that, many people asked me: What do you want to do in the future? I always said without hesitation: I want to be a singer! Although I am not perfect yet, my love for music is not deceiving. In my heart, a stage is really important." Her determination has also received strong support from fans and friends.

  In addition, according to foreign media reports, when Kim Kardashian was asked about her old grudge with Taylor Swift in the latest interview, Dafang said that it has been "turned over": It’s all over. Kardashian said in the interview that although the two sides have not privately discussed all kinds of rivalry wars, she believes that both of them have put aside the past and choose to look forward. ("Over it, We’ve all moved on.")

  In addition, the current Rookie Star Ranking champion Bi Wenjun, followed by Jin Han and Typhoon Junior Team member Ding Chengxin.

The Galaxy era of new energy is the best youth era for Chinese cars

The Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival movies, the statistics and comparisons of the number of tourists in various places, etc., almost habitually occupy the hot search list during the Spring Festival every year.

At the same time, the entire automotive industry has always entered a short period of silence.

The Spring Festival of 2024 has some exceptions.

On February 4, Mr. Wei of Tongren, Guizhou Province, was driving a Lynk & Co 08 EM-P with two family members on their way back home in ice and snow. In order to avoid the large truck, the vehicle skidded out of control and fell off a cliff about 60 meters deep. Fortunately, Mr. Wei and his family members in the same car suffered only minor bruises, and then the vehicle automatically sent an SOS alarm for help, and the three people were successfully rescued.

After the incident was fermented on the whole network, the news that Geely’s car safety value was full made an exception to the hot search list during the Spring Festival.

The King of Rolls?

February 18, the ninth day of the first lunar month.

Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, made a brief response to the Lynk & Co 08 EM-P traffic accident in Tongren, Guizhou, in a New Year’s message entitled "The’Galaxy Age ‘of New Energy and the’Youth Age’ of Chinese Automobile" released through Geely Automobile’s official Weibo.

Gan Jiayue said that what we do is to respect the lives of users, not to make superficial articles, but to lay a solid foundation and practice internal skills. Users are the first value of existence, and providing users with safety is not marketed, but done.

The word "dry" actually expresses Geely’s confidence and domineering spirit in building cars and building cars.

I still remember that in January 2023, Gan Jiayue announced in the form of "Cloud Release": "Intelligent Geely 2025 Strategy" was a new digital infrastructure, the first "cloud, data, and intelligence" integrated super cloud computing platform for global car companies, and Geely Star Smart Computing Center was officially launched.

The "car super brain" with a total computing power of 8.10 billion billion times per second in the cloud was officially launched, pushing Geely’s digitalization, data and intelligence to another high ground.

In February 2023, Geely Automobile released its new energy strategy and launched the mid-to-high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy".

Since then, Geely Automobile has formed a full-scale layout in the new energy market. From Polaris and Krypton, to Lynk & Co, Galaxy, Geometry, Panda, and even Smart Elf, Volvo, Lotus… Geely Group can be said to be one of the most comprehensive and subdivided automobile groups in the world with a new energy layout.

In other words, Geely Automotive has completed the perfect transformation of vision globalization, market globalization, brand globalization, capital globalization, and quality globalization.

In May 2023, Geely Galaxy’s exclusive "SHIELD Battery Safety System" completed the first basic safety test at the China Automotive Center. And successfully passed the battery acupuncture test recognized as the most difficult and rigorous in the industry.

In September, Geely Galaxy L6, equipped with the Aegis battery safety system, completed the industry’s first three-car high-speed serial rear-end collision test at Shanghai Motor Vehicle Testing and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., and the "Aegis battery safety system" was proved to have superpowers beyond industry safety.

At 7:37 on February 3 this year, the Xichang Satellite Launch Center successfully launched the Geely Constellation 02 satellite into space.

Geely Constellation is also the "Future Travel Constellation" satellite. It is independently developed by Geely’s Spacetime Daoyu and the world’s first commercial communication, navigation and remote sensing integrated constellation.

In June 2022, Spacetime Daoyu successfully launched nine satellites into orbit in the first orbit of the constellation in the form of "9 stars in one arrow", forming the first orbital plane of the constellation. This time, 11 satellites will form the second orbital plane of the constellation.

According to the plan, Geely will complete the deployment of 72 satellites in the first phase of the constellation in 2025, which will provide satellite application services to global users and enable global positioning without blind spots.

In fact, since June 2020, Geely has entered the "4.0 comprehensive architecture car system car era" and become a Chinese auto company with a world-class modular architecture (CMA world-class modular architecture), the entire industry has also entered an eventful period. Roll structure, roll configuration, roll price, roll machine, roll flow. However, no matter what new concept the rim becomes popular, Geely can come up with a mature and reliable response.

At this point, we come back to the sudden traffic accident at the beginning of the text.

The out-of-control Lynk & Co 08 EM-P, the frame is complete, the airbag is normally opened, as a new energy SUV, the power battery does not have the secondary disaster of thermal runaway, it can be accurately located in the inaccessible ravine, and the vehicle automatically sends the SOS alarm for help at the first time…

This series has no rehearsal, no script, and behind the sudden bits and pieces that are related to the safety of our lives, which one is not closely related to Geely’s technological priority and macro layout of car manufacturing?

Perhaps we can draw a conclusion from this. In this world of "rolling" and chaotic car building, Geely is the "king of rolling".

There is no other world wide!

As we all know, "volume" is actually a neutral word.

If you don’t roll, there is a high probability that you will be eliminated by the industry; if you roll too much, you will definitely harm yourself.

If we hang Geely as the "King of Roll Kings", then Geely’s past, present, and even future actions will actually be somewhat suspicious of killing the goose and getting the egg.

Is that so?

By reading the New Year’s message of 2024, we can get a standard answer to this.

So far, there are still some people who praise pure electric vehicles, and of course some people praise the revolutionary promotion of the automobile industry by Chinese electric vehicle companies. To this, Geely’s answer is that whether pure electricity is the only direction in the future, Geely believes that "electric drive" is irreversible.

Because electric drive is currently known to be the most important way to convert various renewable resources. Even "hydrogen" is called "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle".

At present, Geely is one of the few car-making entities that adhere to the green methanol project. In this regard, Geely believes that whether green methanol will become the next new energy trend, Geely believes that it is one of the most effective ways to achieve carbon neutrality.

Therefore, Geely does not participate in the debate on new energy routes, and adheres to multi-technology routes such as green methanol, pure electricity, hybrid, and hydrogen fuel.

At present, the future of autonomous driving is still uncertain. In this regard, Geely firmly believes that "intelligence" is irreversible. Because practical applications such as smart home, smart medical care, and smart city are already in sight. As the end point of smart mobility, the intelligent experience of users must be the high value needed in this era.

Therefore, based on the above, regardless of whether the price war can lead to a consumption boom, Geely has always adhered to high value and firmly believes that new energy vehicles driven by electronic architecture and software will be more cost-effective.

Based on this, it seems that we cannot simply and roughly characterize the issue of Geely’s "roll".

To be precise, Geely is not afraid of rolling, but has no intention of entangling in it.

Geely Automobile has sufficient means to cope with the market’s internal volume tactically. Behind it is actually a strategic pattern that is open and closed, fully defended, prepared for a rainy day, and far-sighted.

Looking at it, in essence, this is empowered by "Smart Geely 2025", the attributes of Geely’s "technology-based enterprise" have been strengthened, and Geely’s industrial chain is changing from the traditional "self-owned closed-loop type" to the more powerful "general open type". Obviously, Geely’s "technology factor" will also become a boost to the overall rapid development of Chinese automobiles.

The mid-to-high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy" that has just ended its rookie season can be the best proof of Geely’s car-making that has undergone qualitative changes.

In January, Geely Galaxy ushered in a good start to 2024, with 19,223 sales in the whole series, close to the monthly sales of 20,000, setting a new high. Up to now, Geely Galaxy has successively launched Galaxy L7, Galaxy L6 and Galaxy E8 three cars, forming a "pure electric + electric hybrid", "car + SUV" product layout, and sales have exceeded 100,000.

When most freshman car companies are still struggling with the passing line of "monthly sales exceeding 10,000", first-year freshman Geely Galaxy has come out of a perfect upward curve.

With the launch of the Geely Galaxy E8 on January 5, Geely announced that it had entered the "Galaxy Age" of new energy.

In fact, the "Galaxy Era" does not specifically refer to the Geely Galaxy car series. It heralds the comprehensive renewal of Geely’s various brand lines, and the comprehensive application of Geely’s world-leading new energy intelligent technology in different products. It also represents Geely’s entire system’s determination to "new energy", to "intelligence", and to "high value".

Therefore, when we stand at the user’s perspective and look purely at the product, we can uncover new avenues for Geely’s car manufacturing.

Take the Geely Galaxy E8 as an example.

A 200,000-class pure electric car, the price is not cheap, and this is the average price of Geely Galaxy has reached 160,000 yuan on the basis of higher.

However, after some careful consideration, you will be relieved, Geely Galaxy E8, the price of the B-class car, the size of the C-class car, the performance of the supercar, and the safety of the million-class make the Galaxy E8 a new generation of pure electric flagship in China.

Write at the end

On February 1, the data showed that in January, Geely Automobile sales were 213,500, an increase of about 110% year-on-year, and the sales volume reached a record high, ranking first in the industry. Among them, the sales of new energy vehicles 66,000, an increase of 591% year-on-year, accounting for 30% of the total sales.

One of the best auspiciousness in history has been revealed.

As Gan Jiayue put it, Chinese cars have entered the "youth era" in their prime, and Geely’s car manufacturing will fully integrate into this century trend with the vibrant "Galaxy Age".

BMW 5 Series replaced BYD Han, using daily real evaluation.

I remember that at that time, many cities in China had already drunk the first cup of milk tea in autumn, and the weather in Shenzhen was still hot in summer. I took my old colleague a circle older than me to the 4S shop in Shenzhen to accompany him to see Han. There was an activity in the store that weekend to promote Han, and we all lined up for an hour when we went for a test drive that day.

My old colleague, I usually call him Bingo, he is the owner of 520Li. This car was bought in 10 years, mainly for commuting, and it has been in operation for several years.

He has been driving this 520Li for more than ten years, mainly for commuting, and he seldom drives it at ordinary times. In recent years, new energy vehicles have developed rapidly. Bingo has always wanted to change a car in the past two years. He is tired of driving a petrol car. In addition, he has a new SUV at home. If he runs long distances, he can drive his car. He told me that many charging piles have been installed in their community, and there are also many cars in the community. Tang also has several cars. He said that he wanted to keep up with the trend of the times and always wanted to change to a pure electric new energy vehicle. The pure electric vehicle produced a few years ago, he felt that it was too expensive and unnecessary, and other vehicles did not have enough battery life. Tucki P7 and Han, who came out this year, are both very interested. Considering that the electric car has been made for so many years, the safety factor will be more guaranteed, and Han’s overall car is also very good, so he is very interested in replacing a Han EV. Coupled with the replacement of Han in Shenzhen, there can be a replacement subsidy of 50 thousand, so he has long planned to buy this Han.

At that time, I went with him for a test drive, which was the top match of the red interior with a Chinese red appearance. After the test drive, Bingo said that he didn’t expect domestic cars to be so good now, and both the interior and the workmanship would not be worse than his 520Li. Considering his own needs, Bingo said that he was too old and didn’t need too fast, so he ordered the 258,000 2-drive version of the 600-kilometer one, which was set with a black appearance and brown interior, which was more in line with his age.

Recently, I happened to be on a business trip for a month. When I returned to the company, Bingo told me that his Han had brought the car back for half a month. He has been driving for more than half a month. This black-looking Han also looks very atmospheric, with a slender size, giving people a steady and luxurious atmosphere.

The brown interior gives people a sense of stability and calmness, which looks very comfortable. Han’s chair is as comfortable as a soft sofa.

The central control panel is very large, and some general functions are available. Moreover, the software of the car machine system is very powerful now. Navigation, movies, music, intelligent voice assistant, and the often publicized KTV function in the car are all very practical and convenient functions.

This central control display is also very clear, with a strong sense of science and technology. There are many shortcut function buttons on the steering wheel. In addition, the Chinese characters on the steering wheel greatly shine to represent the cultural feelings of China going global.

Whether it’s the door switch or the central control gear handle, these high-quality tactile sensations that we used to see on foreign luxury cars look very much like when we actually touch them in our hands.

Bingo said that a very important reason for choosing Han was that its back row space was large enough, which was similar to its 520Li. Sometimes when he took his family out, his two children could sit more comfortably in the back row.

Finally, I asked Bingo about how it feels when using this car, what are its advantages, whether the power of the two-wheel drive version is a little weak, and what is the difference compared with it. Bingo said so. First of all, in terms of the workmanship of the car, because it is compared with the car almost 10 years ago, Han’s workmanship will definitely not be worse than his, and the interior space texture is even better than his previous 520. Then the only thing he thinks will feel worse than that of the car is that when crossing the potholes, Han’s suspension is still not as good as its 520, and the handling feeling of the car is not as good as his original 520. When driving, it feels very comfortable, and the car is in harmony with people. When turning a corner, Han will feel like driving a boat and can’t actually feel its turn. Bingo said that it may also be the reason why he drove the 520 for too long.

In addition, he said that Han’s sound insulation effect is quite good. When driving on the road, there is no engine noise, and the whole car feels very quiet when driving. He won’t feel bad in terms of power. He said that he felt that the tram was speeding up so fast that he didn’t get used to it at first. Finally, when it comes to battery life, he said that it is warm all the year round in Shenzhen. This car has been in operation for more than half a month, and it is estimated that the battery life is about 550 kilometers, which makes him feel more practical.

Finally, Bingo said that this Han is really good, but he has a more real feeling after using it for more than half a month. He said that this Han is OK, but it is not as good as advertised on the Internet. It can only be said that it is good, and there is still a way to go before it is excellent. There is still a certain gap between some cars and traditional luxury cars, and he is also happy with the progress of domestic cars.

Special statement: The above contents (including pictures or videos, if any) are uploaded and published by users of the media platform "Netease", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Easy car number provided by the author

Great Wall Motor Retrograde New Energy


Wen Haochao Business Review, written by pineapple and edited by Yang Xuran.

  Alashan is definitely one of the hottest online celebrity producing areas in Tik Tok.

  It is "poetry and distance" in the eyes of cross-country enthusiasts. Every October, there will be a grand cross-country rally-Alashan Heroes’ Club. In 2019, the video of "Alashan Shake Shake" was played 40 million times in Tik Tok, and it was also searched by many media such as CCTV, Sina and Tencent.

  The cross-country culture of "sunset speeding" and "freedom and uninhibited" is completely on fire. It is not only the carnival of the brave, the meditation of the unruly, but also the second spring of the fuel car.

  "Great Wall Cannon", "Haval H6" and other vehicles frequently appeared in off-road vehicle competitions, which also made Great Wall Motor (SH: 601633), a 30-year-old car company from Baoding, once again fire.

  Since July this year, the Great Wall’s stock market has performed like a shot in the arm. In just half a year, its share price has risen from the 5-10 yuan range that it has maintained for five years to 37 yuan, more than tripling.


  Great Wall Motor’s Share Price Performance in May-December

  At home in the era of new energy vehicles, Great Wall Motor has stepped out of its own exponential growth curve and become a "traditional car enterprise" and "fuel vehicle".The benchmark for traditional fuel car companies to break through in the new energy era.

  What has Great Wall Motor experienced, which can represent the fuel vehicle to attack the market in the era of new energy explosion?

  From Baoding Wei Jianjun to Jack Wey

Wei Jianjun, a soldier who used to be unsmiling, is becoming a fashion person who embraces young people.

  At the shareholders’ meeting in 2015, when asked why Great Wall Motor did not emphasize marketing, Wei Jianjun, the chairman of the board of directors, frequently made golden sentences, saying, "It is unnecessary to produce cars because the production of wine can create a brand" and "No brand-new car products will be launched in the next 5-6 years".

  At that time, Wei Jianjun was still a resolute "soldier Wei Jianjun" and an unsmiling "Baoding Car God".

  However, this year, careful people will find that Wei Jianjun’s title has changed to "Jack Wey", showing a gentle and cordial smile frequently in front of the public media.

  From Baoding Car God to Jack Wey, Great Wall Motor has also transformed itself into aA "famous ghost talent" who loves hot spots and sucks traffic.

  At the Beijing Auto Show in 2020, the Great Wall appeared with a series of new models-the new ——SUV was named "Harvard First Love" and "Harvard Big Dog", the new pickup truck was called "Great Wall Gun" and "Tank", the new energy vehicles were "Euler Good Cat", "Black Cat" and "White Cat", and even the car-making technology platform included "Lemon" and "Tank".

  The Great Wall has tasted almost all the trendy marketing: the title of general manager of brand marketing has been changed to "Dean of Cats Research", and it has joined forces with Elvis Presley Radio, Warrior and other national trends in an attempt to set off a "cat culture"; Invite Shen Mengchen, Wang Han and other stars to sell cars live; Heavily calling on young people to launch the electric car racing and refitting competition ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  All kinds of changes are pointing to the same clue-youthfulness. Behind this is the deep anxiety of this traditional car company.

  In 2011, Haval H6 made Great Wall Motor win the title of God in World War I: the sales volume broke through 10,000 in five months, 20,000 in two years, and 80,000 in five years. This record is also brilliant for the whole automobile industry.

  However, with the rise of Jilin Boyue, Changan CS75, Honda CR-V and other models, SUVs gradually shifted from the blue ocean to the red sea market, and Haval’s leading edge was weakening.


  Along with the silence, there are also company performance and stock price performance.Since 2017, the revenue growth rate of Great Wall has dropped sharply, and even slipped into the negative growth range. The decline in net profit is particularly rapid. In 2016, it was still a profit of 105 million, and by 2019 it was only less than 45 million. Its share price is halved, sliding from 10 yuan to 5 yuan.

  The 30-year-old Great Wall Motor’s solution to the "middle-aged crisis" is to set off a series of young reforms from products to marketing and management, which have been quite effective in less than one year.

  According to the latest data in November, the sales volume of Great Wall Motor has reached 122,600 units, a year-on-year increase of 27.6%.

  Among them, Haval H6, as a facade, sold 102,000 vehicles a month, accounting for 83% of the total sales, up 22.1% year-on-year, driving the market share back to more than 20%; Euler, a new energy vehicle, became a new force, with a sales volume of 11,600, a year-on-year increase of 414.7%; The Haval Big Dog, which just went on the market in September and is still in the production climbing period, has a monthly sales volume of 8,555 vehicles.

  As of the third quarter, Great Wall’s revenue was 621 million, down 0.69% year-on-year. According to the current trend, the annual growth rate will turn from negative to positive.

  Looking at the whole market, just over half of the winter in December, the spring of the auto market has come early.

  Reform meets a good opportunity

After the cold winter of the automobile industry cycle, the automobile sales in China are now recovering. Not only the Great Wall, but also a large number of car companies including Geely and SAIC have ushered in a rebound in performance and valuation.

  The rise of the Great Wall is not a case, and the whole vehicle sector is in a strong recovery.

  In April this year, with the improvement of epidemic prevention and control situation,The auto sector showed signs of recovery for the first time, ending a 21-month decline.Sales in that month increased by 5.9% year-on-year. Among passenger cars, SUV led the growth with a growth rate of 7.3%.

  Subsequently, the production and sales data increased for 8 consecutive months, which confirmed the trend of the automobile sector’s economic recovery. In November, China’s automobile sales all reached a new high in the year, with a year-on-year increase of 12.6%, among which passenger cars have maintained a growth rate of around 8% for five consecutive months.

  In such a recovery market,The performance of car companies has grown brilliantly, and valuations have ushered in repairs.

  Leading enterprises such as SAIC, GAC, Chang ‘an, Geely, etc. all had double-digit growth in sales performance in November. Changan and Great Wall, with SUV explosions CS75 and Haval H6, saw their sales growth rate of more than 20%.

  Judging from the performance of the capital market, the leading stock prices have ushered in a general increase. Since July, the share prices of SAIC and GAC have increased by about 50%.The share prices of Chang ‘an and Geely have doubled, while Great Wall Motor ranks first among traditional car companies with a high growth rate of 365%.


  On the other hand, in the contest of the new energy vehicle market, the performance of the Great Wall is also awesome.

  In the ranking of new energy small vehicles in November by Gaspar, the sales volume of Euler Black Cat ranked in the top three, with a year-on-year growth rate of 373%, second only to Wuling Hongguang and Tesla model 3.

  Except for Weilai, which went crazy, the growth rate of Great Wall’s share price even surpassed that of Tucki, Ideality and BYD in the second half of this year.

  So, why does the Great Wall stand out?

  Big explosion of niche market

Northwest China has become the most popular tourist destination, and Alashan has become a holy place for every SUV owner to visit, and the cross-country culture has exploded.

  Car enthusiasts in Zhihu sum up the advantages of SUV in this way: It’s like a man always wants to marry a wife who is beautiful, has long legs, can cook, keep house, has self-cultivation and other functions-SUV combines the high passability of off-road vehicles, the comfort of cars and the ability of long-distance raids, and integrates sports, leisure and business.

  And this is what they said about Haval H6, which won the SUV sales title for 10 years in a row: cheap big bowl is delicious, and the leather is durable without any serious injury. It can stretch your feet, has a large space, and the design is not ugly. It is also suitable for the whole family to go for an outing and occasionally pull goods on weekends.

  The multifunctional Haval H6 with an average price of 100,000 yuan has become a "hard currency" in the SUV market.Therefore, when the epidemic situation eased and the automobile market picked up in 2020, when SUV took the lead, Great Wall Haval bore the brunt.

  However, people have more expectations for the Great Wall fuel truck, which comes from the upgraded SUV with fire in off-road culture-Off-road vehicles and pickup trucks.

  Himalayan extreme cross-country, Luya International Championship, and the 60th anniversary of Everest measurement re-measurement. In 2020, the Great Wall Gun sponsored major events and made frequent appearances.

  When you open Baidu to search for the words "Tibet" and "off-road", you are greeted by off-road youths wearing sunglasses and jeans, sharing their "trip to western Hunan" and "experience in Tibet" among the blue sky and white clouds, often accompanied by Great Wall guns, tanks 300 or Harvard dogs-all of which are the off-road culture and brand sense that the Great Wall is trying to create.

  "For every two pickup trucks sold, one comes from the Great Wall". In July, the sales volume of Great Wall guns exceeded 20,000, exceeding 50% to take the market share; The luxury off-road tank 300 was newly launched on December 17th, and has achieved over 10,000 sales, exceeding the accumulated sales of more than 7,000 in herdsman in the first 11 months. The sales volume of affordable off-road vehicle Haval H9 in November increased by 17.9% month-on-month, ranking first among domestic medium and large off-road SUVs.

  Behind the popularity of several models, the capital market values not only the off-road field, but also the market space instigated by domestic brands, and it is also the field represented by this space and beyond the reach of new energy vehicles.

  In short:In the off-road culture, there is no room for new energy vehicles.

  The cruising range is limited, and the extreme climate environment will be greatly reduced; The battery can’t stand the impact of external force, rain and lightning, and it is easy to cause spontaneous combustion, self-explosion and short circuit; The great torque released instantly by stepping on the accelerator is easy to break through the grip of the tire, making it more difficult to get rid of extreme off-road difficulties …New energy vehicles are naturally insulated from off-road vehicles, which is an important function of vehicles, whether for practical use or entertainment;

  In addition, for many players, the fun of cross-country is the roar of motor, rotation, drift, take-off ….. all of which can’t be brought by an electric car without sound.

  Up to now, only one off-road vehicle in herdsman has been testing water and electricity, and it still adopts a hybrid device of oil and electricity. "Crossing no man’s land", no new energy vehicle has such confidence.

  Cross-country culture has brought fire to the Great Wall Tank 300 and the Great Wall Gun, and these two new cars, which are less than one year old, undoubtedly pinned the ambition of Great Wall Motor to get rid of the low-cost SUV market and cover the middle and high-end market.

  Is it a real explosion, or is it just a moment? This may also require consumers to verify with longer mileage and more user experience.But capital has long voted with its feet, occupied the pit early and made a choice.

  New energy catches female users

In 2015, the Great Wall increased by 16.8 billion yuan to develop new energy core technologies and complete vehicles, which ended in failure, but it was "unexpectedly" successful in 2020.

  Another new energy vehicle market opened up in the Great Wall, the success of Euler products is more attributed to the user positioning of "pleasing"-Female consumers.

  Prior to this, new energy vehicles either held high and fought like emerging car-making forces, and plunged huge sums of money into high-end fields, or were as low as dust and made into tool-based scooters.User markets such as women and urban white-collar workers have always lacked products with both appearance and high cost performance to meet the demand.

  The Euler series, with an average price of more than 70,000, fills the above gaps well. At the same price, the Euler model has longer battery life, more space and more fashionable appearance. According to an Euler car owner, Euler is mostly used by female white-collar workers, or the first car in a small family, or simply to occupy a new energy license.


  Euler focuses on the small car market.

  Combined with the new direct selling game of "live broadcast+group fight+e-commerce", Euler brought up a market by "cat culture".In November, Euler sold 11,600 vehicles, a year-on-year surge of 414.7%.

  However, the new energy layout of the Great Wall is not smooth sailing. As early as 2015, Great Wall had raised 16.8 billion yuan to develop new energy core technologies and complete vehicles, which ended in failure.

  In August 2018, Great Wall Motor announced the first generation of Euler under the heavy penalty of "double points" for excessive bicycle fuel consumption. At that time, BAIC, Geely and BYD’s new energy vehicles had already achieved results.

  The failure of new energy vehicles is in sharp contrast with the rapid rise of Euler today.

  Looking at the whole new energy vehicle market, the small low-end new energy vehicles represented by Wuling Hongguang mini and Great Wall Euler have turned red, which is closely related to the policy background of new energy vehicles going to the countryside, exemption from purchase tax and no-shake number.

  Small new energy vehicles priced at 60,000-150,000 yuan and positioned as "people’s scooter" have an overwhelming advantage in fuel vehicle equivalence, which accurately hits the market demand of young office workers.

  But with reference to historical experience,But the low end will meet the red sea.Haval H6, which is positioned in the low-end SUV market, will inevitably lose its advantage under fierce competition.

  By analogy, small new energy vehicles will also face more intense competition.

  At present, the average market share of small pure electric vehicles has reached 40%, and its main selling cities have gradually transitioned from first-and second-tier cities to sixth-tier cities.The small and micro car market, which meets the price demand but is difficult to meet the functional demand, will gradually turn from blue to red and start fierce competition.

  At that time, it is obviously not enough for Euler to only focus on the "cat" car market.

  This brand-new brand needs to build a more perfect product matrix from niche to mass, from price to function, from low-end to high-end, in order to resist the strong impact of competitors. But for the Great Wall, it is obviously not as comfortable as the days in the off-road vehicle.

Teach you how to run correctly!

In recent years, there are more and more urban running parties, and too many people want to release their work pressure and lose weight through running.

Of course, if you want to lose weight by running, you must control your diet at the same time. As the saying goes, you can effectively lose weight by keeping your mouth shut and taking your legs apart.

It can be said that running can not only help you gain a healthy and ideal weight, but also help you find channels to release stress and control emotions ~

Then let’s talk about the matters needing attention in running and the need to stretch and relax after running.

Let me share my running method with you!

The first is the four rules of running-

1. Make full warm-up preparations before running;

Before running, we should fully adjust the potential heat energy of the body to the preparation state, so that every joint of our body can adapt, stimulate hormones in the body, promote nerve cells in the learning area of the brain, and improve memory to a certain extent, so the preparation before jogging must be done!

Warm-up exercises can refer to:

1. Running with leg lifts in place, as a preparatory activity before running, this series of actions can make the whole body enter a state of motion. With the increase of the frequency and range of leg lifts, the whole leg and arm muscles can enter a state of motion.

2. Shoulder around the ring, the upper body is upright, and the arms are drooping, so that the shoulders are spread back and the shoulder joint is the center.

3. Neck around the ring, this action is similar to the previous shoulder around the ring, helping you find the correct position of your neck. Nowadays, people face computers and mobile phones for a long time. It will bring incorrect neck displacement when facing computers and mobile phones to running, which will make the health of cervical spine worse and worse. Friends who have cervical spondylosis must be gentle when doing this action. It is best to consult a doctor before.

(4) Hip encircling, which means opening your feet shoulder width, taking the central axis of your body as the axis, and encircling your hip joint. This action can help you ensure the flexibility of your hip joint.

⑤ Stand on one leg, with the calf folded to the root of thigh, and lean forward appropriately. This action mainly stretches the quadriceps femoris in front of the thigh, and can also prevent thigh cramps during running. This action can also be done after running, which also has certain preventive and relieving effects on lactic acid accumulation after exercise.

6. The knee joint is around the ring. Many running friends are suffering from abnormal noise of the knee joint, mainly due to insufficient warm-up and lubrication of the knee joint before running. The main points of this action are to put your legs together, squat half-way, hold your knees, and make a circle around the center line.

⑦. Stretch the calf muscles, with one leg in front and the other leg behind. The toe of the former triggers the latter to bend slightly, bending down and touching the toe of the former with one hand. This action can prevent calf cramps during running.

⑧. The ankle joint and wrist are looped, standing on one leg, and the other leg is on the ground with the toes as the center. At the same time, hands are crossed to hold the loop with the wrists as the center.

2. The key to healthy weight loss depends on the time and speed of running;

If you want to lose weight by running, it is best to control the running time at 30-60 minutes each time. If the running time is too short, the effect of burning fat will not be achieved. If the running time is too long, it will cause muscle fatigue, which is not good for health, just 3-5 times a week. People with large base weight should avoid running every day. After exercise, we should give our knees a full rest to avoid excessive friction and water accumulation, which is even more worthwhile. Moreover, the speed of running should not be too fast (of course, it should not be too slow), and the speed of about 6-7km/ h is the most reasonable. This pace can fully combine fat with oxygen to burn ~

3. Correct running posture;

1. Hold your head high, lean forward slightly, and keep your upper body straight. Don’t hold your chest, and don’t hold your chest out. The stable posture of the upper body has a great influence on breathing and rhythm.

2. Don’t touch the ground with your heel or forefoot. When landing, try to make the soles of your feet contact the ground as much as possible, and the forefoot or sole will touch the ground. The main thing is not to deliberately press the ankle.

3. Don’t pedal, pedal desperately when jogging, do you want to use your feet as rocket launchers? Have you thought about the knee and ankle feeling?

4. Swing your arms naturally back and forth, relax and open your shoulders backwards, don’t shrug your shoulders, and bend your elbows by about 90. Relax your hands and don’t make a fist, because making a fist is a tense posture, which will make you unable to swing your arm easily and naturally. Pay attention to the front and rear swing arms. Never swing your arms horizontally, because then your body will shake and your center of gravity will be unstable.

4. Stretch after running;

After jogging, fully stretching and stretching can fully burn the excess fat in the body, exercise most parts of the body and shape muscle lines. Of course, this is also the secret of not thickening legs after running, and stretching after running can also ease the tachycardia.

1. Leg stretching after running: Just keep your arms straight against a certain wall, with your legs standing back and forth, your front legs slightly bent, and your back legs straight. Press your body forward. Keep the heel of the back foot off the ground and change legs for 30 seconds.

2. Ligament stretching after running: open your feet to shoulder width, bend over and keep your knees straight, try to let your hands touch the ground and stick your upper body to your legs as much as possible.

3. Stretching the inner thigh after running: in the side bow position, the upper body leans forward and leans to the ground, and both hands support the ground below; Stretch the leg to the side and press it down. Keep the thighs and calves in a straight line and change legs for 30 seconds.

④ Stretching the front side of thigh after running: The body is standing on one leg, and the calf is folded to the root of thigh. You can lean forward appropriately and change legs for 30 seconds.

⑤. Butterfly stretching after running: Sit on the ground smoothly, bend your knees together, put the soles of your feet in front of your stomach, do your most comfortable posture, put your feet close to your groin, and press your upper body down for 30 seconds.

Nowadays, city workers can only find time to exercise in the morning or after work. So shall we run in the morning or fun run?

Fun run and morning running have their own benefits and advantages. You can adjust the distribution according to your own time. The most important thing is to stick to it! As the saying goes, as long as the kung fu is deep and the iron pestle is ground into a needle!

First of all, let’s talk about the advantages of morning running:

1. Running in the morning can change a person’s daily life, form a good habit of living and rest, don’t stay up late at night, and go to bed early automatically.

2. Running in the morning can breathe the freshest air in nature. As the saying goes, the plan for a good day lies in the morning.

3. When others are still asleep, I always feel that I have earned time when I get up early and run.

Persisting in running in the morning will also make you form the habit of eating breakfast every day, which will make you healthier.

While having advantages, we should also pay attention to the precautions for morning running:

1. Don’t run on an empty stomach. Although it has a certain fat-reducing effect, it will also lead to hypoglycemia/thrombosis, which will cause great harm to the body.

2. It is not advisable to run too early in the morning. It is better to run after 6 o’clock, and it is best to run from 9 to 11 o’clock. 30-60 minutes each time.

3. Although morning running can activate the body, the exercise effect is not as good as the legend.

4. The pace and distance of our morning run should be appropriate, not too strong.

Advantages of fun run:

Fun run is more convenient for most runners because they have more time after work.

2. fun run can make people more relaxed, relieve the pressure caused by a busy day, and you don’t have to think about some messy things when running;

3. fun run’s weight loss effect is more significant, because the night is the most vigorous time of human metabolism, which helps to burn fat;

④ At night, the number of platelets in people’s blood is relatively small, so that thrombosis can be well avoided;

⑤. fun run can also help to improve the quality of sleep. When you come back from running, take a rest and take a bath, you will fall asleep faster and sleep better.

Matters needing attention in fun run:

(1) In recent years, there have been many incidents reported on the Internet in fun run, so you should choose the location of fun run carefully. Safety is the first priority. Don’t go to fun run, a remote and sparsely populated place.

② fun run should have a light dinner, and don’t go out for a run immediately after dinner. It’s best to rest for about an hour and a half after dinner and start in fun run.

(3) fun run should try to finish before 9: 00 pm, just sweat a little, and leave some time for yourself to have a full rest, so as to avoid being too excited to fall asleep and affecting the state of going to work the next day.

Finally, the diet during running to lose weight;

Many people find that their legs will be thick after running for a period of time, or they can’t find the scales after running for a period of time. In view of whether the legs will become thick after running, if you have sufficient pre-running exercise and post-running stretching and correct running posture, you won’t get thick legs. As for why you haven’t lost the scales after running, diet is very important. Many people will feel very hungry after running, especially want to eat, but their appetite has improved and their food intake has increased. At this time, it is a test of our diet. The most important thing is what to eat. Remember not to overeat, otherwise they will become fatter instead of losing weight. Under normal circumstances, I will eat coarse grains or high-protein food after running for 1 hour, so that I can replenish the energy consumed after running in time and protein will not have to worry about getting fat, but the speed of dropping the scale will be a little slower, because it takes about 300 calories to run for 40 minutes. It is also recommended to give priority to coarse grains and vegetables and fruits when eating at ordinary times.

In conclusion, what I want to say is that no matter whether you are running or doing anything, it will not be immediate, but you should persevere. Some people run to lose weight, others run to be healthy. As long as you are willing to persist, you can actually see everyone’s changes and mental outlook ~ Let’s cheer together! Ollie, here! ! !
