Huawei and "Ningwang" were dispatched over the weekend! Class A shares 100 billion auto giants announced big news

On June 25, Avita Technology and Huawei signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement to jointly build high-end smart cars. Zeng Yuqun, Chairperson of Ningde Times, Xu Zhijun, Chairperson of Huawei, and Zhu Huarong, Chairperson of Changan Automobile, gathered at the scene.

At the signing ceremony, Avita’s first emotionally intelligent electric coupe SUV, Avita 11, and its limited edition model, Avita 011, were jointly unveiled and will be officially launched on August 8 this year, with deliveries within the year.

According to the agreement, the two parties will further build a series of smart car products based on the new generation of smart electric vehicle technology platform CHN, launch four new cars by 2025, and reach consensus in various fields such as optimal resource investment and Huawei HI trademark authorization.

It is worth mentioning that Avita is working with Huawei to actively implement the preparations for entering its store channels for sales.

The largest shareholder of Avita Technology is the listed company Changan Automobile, with a shareholding ratio of 39.02%; the second largest shareholder is the listed company Ningde Times, with a shareholding ratio of 23.99%.

Changan Automobile’s latest report is 22.35 yuan/share, with a market value of 148.30 billion yuan. In the past two months, Changan Automobile’s share price has risen by nearly 150%.

Fully cooperate with Huawei

It is reported that based on the intelligent driving platform, intelligent cockpit platform, and intelligent vehicle control platform, Avita 11 has built an industry-leading super-sensing system and supercomputer system that can handle scenarios such as high-speed roads and complex road conditions in urban areas.

According to Changan Automobile, in terms of intelligent driving capabilities, Avita 11 is the first model in the industry to come standard with Huawei HI (Huawei Inside) full-stack smart car solutions, equipped with super-sensing systems and supercomputing platforms, equipped with intelligent driving assistance systems for urban areas: The system has 34 sensors, including 3 semi-solid-state lidar, 6 millimeter-wave radar, 13 high definition cameras, 12 ultrasonic radar, and the computing power is as high as 400TOPS.

On May 20, Avita 11 announced the cockpit interior and opened reservations; the first stop of Avita 011 was launched in Chengdu at the end of May, and will also be held in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan from June to July.

"Less than a year after the launch of the Avita brand, the first product was launched. Such speed and efficiency are due to the innovative CHN cooperation model and the new generation of intelligent electric vehicle technology platform CHN jointly created by the three parties. The signing of the comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Huawei not only confirms Huawei’s recognition of the growth speed of Avita Technology, confidence in the CHN cooperation model and technology platform, but also demonstrates the determination of both parties to join hands and use Eastern wisdom to master the most core technology in the hands of the Chinese people." Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, said.

It will be sold in Huawei stores in the future.

Avita is a global brand in the high-end SEV (Emotional Intelligent Electric Vehicle) field jointly created by Changan Automobile, Huawei and Ningde Times.

Avita Technology announced on March 29 that it completed the first round of strategic financing delivery and industrial and commercial information change, and the registered capital increased from 288 million yuan to 1.172 billion yuan. Changan Automobile’s shareholding ratio was 39.02%, still the largest shareholder of Avita; Ningde Times officially became the second largest shareholder of Avita Technology with a shareholding ratio of 23.99%, adding Qu Tao as the company’s director. At the same time, Avita Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. added three core businesses: road motor vehicle production, charging infrastructure operation, and lifestyle derivatives sales.

With the release of Avita’s new car, Changan Automobile has recently become the focus of institutional research. Since May, 105 institutions have investigated Changan Automobile.

Changan Automobile is one of the three car companies that have adopted the "Huawei Inside" cooperation model with Huawei. On June 7, Changan Automobile said in an agency survey that Huawei is deeply involved in the development of intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and application systems of products, and realizes the co-creation of the Avita brand. It has jointly built the CHN platform with Changan Automobile and Ningde Times, which is not just a simple supply relationship. At present, more than 1,000 people in Huawei’s intelligent driving R & D team have been stationed in Chongqing for a long time, working together with Avita’s engineers to jointly develop Avita 11.

Avita is also actively building sales channels for new car sales. It is understood that Avita will use its own + partners to rapidly promote channel construction, and plans to cover channels to 110 cities within the year. The first batch of Avita experience centers will be officially opened in the third quarter. At present, Avita is working with Huawei to actively implement the preparations for entering its store channel sales.

"Avita Technology is Huawei’s strategic partner, and the two sides cooperate comprehensively based on the HI (Huawei Inside) model. Avita 11 is fully equipped with Huawei’s intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, intelligent networking, intelligent electric, and intelligent vehicle Cloud as a Service solutions. It is a blockbuster model for Huawei’s full-stack smart car solutions. The signing of this comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement marks the determination of both parties to further increase investment in smart electric vehicle technology and work together to build a global high-end car brand." Chi Linchun, president of Huawei’s smart car solutions BU marketing and sales service department, said.

(Originally titled "Huawei," Ning Wang "were dispatched at the weekend! Class A shares 100 billion auto giants announced big news, Huawei thousands of people have been stationed")

More than 8 models of Tiggo were exposed to brake failure, and the problem pointed to brake by wire!

If you are the owner and prospective owner of Tiggo 8 PRO or Tiggo 8 PLUS, please note that there is something wrong with Chery’s brake-by-wire technology.

Recently, Master Jiao learned from relevant channels that Chery’s brake-by-wire technology has brought troubles to many car owners. The specific performance is as follows: 1. There will be a buzzer when braking; 2. The brake pedal becomes hard; 3. Brake failure; 4. Brake jitter. At present, it is understood that some car owners have formed rights protection groups and shared fault cases in the groups.

Please step on the brakes when the vehicle starts, but the owner has been stepping on the brakes.

The corner master found that a car owner was driving at a low speed of 30 kilometers per hour, and suddenly the brake pedal rebounded, and then a fault code appeared in the dashboard. At this time, the brake pedal felt hard and the hard-vegetable pedal vehicle appeared jitter.

At present, the official has not responded to this problem, and the owner has locked the root of the problem in the brake-by-wire technology. Because some owners of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS do not have such problems, the problem owners are mainly concentrated in the vast version of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS pride+,so what is Chery’s brake-by-wire technology?

In March 2022, Chery Automobile announced a major innovation when it launched the Tiggo 8 PLUS version. The braking system of the car was upgraded and the integrated brake-by-wire system of Bethel WCBS was adopted. The core technology of this system is to integrate the vacuum booster pump, master cylinder, electronic vacuum pump, EPB and ESC. The following figure shows the comparison between the integrated brake-by-wire system module and the traditional vacuum booster pump. Its main purpose is to reduce costs and enhance the competitiveness of products. In addition to cost reduction, the official said that this system can also coordinate energy recovery system and high dynamic pressurization capacity. In other words, most of Chery’s new energy vehicles will adopt the brake-by-wire system in the future.

Integrated brake-by-wire system

Traditional vacuum booster pump

However, at present, it is obvious that the technology is not yet mature, and some car owners equipped with brake-by-wire technology have become "mice". Master Jiao then went to the domestic third-party vehicle quality complaint platform to investigate and found that there have been centralized complaints about the models equipped with brake-by-wire technology in the Tiggo 8 PRO plate, and the most complained car in the Tiggo 8 PLUS plate is Haoqing+,which is also equipped with brake-by-wire technology.

Up to now, Chery officials have not responded to the vehicles with problems in the by-wire control technology. Judging from the problem of concentrated outbreak, Master Jiao’s personal guess may be that there is a problem with a batch of vehicles equipped with wire control technology. The failure of the brake system is a major personal safety hazard, and the manufacturer must attach great importance to it, and it is necessary to complete the upgrade, optimization and even recall of the problem model in a short time.

A few days ago, Chery Automobile just released the sales data in July 2022, and the group’s sales volume was 131,533, a year-on-year increase of 57.7%. This figure successfully surpassed 122,633 vehicles of Geely Automobile and 101,920 vehicles of Great Wall Motor. In terms of splitting, Chery’s total sales volume was 131,533 vehicles, of which 50,614 vehicles were exported, up 90.1% year-on-year. The sales volume of new energy was 25,614 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 253%. It can be seen that the sales of new energy have surged, and in addition, the export volume has reached a new high. This is the happy side.

However, the safety hazard brought by the brake-by-wire technology hangs over Chery like a time bomb. However, if it is detonated, it will surely face the collapse of product quality reputation, and all efforts will be wasted.

"Pay tribute to Xie Jin" —— The Centennial Series of Xie Jin was officially launched.

Original title: Pay tribute to the classic reminiscence pioneer "Pay tribute to Xie Jin" — — Xie Jin’s Centennial Series was officially launched.

October 18th, 2023 is the 100th birthday of China’s film directors. As the only film director among the 100 "pioneers of reform" in the Republic, Xie Jin paid attention to the fate of the nation and made a monument on the history of film in China.

In order to honor the film masters and boost the development of China’s film and television industry, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province will hold a "Tribute to Xie Jin" in conjunction with China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Film Association, committee of cpc zhejiang provincial committee Propaganda Department, Zhejiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Zhejiang Film Association — — Xie Jin’s Centennial Series Activities. On May 18th, 2023, a press conference of a series of activities was held in Beijing, attended by relevant leaders of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Film Association, Zhejiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shaoxing City of Zhejiang Province and Shangyu District of Shaoxing City, Xie Jin’s hometown.

Continuing culture to pay tribute to a generation of famous directors

Director Xie Jin’s hometown, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, is a famous historical and cultural city and the cultural capital of East Asia. It is known as "the land of beautiful scenery, the country of historical relics and the place where celebrities gather". The context here is far-reaching, giving birth to philosophical thinkers such as Wang Yangming, Wang Chong and Fan Wenlan, literary masters such as Lu You, Ji Kang and Lu Xun, calligraphy and painting masters such as Wang Xizhi, Xu Wei and Wang Mian, and four presidents of Peking University … … Shaoxing, which is full of talented people, was once called "Jianhu and Yuetai Celebrities Town" by Comrade Mao Zedong.

Shaoxing also has an indissoluble bond with China films. In 2012, "China Golden Rooster" crowed in Shaoxing; In 2022, China Opera Film Exhibition was established in Shaoxing. This year, Shaoxing will take the opportunity of commemorating the centenary of Xie Jin’s birth, and once again share the beauty with China films.


Yang Songzhou, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Shaoxing Municipal Committee and chairman of the Party Committee of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said at the press conference that in recent years, Shaoxing has made every effort to build a "hometown of celebrities" in the new era, and is increasingly becoming a place of brilliance and a city of dreams for all kinds of high-end talents and innovative subjects. "Pay tribute to Xie Jin" — — Xie Jin’s centennial series activities will stimulate the vitality of cultural tourism and promote the "cinema integration" with the charm of film art. By tracing back and fixing the origin and intersection of the ancient city Shaoxing and the centennial China movies, it will vividly show Shaoxing’s cultural heritage, Shaoxing people’s film complex, and the glorious course of a generation of filmmakers represented by Director Xie Jin’s unremitting pursuit and common prosperity.

It is reported that this "tribute to Xie Jin" — — The centennial series of activities of Xie Jin will include four theme activities, namely, the Youth Film Festival of Xie Jin, the centenary commemorative meeting of Xie Jin’s birth and the theme discussion of "Walking with the Times" film development, the retrospective exhibition of Xie Jin’s classic films, and the visit to Xie Jin’s hometown, as well as the launching ceremony of Xie Jin’s series of cultural books, the photo exhibition of Xie Jin’s film art, the inauguration ceremony of the Youth Film Square in tribute to Xie Jin and many other supporting activities. Ma Yejun, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Shaoxing Municipal Committee, said that the series of activities will run through the whole year, aiming at remembering a generation of famous directors and outstanding rural sages and paying tribute to director Xie Jin’s enterprising professionalism and people-centered artistic concept.


Support young filmmakers to inherit the pioneering spirit.

Director Xie Jin has always paid attention to reform and innovation, made great efforts to support the younger generation, and made outstanding contributions to China’s film industry. In "Pay tribute to Xie Jin" — — On the occasion of Xie Jin’s centennial series activities, Shaoxing will set up a "Special Fund for Xie Jin’s Youth Film Support" under the China Literature and Art Foundation in conjunction with the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Film Association to encourage and support the development and growth of the latest domestic youth-themed films and young directors, so as to further inherit and carry forward the pioneering spirit of director Xie Jin and encourage and cultivate new film and television people.

According to caojun, deputy secretary-general of the China Film Association, at the Xie Jin Youth Film Festival to be held on November 20th this year, the project supported by the Xie Jin Youth Film Fund will be officially launched, which will contribute to the sustainable development of China’s film industry by promoting outstanding young films and outstanding young directors.


Xie Jin once directed such classic films as China audiences’ household names. As one of the heavy contents of the series of activities, the centenary meeting of Xie Jin’s birth and the theme seminar on "Walking with the Times" will be held on November 21st. Friends of Xie Jin, film research experts, young directors and actors will gather in Shangyu, Shaoxing, to deeply review and recall Xie Jin’s life of light and shadow, and jointly discuss the development direction of China films. The retrospective exhibition of Xie Jin’s classic films will be held in mid-November, and the classic representative works of director Xie Jin will be exhibited in many places throughout the country to pay tribute to this most influential director artist in China in the second half of the 20th century. At that time, fans can walk into the film directed by Xie Jin again and feel Xie Jin’s childlike heart.


Excavate cultural treasures and promote sustainable development.

Looking back on the hundred-year journey of China’s films, Zhejiang filmmakers have never been absent. A large number of Zhejiang filmmakers, such as,,,, and Xie Jin, have made important contributions to the development of China films in various historical periods. Nowadays, a new generation of Zhejiang filmmakers are trying to explore the cultural treasures of their predecessors, while inheriting the fine traditions, do a good job in creative transformation and innovative development, and strive to form a vivid situation in which Zhejiang films are passed down from generation to generation and developed continuously.


According to Wu Chen, Secretary-General of Zhejiang Film Association, in recent years, the film industry and industry in Zhejiang have flourished, with an average of over 100 films filed annually, and the box office revenue, the number of film and television enterprises and the scale of film and television bases rank among the top in China. In 2022, Zhejiang’s movie box office ranked third in the country, and among the seven movies with a box office of over 1 billion in the whole year, Zhejiang-made movies accounted for two. 2023 Youth Film Week (Zhejiang) is in full swing. At present, Zhejiang is focusing on studying, propagating and implementing the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "August 8th Strategy", the Hangzhou Asian Games and other major nodes, speeding up the creation of a number of excellent works that are written for the people and sing for the times, and have the recognition of Zhejiang, and striving to tell the "Zhejiang Story" well.


谢晋是中国电影人的骄傲,更是家乡绍兴上虞的骄傲,家乡是他最牵挂的地方。上虞区委常委、宣传部部长周晓国在发布会上表示,上虞将谢晋出生的村庄改名晋生村,通过与上海电影博物馆合作,改造老粮站,建成集谢晋电影艺术馆、谢晋片场、1923摄影棚、电影研学馆等于一体的“晋生·星片场”,让观众沉浸式寻访谢晋足迹,追忆一代名导风采,如今这个小村落已成为乡村振兴、文旅融合和影视文化培育的特色村。活动期间,当地还将举行谢晋电影广场落成仪式,同步揭幕由谢导生前好友韩美林大师亲自创作的谢晋铜像,让一代名导谢晋永久屹立在家乡大地上。(光明网记者:邱晓琴 李伯玺 王宏泽)

The curse, which was called unlucky, has won.

Laiyuan Mixiniu Entertainment

Wen | Xiaofu   

"bad luck!"

Just one day after boarding Netflix, the douban score of Curse dropped from 8.0 to 6.8.

Unexpectedly, this China Taiwan Province horror film, which has been expected by mainland fans for more than a year, will cause such a strong controversy after webcasting.

However, the emergence of this word-of-mouth differentiation stems from the gap between some viewers’ expectations of the film content, and on the other hand, many viewers are disgusted with the psychological suggestion "teasing" implanted by the director in the film.

Is there anything wrong with the "curse"?

Hot search on "unlucky"

Curse is definitely the most watched Chinese horror film in recent two years.

Whether it’s the horror trailer that was once complained by netizens last year, or the numerous hot debates during the box office and release of the highest Chinese film in Taiwan Province, China this year with NT$ 171 million, this film has created so many records that people can’t ignore its existence.

Especially in the increasingly rare Chinese horror movies, Curse is the uncrowned king of Chinese horror movies in 2022.

However, on the other hand, the huge controversy after the webcast of The Curse obviously exceeded many people’s expectations.

In fact, before the official webcast, "Curse" was almost a good comment on the Douban platform. The score is 8.0, and the highest is 8.2-this is rare in Chinese horror movies.

However, last weekend, this film ushered in an unexpected word-of-mouth diving. In addition to the sharp drop in Douban score, there are many similar comments of "Forwarding likes to get unlucky" in the comments area, and even the term # curse unlucky # was once listed in Weibo hot search.

The audience has the freedom to comment on a film, just like the "unlucky" controversy in "The Curse" has also attracted new debates among the audience. Some viewers insist that it is willful and even offensive to curse the audience with movies, and whether the audience is religious or not, they will feel uncomfortable. Of course, there are also many viewers who are not too touched by the content of the film. In their view, The Curse is no different from many similar works, just an ordinary horror film.

However, we found that diving with Douban score seems not unusual, because the score of "Curse" on China Taiwan Province Yahoo is only 3.3 (out of 5.0). According to the ten-point system of Douban, mainland netizens are more tolerant.

Rhinoceros Jun briefly browsed some bad reviews from the audience in Taiwan Province, China, and most of them focused on the aspects of drama routines, not terror, swaying mirrors and so on. In contrast, mainland netizens have a higher degree of recognition of the film’s plays, and more people give this film a low score because of "bad luck".

Yes, the director won.

In fact, only by looking at the content level, the setting of "The Curse" is not novel. Simply summarized, it is a horror family film shot by mockumentary. As a witness of the original event, 80% of the heroine Li Ruonan’s actions in the film are to escape from the curse and contend with it, but in the end, maternal love makes her a devotee who dares to face the horror.

The beauty of "The Curse" is that it retains full interactivity besides the plot. If you pay close attention, it is not difficult to find that the director has been constantly breaking the fourth wall in the whole film, maintaining interaction with the audience in front of the screen, thus achieving the purpose of burying psychological hints.

For example, at the beginning, the film starts a mental experiment with the audience with the first-person dialogue of the heroine. Li Ruonan introduced to the audience two pictures of "Ferris wheel" and "train", which can change the direction with ideas, to prove that human will can change the world.

The following story mainly tells Li Ruonan’s experience in the form of mockumentary. In front of the camera, Li Ruonan’s self-report, reality and the past three story lines alternately advanced, stripping away the truth of the Chenjiazhuang incident step by step.

First of all, the form of mockumentary itself can enhance the realism of the story, especially Li Ruonan’s first-person narration, which invisibly gives the audience a stronger sense of substitution.

Secondly, in this film, the director also borrowed the production mode of desktop movies many times. For example, through broadcast monitoring, online video, local video and other forms, it is also to let the audience get a stronger immersive feeling.

The most important point is that the director has always used Li Ruonan’s mouth to instill the content of the fictional "Big Black Buddha Mother" Sect in the film. Strange spell symbols, strange handprints, and the unintelligible eight-character mantra of "Fire Buddha repairs one, and the heart is humming", in the process of Li Ruonan calling on everyone to remember these information, the audience has unconsciously entered the director’s small trap.

Finally, after the truth of "The Curse" came out, the audience who knew that they had been cheated or even "cursed" by the director would have such a strong feeling of truth.

And all this, is the initiator of this "practical joke", given by director Kevin Ko.

Chinese horror films worthy of being written in film history

China audience can get such an immersive viewing experience, which is inseparable from the "tailor-made" of this film. In our opinion, the fear of the curse stems from three key points.

One is religion.

As early as a few years ago, director Kevin Ko said in the program that "we Chinese people will always have awe of religion."

In daily life, people believe in gods and buddhas and are afraid of ghosts, but if gods and buddhas no longer represent justice and ghosts start to act recklessly, it becomes an excellent material for Chinese thrillers. Domestic horror games, such as Fireworks, Paper Wedding Clothes, Paper Man and Hong Kong Mystery Record, which were released in China in recent years, actually borrowed religious elements from traditional culture.

In the film "Curse", the director who knows his way also focuses on the religious color. It costs a lot of money to order Buddha statues, make props and design scenes, so we can see that most of the horror colors in the film actually come from the sense of horror created by elements such as evil spirits and scriptures, rather than the direct attack of ghosts. This is also the biggest difference between Chinese horror movies and western horror movies.

The second is the event basis.

"The Curse" may be a rare work adapted from a real event in a horror film, and the original case of this film is a bizarre case that is still pending.

In 2005, a long-time superstitious family of six in Gushan District of Kaohsiung claimed to be possessed by gods, and successively went insane, self-mutilated, fought with each other, and even fed each other feces. The eldest daughter, who was identified as an evil spirit, was eventually imprisoned and abused by the whole family to death. Because the incident was so bizarre, after the police arrested them, the doctor decided that they were collective paranoia.

Cold cases like this are hotbeds of paranormal fear of urban legends, and the curse derived from it naturally has a natural sense of terror. It is reported that director Kevin Ko will continue to create new horror films inspired by paranormal, a real horror in the history of Taiwan Province Province.

The third is the mature horror film technique.

In addition to the above-mentioned desktop movies and the form of mockumentary, JumpsScare, which can bring the most direct sensory stimulation to the audience, is also skillfully used in the film. In addition, the insects, wounds, seals, spells and other elements that appear many times in the film, as well as the empty fingers and lotus milk that once spread widely on the Internet in Jane Eyre, are very typical fears of China audiences. The director can be said to have learned from others.

Of course, The Curse is not without flaws. For example, the distortion caused by frequent switching of different perspectives on the mirror and the discomfort of hand-held camera all weaken the narrative effect to some extent. On the whole, however, the film’s bold innovation in form and the audience’s strong feelings after watching it are doomed to be a horror film written in the history of Chinese film.

As for the climax of the film controversy, that is, the curse at the end, in fact, it is not uncommon in the field of horror films. In the past, classic horror films such as Curse and Ring at Midnight used similar techniques. The fact that "The Curse" can cause such a big controversy shows that it has completely hit the fear and taboo points of China audience.

Even when watching the movie in a non-big-screen scene, the fictional plot of this film still caused many viewers’ disgust and even discomfort. I think the director’s goal of shooting this film has been achieved. It is precisely because of this that we have more reason to think that Curse is a successful Chinese horror film.

As for raising the content of the film to a realistic level, or even reprimanding the director, I am afraid it will not be.

As many netizens said, "Do they watch horror movies for good luck?"
