SUV Complaint List in September: Many domestic models were on the list, and Song pro ranked first in new energy.

With the arrival of the golden autumn in October, the data of automobile brands in September began to be released one after another. Today, let’s first take stock of the complaint list of SUV in September.

From the picture, it can be seen that the top ten China product brand models occupy a large part, and the Song pro new energy model under BYD once again ranks first because of the failure to deliver the car according to the contract. Other models are mostly old problems.

As a hot brand of new energy, BYD’s problem is still "not delivering the car according to the contract". As the best-selling model of BYD, the car itself is not a big problem, but the long service cycle is still a pain point for BYD, which also leads to the dissatisfaction of many consumers, so it is reasonable to rank high.

The main problem of Haval’s first love is the foaming and cracking of car paint. It is understood that Harvard has also given a repair plan for this kind of problem. In addition, Haval’s first love still has complaints such as the delay in upgrading the car system. I hope that it will not be on the list next month after the problem is solved.

The reason for BMW X3′ s listing is still the old problem of the ID7 car system. At present, quite a few car owners think that the ID7 system is inconsistent with the publicity, and this problem has gone through a long period, but it seems that BMW’s speed of solving the problem still needs to be improved.

The reason why Xingyue L is on the list is still the old problem that the second key is not delivered. The main reason is probably the shortage of resources in the chip market, which has also attracted the attention of manufacturers, but it seems that it has not been well solved at present.

I think everyone knows the reason why Li ONE made the list. Because the new model L8 was put on the market and the owners were not informed in advance, many owners thought it had been cut with leeks, which caused a lot of complaints.

The six to ten models are Red Rabbit, H6, F7, Crown Lu Fang and Tiggo 8 owned by Haval. The problem of Red Rabbit is mainly paint cracking, H6 and F7 are still problems such as car system upgrade and disguised charging, while Lu Fang is still problems such as loud engine noise, car body resonance, air conditioning and engine jitter. The problem of Tiggo 8 is mainly the suspected design defect of headlights, which affects driving safety. The owner of this problem has reported it many times and hopes Chery can solve it properly.

Summary: Judging from the above rankings, many brands are still old problems that have appeared before. Although there are no new problems, the speed of dealing with old problems needs to be improved. I hope manufacturers can solve them as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Online gun trafficking swindles Guangdong "hurricane" and destroys more than 300 criminal gangs.

       CCTV News:Guangdong provincial police recently announced the "Hurricane 2019" special action. From January to May this year, Guangdong province destroyed more than 300 criminal gangs and arrested more than 5,400 suspects, mainly involving gun-making, violence, pornography and gambling, telecommunication network fraud and other illegal crimes.

       14 people were arrested for destroying the criminal gang that cheated and robbed mobile phones.

       Since the beginning of this year, there have been a high number of cases of cheating and robbing mobile phones on the streets of Dongguan, Guangdong Province. Dongguan police focused on such cases. In this "Hurricane 2019" special operation, a regional criminal gang that cheated and robbed mobile phones was destroyed and 14 gang members were arrested. According to the police, members of the criminal gang pretended to be Hong Kong businessmen, looking for crime targets in the streets, and fled after borrowing the victim’s mobile phone on the grounds that the mobile phone could not be used or the mobile phone was dead.

       Lu Junguang, a brigade of the Criminal Police Detachment of Dongguan Public Security Bureau, said: "Criminal gangs usually drive their own vehicles, and then look for targets while driving. I claim that my mobile phone is out of power, can I borrow your mobile phone to call my friend, and then he will use a model machine and say that I will put it at your place first, I will find my friend in the past, I will come back and return it to you, and then I will leave. "


       According to the police, criminal suspects generally choose high-end mobile phone models to reduce the vigilance of victims, and focus on teenagers and migrant workers to commit crimes.

       Lu Junguang, a brigade of the criminal police detachment of Dongguan Public Security Bureau: "Their awareness of prevention is relatively weak. There are also migrants who come out to work. Generally, they choose remote road sections or factory areas. Many migrant workers get off work, use these time periods and use their sympathy to cheat their mobile phones. "

       On April 19, Dongguan police launched a unified network-closing operation in Guangzhou, Dongguan and Bozhou, Anhui Province, and arrested 14 suspects, 5 vehicles used for committing crimes, mobile phones, fake license plates, mobile phone model machines, mobile phone cards and other items involved. At present, the case is still under further investigation.

       Lu Junguang, a brigade of the Criminal Police Detachment of Dongguan Public Security Bureau: "Citizens should raise their awareness of fraud prevention and ask themselves why they lent it to him, because criminal suspects usually pretend to be bosses who come to do business or businessmen who come back from abroad, and then drive themselves and ask themselves why they lend it to him, because ordinary drivers have navigation in their cars and don’t borrow mobile phones."

       "Precision Poverty Alleviation" fraud involves more than 10 million yuan

       In this "Hurricane 2019" special action, the police in Guangzhou and Shaoguan also jointly detected a series of fraud cases involving the thawing of national assets, and arrested 90 suspects. By fabricating false projects such as "precision poverty alleviation", this gang claimed that it would get rich returns from the state by paying a certain amount of money, which led to a large number of people being deceived.

       At the beginning of this year, Guangdong police received a clue that a criminal gang, under the banner of the state and the central government, used WeChat, QQ and other platforms to form various social groups to develop offline, adopted non-contact means for publicity and promotion, and fabricated projects such as "precise poverty alleviation" for fraud. After receiving the clue, the police immediately launched an investigation.

       Chen Wenhao, a policeman of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Wujiang Branch of Shaoguan Municipal Public Security Bureau: "In Shaoguan area, Xie Mou, Zeng Mou, Li Mou and others (headed) have successively established hundreds of WeChat groups. Through continuous development, they go offline and then look for victims. Tell them that as long as you submit personal information, as long as you pay project fees and admission fees of several yuan, ten yuan and several hundred yuan, you can get hundreds of thousands after the national cause and national rejuvenation of our country are completed.


       At the same time, Guangzhou police also received clues about the gang. After investigation, the police found that fraudsters brainwashed the masses by pyramid schemes, convincing the victims that they can get huge returns at a certain time in the future by paying a small amount of money.

       Lin Xijiang, Interpol Brigade of Yuexiu Branch of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau: "Although the so-called membership fee and admission fee are not much for everyone, some are more than 10 yuan, tens of yuan and more than 100 yuan, their statement is like a pile of sand, dripping water wears away the stone, and he deceives these people by brainwashing pyramid schemes, causing many people to believe him with all their heart." The total amount involved in our entire case is close to 50 million to 60 million. "

       From February 27th to March 21st this year, under the unified command of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, the public security organs in Guangzhou and Shaoguan launched a network-closing operation, which destroyed two criminal gangs, arrested 90 criminal suspects and seized a number of crime tools such as mobile phones, computers, official seals, letters of appointment and certificates on the spot. At present, the case is still under further investigation.

       Chen Wenhao, a policeman from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Wujiang Branch of Shaoguan Public Security Bureau, said: "We found that most of these victims are middle-aged and elderly people. Remind them to be cautious when they are in contact with networks such as WeChat and Taobao. They should communicate with their children at home for these projects. If the public security organs take the initiative to find the victims, they also hope that the victims can cooperate with our work more. "

       Breaking the network gun trafficking case and seizing 54 guns.

       The case of manufacturing and selling guns is the key criminal case hit by the "Hurricane 2019" special action. Recently, the Guangzhou police destroyed a criminal gang that illegally manufactured guns and sold guns through the Internet, arrested 112 people involved and arrested 56 people. More than 50 guns of various types were seized.

       At the beginning of this year, Guangzhou police discovered a number of illegal gun trafficking dens in China through online inspections. After investigation, the police found that these suspects engaged in gun trafficking activities through social networks, involving more than 70 buyers.

       Zhou Jiandong, Interpol Brigade of Yuexiu Branch of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau: "There are buyers who buy it online and in some collection groups and QQ groups. Buyers are mainly young men, one is hobbies, collections, likes hunting, or some are engaged in illegal and criminal activities. "


       After careful investigation, the police grasped the basic situation of this criminal gang. On March 5, Guangzhou police launched a one-month network-closing operation. During the operation, 14 dens for manufacturing bullets were destroyed, 112 people were arrested, 56 people were detained, and a large number of guns, bullets, gunpowder and detonators were seized.

       Zhou Jiandong, Interpol Brigade of Yuexiu Branch of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, said: "Some [guns] are made or modified by themselves, and some are smuggled in. Trading by express mail, he took the whole gun apart and mailed it one by one. "

       Because the transactions of suspects are all conducted on the Internet and involve different provinces and cities in China, it is more difficult for the police to investigate and pursue.

       The police appealed to the general public to consciously resist illegal firearms, ammunition and explosives, and actively report illegal and criminal activities involving firearms, ammunition, explosives and simulation guns. For providing clues to the public security organs about illegal and criminal activities involving guns and explosions, the police will reward those who report meritorious deeds in accordance with relevant regulations. The police will investigate the legal responsibility for harboring and sheltering criminals involved in guns and explosions and helping criminals destroy or falsify evidence.

It took Sichuan Zigong father and son 50 days to climb over 12 mountains on foot in Tibet.

It took Sichuan Zigong and his son 50 days to climb over 12 mountains on foot in Tibet (Figure)

  Zigong, Sept. 11 (Liu Gang) "Every child can receive different education methods. I just want to experience the child’s will by hiking and accompany him to grow up healthily." In the past few days, the image of awei, a man from Zigong, Sichuan Province, who traveled with his son Xiaobao for 50 days and arrived in Lhasa, Tibet on foot along the 318 National Road has spread rapidly in the circle of WeChat friends.

  Awei, a 36-year-old native of Zigong, Sichuan, currently runs a cultural media company. He hoped that his son could cultivate a hard-working, brave and strong character from an early age, so he began to plan this hiking trip a year ago. Awei introduced that starting from Kangding and entering Tibet along National Highway 318, it is necessary to overcome many difficulties and climb over 12 high mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level to reach Lhasa. After nearly one year’s planning and one month’s preparatory work, this hike fully considered my son’s physical condition and personal wishes. In order to make this trip safe and feasible, one month before departure, he made a detailed daily plan with his son, including clothing, tools, medicines and equipment, what time to leave every day, how many trips, and where to stay. Awei said that before they set off, they drank anti-hyperreflexia drinks every day, and at the same time trained their sons through running to increase their vital capacity and build up their physique. In this way, he and his son have the courage to embark on this journey.

  "On the second day of hiking, we encountered setbacks." Awei introduced that on July 8, they arrived in Kangding by bus from Zigong, set off from Kangding bus station and started to walk along National Highway 318 to Lhasa. On that day, the itinerary was 37 kilometers over the mountainous area, with a large altitude difference and many bends. They chose to take the path in some sections, but because they were not familiar with the road conditions, they spent a lot of physical strength and wasted a lot of time.

  The reporter understands that shortly after awei and his son set off together with several hikers, both of them suffered from altitude sickness, but they were afraid to stay before dark, so they had to rely on anti-high-anti drugs for temporary maintenance. Finally, they arrived at Yakou at about 2 pm that day. At about 8 o’clock that night, he and his son successfully went down the mountain and arrived at the No.2 bridge camp at the foot of the mountain.

  "It’s so hard on the road. Do you blame Dad? Do you want to give up?" The experience of this day made Zhang Wei a little worried. He asked his son. The son replied that the road before giving up was for nothing, and he would not blame his father. This was voluntary. In an instant, the father and son wept bitterly.

  Awei introduced that the total length from Kangding to Lhasa is more than 1,700 kilometers, mainly by walking. He and his son have backpacks weighing several tens of kilograms, and they have to walk more than 30 kilometers every day. Although it is July and August, on National Highway 318, they can experience four seasons in one day, cool, hot, rainstorm and even hail … … In Yajiang, they teamed up with two other hikers. On August 8, the four of them arrived at the Brother Inn in Paizhen, which is also one of the assembly points for walking the Medog Line. Awei said that walking Medog is a very dangerous thing, and there was no plan to take this section. But my son didn’t want to be separated from his teammates, so he joined this journey.

  From Songlinkou to Medog Beibeng Township, the whole journey is 78 kilometers, and it is necessary to cross the Duoxiongla Pass at an altitude of more than 4,200 meters, pass through the virgin forest, pass through Tiger Mouth, Leech Ridge and dangerous landslide areas. On the morning of August 9, the truck sent them and their party to Songlinkou — — The starting point of the hiking Medog line. On August 12th, the fourth day of walking in Medog, the team started from Khan Mi in the morning and walked for 32km. At 6pm, they finally arrived at their destination, Beibeng Township. awei and his son successfully conquered the "Medog Line of Life and Death".

  "I finally completed my mission." On August 17th, awei and his son arrived in Lhasa, and 12-year-old Xiaobao said excitedly in front of the Potala Palace. According to reports, the father and son stayed in Lhasa for 10 days. In addition to visiting scenic spots such as Potala Palace, awei also made a special trip to experience Tibetan culture with his son. Together, they went to learn to make Tibetan incense and visit Thangka painting master … … The father and son also set up a four-day stall on the streets of Lhasa. On August 26th, the father and son flew back to Sichuan.

  "Walking into Tibet mainly wants to accompany my son to grow up, and it is also a child’s ‘ Summer homework ’ One. " Awei said that the long-distance trip with his son began in 2015, and every time he took the initiative to ask his son for advice, he was fully prepared before implementing it. From the beginning, I don’t understand, I don’t want to go, and I gradually like it. My son has also grown up and matured in a year of travel and tempering. Children’s good conduct, strong and brave personality and independent thinking are now more and more obvious.

  "The first time he set up a stall, he stood at a distance and dared not approach, let alone sell." Awei said that in recent years, their father and son have been hiking, climbing mountains, living in farmhouses, doing farm work, living in tents, setting up stalls, working and changing places, etc. I found that my son is growing up slowly, and his thinking and views are more mature than those of his peers, which is what I would like to see. Awei said that "hardship" education, such as hiking, varies from person to person and is not suitable for every child. It is not in favor of every parent to follow suit deliberately. It is most important to choose a suitable way to experience and accompany their children according to their own characteristics.

  "Many times I forget that you are only 12 years old. Only when you arrive at your destination, you are so happy that you forget the pain, I remember that you are still a child. Perhaps, you don’t understand the meaning of walking 318 and crossing this road now, but you will understand its beauty one day. " Awei recorded the feeling of this hike. (End)