SUV Complaint List in September: Many domestic models were on the list, and Song pro ranked first in new energy.

With the arrival of the golden autumn in October, the data of automobile brands in September began to be released one after another. Today, let’s first take stock of the complaint list of SUV in September.

From the picture, it can be seen that the top ten China product brand models occupy a large part, and the Song pro new energy model under BYD once again ranks first because of the failure to deliver the car according to the contract. Other models are mostly old problems.

As a hot brand of new energy, BYD’s problem is still "not delivering the car according to the contract". As the best-selling model of BYD, the car itself is not a big problem, but the long service cycle is still a pain point for BYD, which also leads to the dissatisfaction of many consumers, so it is reasonable to rank high.

The main problem of Haval’s first love is the foaming and cracking of car paint. It is understood that Harvard has also given a repair plan for this kind of problem. In addition, Haval’s first love still has complaints such as the delay in upgrading the car system. I hope that it will not be on the list next month after the problem is solved.

The reason for BMW X3′ s listing is still the old problem of the ID7 car system. At present, quite a few car owners think that the ID7 system is inconsistent with the publicity, and this problem has gone through a long period, but it seems that BMW’s speed of solving the problem still needs to be improved.

The reason why Xingyue L is on the list is still the old problem that the second key is not delivered. The main reason is probably the shortage of resources in the chip market, which has also attracted the attention of manufacturers, but it seems that it has not been well solved at present.

I think everyone knows the reason why Li ONE made the list. Because the new model L8 was put on the market and the owners were not informed in advance, many owners thought it had been cut with leeks, which caused a lot of complaints.

The six to ten models are Red Rabbit, H6, F7, Crown Lu Fang and Tiggo 8 owned by Haval. The problem of Red Rabbit is mainly paint cracking, H6 and F7 are still problems such as car system upgrade and disguised charging, while Lu Fang is still problems such as loud engine noise, car body resonance, air conditioning and engine jitter. The problem of Tiggo 8 is mainly the suspected design defect of headlights, which affects driving safety. The owner of this problem has reported it many times and hopes Chery can solve it properly.

Summary: Judging from the above rankings, many brands are still old problems that have appeared before. Although there are no new problems, the speed of dealing with old problems needs to be improved. I hope manufacturers can solve them as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary troubles.

On April 23rd, the new car map of the M5 was exposed.

Recently, we obtained a set of real car maps of the new model M5 from domestic social media. Earlier, at the Huawei HarmonyOS Ecological Spring Communication Conference, Yu Chengdong announced that the new M5 would be officially launched on April 23rd. The new car is expected to be upgraded for intelligent driving and driving control, and will continue to introduce pure electric and extended-range models.



  In appearance, this car is equipped with a closed air intake net, which is a pure electric version. The new border M5 has been fine-tuned for the appearance details. The LOGO of the front of the car is designed in black, and the silver trim at the lower enclosure is also changed to black. Other parts are consistent with cash.


  From the side of the car body, the camera components at the fender of the new car and the chrome trim around the window are all replaced with blackened designs. The new car is also equipped with black double five-spoke wheels and red brake calipers, which further increases the sporty atmosphere. In addition, we can see that the roof is equipped with a lidar.

  The power information has not been released, and the current models are available in pure electric and extended range. The motor is available in 272 HP rear drive and 496 HP four-wheel drive. The cruising range of pure electric rear-drive vehicles is 602 km and 620km, and that of pure electric four-wheel drive vehicles is 534km. The extended-range model is equipped with a 1.5T engine as a range extender, with a maximum power of 152 HP and a pure battery life of CTLC ranging from 230 to 260km.

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A number of new cars debut! 2023 Qingdao International Auto Show opened on April 28th.

Original title: A number of new cars debut! 2023 Qingdao International Auto Show opened on April 28th.

Source: Qingdao News Network Automobile

Original title: A number of new cars debut! 2023 Qingdao International Auto Show opened on April 28th.

Source: Qingdao News Network Automobile

From April 28th to May 3rd, one of the five auto shows in China, the 22nd Qingdao International Auto Show in 2023 will be held in Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center (Laoshan District).

As the most influential automobile exhibition in the north in the first half of the year, more than 100 brands brought the latest and hottest models to Qingdao, six indoor exhibition halls, showing thousands of models covering new energy, passenger, commercial, business and luxury, and relaying the upcoming Shanghai International Auto Show, which was a wonderful connection and exploded May Day!


Seize the intelligent track and launch a new car in Qingdao.

The competition of intelligent track is becoming more and more fierce. Both traditional car companies and new car-making forces have made great efforts in the field of "electrification and intelligence".

As the largest and most influential international automobile event in Shandong, every Qingdao International Auto Show, all brands will launch their latest models in the north or Shandong.

Weilai EC7, Krypton X, brand-new BMW 7 Series, BMW iX1, Lectra 08, Buick E5, BYD Seagull, BYD pro 2023, Tucki P7i, Dongfeng Honda HR-V, FAW Pentium M9, brand-new smart #3, SAIC Volkswagen Xintuyue, Hongqi H6, Dongfeng Nissan brand-new Sylphy, Volvo brand-new C40, and GAC AION Y younger. Chang Anyida, Dongfeng Citroen Versailles Modified Edition, Changan Auchan Z6IDD … In this exhibition, new cars and technology are still the focus of the scene, and dozens of new car conferences will instantly detonate the atmosphere.


Car buying boom detonated May Day.

After the sales period of the "Guoliu A" model was extended, the "price reduction storm" in March slowed down, and the promotion policy in April was no longer crazy. Under the current situation that the inventory pressure is still great, consumers who are still on the sidelines are the "problem" and "antidote" of the terminal consumer market.

The first wave of small climax of Qingdao automobile consumption detonated by the West Coast International Auto Show in March, many brands also indicated that they are bound to launch a general attack on inventory pressure at the Spring Auto Show in May. With the approach of the exhibition, the audience’s call for consultation also focused on "preferential policies for XX models at the auto show".

In order to cooperate with the promotion activities of various brands at the Spring Auto Show, and to give back to the support and love of fans and friends, the organizing committee will also launch a "car lottery" on the spot, giving away gifts such as refrigerators, color TVs and high-end cars, such as window film!

As the opening of the exhibition approaches, brands can’t help but lock in the mood of prospective car buyers in advance and release preferential policies one after another.

Geely Auto Show offers a limited time discount of 45,000 yuan;

Lorenz offers multiple discounts. The auto show went straight down in a limited time, up to 50,000 yuan; Pre-stored 2023 yuan intentional gold deducted 20000 yuan car purchase; You can also enjoy the factory subsidy policy;

Changan Auchan’s highest cash dropped by 17,000 yuan;

FAW Pentium financial subsidy of 10,000 yuan, replacement subsidy of 10,000 yuan;

Dongfeng Honda: Take photos with HRV PHEV and HR-V new cars and get a copy of the original car model; Auto show specials, with a maximum discount of N million, which is said to be very pleasant surprise;


Dongfeng Citroen, which set off the storm of price reduction in March, brought the modified version of Versailles, Tianyi and C6 to this exhibition. What kind of preferential policies will the site come up with? Citroen said that it would sell you a pass first.

The tip of the iceberg began to emerge. It is conceivable that the scene of Qingdao International Auto Show will be so hot from April 28th to May 3rd.


Dream the future and walk with love.

With the theme of "Green, the Road to the Future", Qingdao International Auto Show has been practicing the social responsibility of one of the five auto shows in China, and it is highlighted in the details of the exhibition. The 22nd Qingdao International Auto Show in 2023 is a series of charity activities, and you are cordially invited to participate.

In this exhibition, the organizing Committee specially invited 100 "little reporters" to the scene to touch the latest automobile technology and inject "car dream" into their dreams.

Together, "Children" will protect the dream of reading books-the donation activity of love books jointly organized by the organizing committee of the conference, Qingdao Financial Daily and Qingdao Traffic Station will also be held on the spot. Dear friends and children, you can donate children’s books (suitable for children under the age of 12, with complete pages and more than 90% new) that are idle at home, and every five books can be exchanged for two tickets for the commemorative edition of this exhibition, and a thank-you letter from the organizing Committee will be given. Let your love accompany more peers to grow up happily. For every big friend and child who participates in this activity, this visit will gain a more valuable meaning.

In addition, many wonderful and interesting activities will be carried out on the spot, such as fun photography contest, painting the future, auto show painter, random dance, auto show of the second campus cultural festival of Guanhai News, etc.

2020 Style Awards Fashion Word of Mouth List: Handu Yishe, the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand of the year.

  The theme of the 2020 Style Awards is "Digitalization, Sustainability, Chinese Style and New Beauty", and you are invited to pay close attention to the attack and development of the fashion industry. As an authoritative and comprehensive fashion portal, Sina Fashion not only gathers superior resources in the industry, but also never stops exploring the "style iteration". This year, Sina Fashion seriously selected and commended the brands, events and figures with the most style and scientific spirit in the China market, and contributed professional consumption guidance.

  2020 Style Awards Fashion Word of Mouth List: Handu Yishe, the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand of the year.

  Description of the selection of fashion word-of-mouth list for 2020 Style Awards: All the awards are combined with popular netizens’ voting and Weibo big data (number of fans, number of keyword readings, number of mentions, number of searches, comments and praises, etc.) to select the annual word-of-mouth list in the fashion field.

  Handu Yishe, founded in 2008, focuses on young and fashionable women’s clothing brands, and has led the whole network in sales for 7 consecutive years; In 2020, Handu Yishe is the brand with the largest number of fans in Tmall women’s wear category, winning the favor of over 50 million young women.

Handu Yishe has been leading the sales for 7 consecutive years, winning the attention of over 50 million young consumers.

  Handu Yishe is not only sought after and loved by young fashion people, but also loved by Chinese and Korean stars. More this year, IU, the first female in Korea, joined Handu Fashion Director. This is the first time that IU has cooperated with China clothing brands since she became the first Gucci brand ambassador in Korea.

  In the same year, Gianna Jun, a top Korean actress, endorsed Handu Yishe for the second time, and personally participated in the design with IU to bring the "double-faced workplace" series. What deserves crazy Call is that this is the only China women’s clothing brand endorsed by Gianna Jun. The cooperation between two TOP Asian stars has given the brand more connotation and imagination.

  As a brand focusing on young fashion women’s wear, Handu Yishe has landed in Milan, Paris, new york and other internationally renowned fashion weeks many times; At the same time, we have jointly launched a number of design co-names, such as GUCCI designer Agustina, Hermes designer elahi Ma, and Korean pioneer designer PARK.

  This year, Handu Yishe established the first young fashion design institute in Asia, and specially invited seven mentor groups, including Hong Enzhu, president of Korea Fashion Designers Association, and Choi Beom Suck, the "fashion king" of Korea, to link the high-quality resources of Chinese and Korean designers, so as to develop more creative and cutting-edge designs and lead the fashion trend.

  The focus on design and the precise control of young fashion have made Handu Yishe sought after and loved by young fashion people. If you want to know the new trends of young fashion and see what new items Handu Yishe released in the season, you can get it in one second!

  The latest double-sided workplace series jointly launched by Gianna Jun X Handu Yishe X IU is entirely a masterpiece. Among them, the series designed by IU, the fashion director of Handu, is mainly based on the future retro style, which combines the unique retro style of the Millennium with the romantic and sweet elements of the avant-garde women in the future workplace to create a brand-new "trend play". Gianna Jun’s co-branded series mixes the elements of modern street fashion, presenting the exquisite sense of metropolis and trend in a brand-new way, and creating a unique imprint of "double-faced women in the workplace" for future commuters. See IU and Gianna Jun demonstration, not enough? Then it’s better to capture some fashion details!

  Shirts with wooden ears are overlapped with turtlenecks, and then matched with plaid tweed. This classic wearing method not only increases the level of modeling, but also reduces the age of wearing, while at the same time being playful.

  Handu Yishe, which was released by authoritative trend agency WGSN in 2020 and focused on the trend, also keenly captured the trend of fashion colors in this series. Printed sweaters with purple as the main color are a must-buy item for fashion experts.

  How can the little fairy’s wardrobe be short of bubble sleeves? The top of bubble sleeves is responsible for creating a palace texture, while the contrasting plaid pleated skirt is cool. Dressed in a mix-and-match style, the "Handu Girls" hold on to the trends.

  Combining caring elements with metallic materials, injecting more brilliant feminine charm into cool and handsome motorcycle jackets through gloss and mirror effect, which may be the secret of Gianna Jun’s cool style that never lacks femininity.

  The woolen coat is decorated with a detachable and practical metal chain, which instantly makes your coat item a story-telling "explosion".

  The mastery of various popular elements and the insistence on design innovation have made Handu Yishe always at the forefront of the trend since its establishment. These hard-core strengths not only make Handu Yishe the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand in this year’s fashion word-of-mouth list, but also enable him to contract your wardrobe ~

Breaking the ice is blocked! It is not easy to say "warming up" in US-Russian relations.


  CCTV News:During the campaign and after taking office, Trump repeatedly said that he would improve relations with Russia. Putin and Russia also reciprocated and made a positive response. But today, under the heavy resistance at home and abroad, the relationship between the United States and Russia is hard to break.

  Recently, Flynn, assistant to the President of the United States for national security affairs, was heated up by the American media because of his resignation because of "leaking secrets" during a secret talk with the Russian ambassador. Some American media even pointed the finger at Trump himself.

  Trump had to make it clear at the White House press conference on the 16th: I have nothing to do with Russia.

  Reporter:Do you know that your team members had contact with Russia during the election?

  US President Trump:I’ve already said it’s Flynn. Flynn is one, but he’s the one who deals with this problem. That’s his job.

  Reporter:During the presidential campaign, too?

  US President Trump:No, no, as far as I know, no one (has contact with Russia).

  Reporter:Didn’t you know that someone on the team had contact with Russia during the campaign?

  US President Trump:How many times do I have to answer this question?

  Reporter:Can you answer yes or no?


  US President Trump:Contact with Russia is a conspiracy. I know you stood up and asked questions. This is too important. The whole incident is a conspiracy. I have nothing to do with Russia.

  The US media "blocked" and even exposed Russian military actions.

  In addition to hyping "collaboration with the enemy", the American media also tried to play up the Russian threat. Recently, the US media quoted US military officials as saying that they have successively exposed the news that Russian troops are carrying out offensive military actions. This includes the Russian "spy ship" mentioned by Trump appearing on the east coast of the United States.

  CBS reported that a Russian spy ship approached the east coast of the United States on the morning of 14th Eastern Time, and was only 100 kilometers away from Delaware. Although the ship was sailing in international waters, it was equipped with spy equipment and surface-to-air missiles that could intercept communication signals.

  Four Russian military planes approached the US destroyer.

  Just a few days ago, on the 10th of this month, when the guided missile destroyer "Porter" of the United States was sailing in the Black Sea, it was similar to last year when it was approached by Russian fighters. This time, a Russian reconnaissance plane approached and flew low, and then three Russian fighters approached and flew low. Recently, it was less than one kilometer away from the American destroyer. American officials said that such a move was unsafe and unprofessional.

  Russia secretly deploys short-and medium-range cruise missiles

  In addition, The New York Times recently reported that Russia is secretly deploying land-based short-range cruise missiles, which are explicitly banned by Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed by the Soviet Union and the United States in December 1987, which is called the Treaty between the Soviet Union and the United States on the Elimination of Intermediate-range and Short-range Missiles. According to the treaty, the Soviet Union and the United States will completely destroy and completely ban short-and medium-range missiles with a range of 500 to 1,000 kilometers and medium-range missiles with a range of 1,000 to 5,000 kilometers.

  The report also said that the short-and medium-range cruise missiles deployed by Russia can carry nuclear warheads. The deployment time was in December last year, when it was still during the Obama administration. Now, the Trump administration must respond to this.

  US officials said that Russia’s move was a flagrant violation of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and questioned Russia’s sincerity in reducing its weapons.

  Russian Defense Ministry: Russian warplanes approach "nothing"

  The Russian Defense Ministry responded to the report that Russian warplanes approached the US guided missile destroyer. On the 14th, Konashenkov, spokesman of the Ministry of Defense, said that the American media reports were "totally false".

  Secretary Putin: Russia always abides by its international obligations.

  On the 15th, Russian Presidential Press Secretary peskov also denied the news that the US media reported that "Russia secretly deployed short-range cruise missiles".

  Russian Presidential Press Secretary peskov:No one has formally accused Russia of violating Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and the source of the information you mentioned has not been stated. There is no doubt that Russia has always abided by its international obligations, including the treaty framework you mentioned.

  Trump: Or let Putin lose confidence in me.

  In response to recent reports that Russian spy ships appeared near the east coast of the United States, some American media said that this was Putin testing Trump. In response, Trump responded at the White House press conference.

  Reporter:Do you think Putin is testing you?

  US President Trump:I don’t think so. Putin may think that he can’t reach any agreement with me, because (media reports) make a politician who tries to reach an agreement (with other countries) politically unpopular.

  In the United States, there are obstacles to the recovery of US-Russian relations, in addition to the media and the military. On the 16th, the new US Defense Minister Matisse made it clear that the United States "has no intention to cooperate with Russia at the military level".

  US lawmakers from both parties demanded an investigation into the president’s relations with Russia.

  Trump’s idea of improving relations with Russia has also encountered resistance from American political circles. Recently, a number of heavyweight members of the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States used the topic to ask for a thorough investigation into the alleged "communication with Russia" by Flynn, assistant to the President of the United States for national security affairs.

  Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader of the House of Representatives and a Democrat, believes that Flynn may just be the scapegoat in this incident.

  John McCain, a senior US senator and Republican, said on the 14th that Flynn’s case made people question the Trump administration’s Russia policy, and he asked to investigate the relationship between the Trump administration and Russia.

  The trend of US-Russian relations attracts the attention of European countries.

  The European allies of the United States are also very vigilant and concerned about the actions of Trump and Putin. The contradiction between Russia and Europe has lasted for many years, and the two sides do not trust each other. On the 28th of last month, Trump had an hour-long conversation with Putin, releasing the signal to restart and improve the US-Russia relations. European countries are worried that once there is a major change in US-Russian relations, it will inevitably affect European-Russian relations and change Europe’s geostrategic pattern.

  Therefore, at the 53rd Munich Security Conference, which opened yesterday (17th), German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen warned the United States that Europe and the United States share common interests in their Russian policy and should trust each other and act together.

  Trump: Russia should "return" Crimea

  In addition to external resistance, Trump’s own attitude changes have also set obstacles for the improvement of US-Russian relations. During the campaign, Trump hinted that he was willing to accept Crimea’s entry into Russia. Recently, however, Trump went back on his word and proposed that Russia "return" Crimea to Ukraine. This attracted a "categorical rejection" from the Russian side.

  On the 15th, the Russian Foreign Ministry responded that it would not "return" Crimea to Ukraine, nor would it discuss it with other countries including the US.

  Russia: It is too early to talk about the trend of Russia-US relations.

  In view of various variables, Russian Presidential Press Secretary peskov said in a telephone interview yesterday (17th) that Russia is not disappointed by the lack of progress in improving Russian-American relations, and it is still too early to talk about the direction of Russian-American relations.

  Peskov also said that possible cooperation and differences between Russia and the United States can only be determined after the two heads of state hold substantive talks. It is not clear when the meeting will be held.